Thursday, February 28, 2008

Soccer time!

Well, it has been several months since I have played a real, outdoor game. Last fall, I did not play co-ed and I only played women's (and I hardly made any of those games). It was a struggle for me to get to the games after a full day of school and marathon training, so something had to give. I missed playing co-ed with Dave, though. Soccer is one of the things that connects us.

So, last night I stepped back on the field with my co-ed team.
-Was I going to suck?
-Was I going to have fun?
-Was I going to have fun even if I sucked?
-Would I still have that fire?

You see, there is something different about me on the soccer field. It is a competitive fire that is really deep. I can't seem to bring it out in other sports the same way. I want to win. I hate messing up or losing the ball. I want to be the best girl out there, even if I am clearly not. I don't smile and wave for the camera. I push, foul, and talk back to other players. I feel joy and happiness on the field. I can also turn around and feel anger and frustration in the deepest level. And after every game I am ready to play the next one.

So, it was Nuggets (us) vs Outlaws (them). I played pretty well; which of course I had to have verified by Dave. It seems to make it real when someone else tells you that you had a good game. I missed a goal I should've scored. I gave the ball away a time or two that shouldn't have gotten away from me. But, I also had some good plays. I think Dave was surprised that I showed some confidence on the ball that he didn't expect.

But, we didn't win. We tied 1-1...thanks to Dave's goal. We could've won if I had score my goal. oh well. But, I am happy to say, the fire is still there. My left knee was bloody, my right knee was swollen, and I swear I broke my right thumb last night all in the name of playing hard. And, at the end of the game when I heard the other team say "we are happy with a tie," I responded "well I'm not. I play to win." Period. And I was hot, mad, and ready to play another 90 minutes for that win.

And, today I am reminded that I am not 20 anymore. My knees hurt and my thumb is purple. My butt is sore. But, I sure did have fun ;)

I am so happy to be playing soccer again. I have not felt happy about playing since my injury, so this very exciting for me. It has been 2 years since I have cared. Now, though, I am looking forward to my indoor game on Friday since it will give me some extra practice.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Just A Check In

Just thought I would post some eye candy for the girls. Can you tell I am lonely here without Dave? :)

It was another ho hum day in Corinth. I got in some swim yards in the morning and some running in the evening, but nothing to brag about. I just have to survive 2.5 more weeks of being out of my element.
How was track, Laura and Joy? Do you miss me? I miss you! Hopefully I can come in a week or so- and start in the very back! I don't think the track will be kind to me my first few visits!
Christy, I loved the pictures of your house. I hope you get everything worked out with the builder.
Love you all to you soon!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I showed up for my 20 mile run this morning only to find that Gina and I had the exact same outfits on!!! I mean, the exact same brand and color shirt plus black tights (Gina NEVER wears tights). Here we are post 20 miles-nice and tired. We did not match on purpose, I promise! We were wondering the whole run what people were thinking as they saw two girls dressed exactly alike running down the street. It kept us laughing.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Have You Ever Thrown Up In A Race?

Pictures of the closest I have ever come to puking during a race. This was the height of race sickness for me.
Picture 1: Circa Mile 22 of Chicago Marathon 2007. You are looking at the sickest I have ever been in a race. I came very close to throwing up but held off (notice that even in my moment of intense misery I am giving the international sign for love??? I must've been out of it).
Picture 2: Damie and Laura... post Chicago Marathon Meltdown. Notice the ice bags on our shoulders.

Barbara asked me today if I have ever thrown up in a race. I have not. I don't think I have ever come close. That is because I just slow the hell down. Yup, most athletes know that they can fight through the vomit and get that PR. Me, I just slow down. Slow and comfortable...that's me! Actually, I try to race within the pre-vomit zone. Someone once told me a good run pace is one where you run till you think you might puke, then slightly back off of that pace.

So, while everyone else is busting ass, just feel confident knowing that if it takes vomiting for me to catch you, you will probably not be caught!

OK...write in. Who has vomited????

I am going to feel very jealous if I am not part of the vomit club. (just as long as I am not initiated during at Florida!)

Happy Friday Again!

I am on a lunch break from my clinical. Things are going well here in Corinth. I still like the hospital and my co-workers, so that is a bonus! Tonight I am driving home to see Dave and the kids.

My workouts have been sucking, though. I may have to rethink some of my race plans. My workout time has been slashed in half, practically. I was able to get to the track twice this week but only got in a 4x800 track workout and a small tempo run of 2.75 miles before the gates closed and it got too dark. Aghhh!!!!!! I am trying not to get discouraged, but my mileage is so much lower than it normally is. I am cramming in so much on the weekend, which is not good too. I am barely getting over 30 miles a week and I am missing 1-2 swims and 1-2 bike rides a week too.

So, I guess I am not superwoman and I can't do everything (although I try).

I will be in Little Rock on Saturday. My uncle Dean died this week, so I will be at his funeral. There are also some things going on with my papa right now. I am not going to worry about it until I find out some more things, but he keep him in your prayers too. He told me not to worry yet:)

I'll catch back up with you guys this weekend! xxxooooo

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thoughts For The Week

"Happiness is not getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you've got."

"On failure: He observes that the only water that can sink a ship is water that gets inside of it and so he strives to keep all thoughts of failure out of his mind."

"Success is relative and individual and personal. It is your answer to the problem of making your minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years add up to a great life."

Hope everyone has a great week. I will try to check in with everyone later this week.
Love, Damie

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Background

The great thing about triathlons is that no one grew up doing triathlons. Some were swimmers, runners, soccer players, basketball players, A students, girl scouts.... Today I found out one of the girls I train with at times, Tiffany, played college basketball for Ole Miss and University of Memphis. Wow! I love to hear what brought people to triathlons.

Here is my story:
I grew up playing soccer...8 years old on? Something like that. I played club, high school, college, and post college. I ran track in high school, but I was never good at it. I didn't quite know how to push myself, but I seemed to have good endurance. So, I did well in workouts, but when it came time for race time I just didn't have the speed (or ability to push through the pain). I am faster now than I was in high school, which is funny to me! If you want to know my high school times, I would be happy to share them with you to give you a laugh! I have always enjoyed running, though.

In 2004, I made a semi-pro soccer team in Houston in the WPSL. This was my dream. I was completely heart broken when the team folded due to financial backing problems. Soon after, I got an email from a new semi-pro team in Orlando asking if I would come try out. Dave and I talked at length about it, but never came to a conclusion. In the next few weeks, I suffered the worst injury of my soccer career.

I don't know how it happened. One minute I was jogging on the field, and the next minute I couldn't walk. I mean, I couldn't walk. I stayed off of my leg until the next game that weekend, but I still could hardly walk, much less run. Dave made me promise not to play and left for his game (I just promised so he would leave. No way was I going to sit out!). I strapped a knee brace on and hobbled onto the field. After a while, my knee was swollen and huge. Dave was furious when he saw me limping later. I made a doctor's appointment immediately.

Diagnosis: OCD lat fem condyle and meniscus damage- they said it looked like I had fallen from a 12 foot ladder and landed on my knee. They did not believe me when I said I didn't know how the injury happened. Basically, my femur had no cartilage left and was practically sitting bone on bone. I had AVN which meant the bone and cartilage was dying due to poor blood supply. I was put on crutches for 3 months-non weight bearing. I opted out of surgery and was told I would never run or play soccer again.

1 year later...I still could not run. Well, I could run 1 mile at about a 12 minute pace. Every time I would try to play soccer I would feel frustrated and down. Just a year ago I was going to play I couldn't even make a single decent play. I was getting beat by players that I know should never beat me. It was demoralizing and I was constantly in pain.

Enter triathlons: I learned to swim. This really helped build up my strength and keep my exercise low impact. I would ride my bike and keep trying to run. I entered my first triathlon- Rebel Man. I was so excited just to finish. I didn't care how fast or slow. When I ran the whole 3 miles, I was so proud of myself. I still remember how hard it was to run 3 miles.

Now I am pain free. I still play one one or two adult soccer teams, but I keep it fun. I am a "has-been", but that is okay:) I love to surprise the youngsters when I do something great out there that they don't expect from an old lady. And, I still do triathlons. They have kept me injury free, healthy, competitive, and fit. Soccer was my past, but triathlons are my future. Dave always says that triathlons have saved me and given me a healthy future. When we were discussing our next move the other day, he said we had to move to a city where I could train. Now, that is support!

What is your background? I would love to hear from everyone!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Yeah! Back In Memphis

Back to my normal life...phew! I drove in after work today and met Joy for a run. We did 8 miles, and she convinced me to do a little fartlek"ing". So, I got a little speed work in, which I desperately need. We followed up the run with some plyometric jumping, and I figured out I can't jump anymore! Use or or lose it! That is the truth!

I drove to my soccer game and played with Dave. We won and I scored a goal (my first in a while, so that felt good).

Now I am on my couch, watching Footloose with Dave, and snuggling the Rooster. Life couldn't be better.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy V Day to all of my friends. :) I am surviving Corinth. Today I almost enjoyed my swim in the 86 degree pool with hot water coming out of the sides. The water was actually clear today so I could see the walls (even though they were least I could see them). There was also one other guy in the pool...a very good swimmer too. He gave me some ideas for running.

Last night Dave and I met in Collierville for dinner. He wrote me a poem for V-day, which I am not allowed to share on my blog. But, it was really sweet and made my day.

Week one is almost down. I can't wait to kiss Rooney and snuggle Presley.
Happy Love Day to Everyone!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hello From Corinth

My new ID picture

Well, I made it! I have a lot to talk about, and I don't really know where to start. Well, I will start with the simple, surface things here.

1. It is costing me $40 to work out at the gym here. Never mind that normal rates are $20 a month. They charge me more for being a 5 week student slave.

2. The pool stays at 87 degrees. No, not 77, 87 degrees. Yes. I had a talk with the aquatics director this morning about it. Along with the 87 degree temp, the water is so murky you can't see the walls or bottom. So, I missed several flip turns. Oh, and no master's swim. Anywhere. I felt so depressed swimming by myself in the 87 degree brown water. I only got in 2000 meters. It was all I could stand. And in my head I kept singing the Foo Fighters "Long Road to Ruin". Well, let me tell you, it is a short road. I need to get them to tweak the lyrics.
- Happy side note: the director told me I have a great stroke and I shouldn't change it. He said he would swim with me some mornings to help break up my boredom. He would also turn on the fans for me to "cool it down some."

3. I am getting a lot of sleep because I have nothing else to do at night. I feel really uncomfortable being in someone else's home, so I just got upstairs to my dungeon.

4. I don't know where to run or ride, and nor does anyone else. So, here it is 5:00 on Tues. Normally I would be heading to track. Instead, I guess I will head to a treadmill.

5. BUT, I do like my clinical a lot. My instructors are genuinely nice and I am really liking the hospital.

6. But, basically I miss my family and life in Memphis. And, I just have to face up to the fact that I may lose some fitness over the next five weeks. So goes life.

Okay, deeper issues:
On the first day, I went to have my ID picture taken. When I saw the girl/old lady looking back at me, I didn't even recognize her. I look old...not so pretty...bad hair...big nose...wrinkly eyes. I was wondering, where is that girl that used to be tan, cute, young, took great ID pics? She has been replaced by her evil, older, not so good looking twin.

When I look at that ID picture, though, I think...that is not me. It really isn't. The Damie I know from pictures these days is the Damie in race pictures. My hair is in a pony tail, but I think it looks good. It just seems to fit me. My face looks younger because I am happy when I am racing. I don't notice the wrinkles at all (maybe because the sunglasses cover them up, but that too looks very athletic!). I am running around in a bathing suit with no embarrassment, and I even see some muscles in some pictures if the angle is just right!

I think sports really bring out the best in us. I don't feel so old or ugly when I am in a game or at a race. I am not judged on how cute I am out there, I am rewarded for hard work and a positive attitude. I wish I could put a race picture on my ID to show everyone the real me. :)

I am sorry I can't keep in better touch. The internet is in the family's bedroom, so I can't really use it easily. I love you all and will try to keep dropping some lines here and there.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Valentine's Day 10k

Race report:)

Today was the V-day 10k. It was absolutely gorgeous! I couldn't have asked for a prettier day to run, and it reminded me why I have always chosen to play outdoor sports. First, I saw Samantha Mazer, a fantastic runner and triathlete. We got to catch up on her year. She is going to triathlon Worlds for the 3rd time this summer, and I think that is amazing. She is a top runner at Ole Miss, too, so I was excited to see her run today (she ended up winning the race:)

So, then it was time to line up! Gina had her headphones on, Leslie Brahm had a heart on the back of her leg with (LB and is the Valentine's day race afterall!), Lisa F. was going to try to break 1 hour, and Barbara had her pacer (Scott) and was ready to break 45. I was ready to run around 7:05 pace...and off we went.

Mile one...right on track. 7:02. Right where I wanted to be. Oh...huge hill...okay, got over that one. One very strong girl passes me. Probably in my age group. Oh well...she looks great! Very strong! Mile 2 good...keep it up. Mile 3 hmmmm, I am off pace..big time. What gives? I am normally much faster at this mile. Okay, now I am feeling my bike ride with Joy yesterday. Heavy quads! Leg turn over was a little slow and we were running into a head wind at this point (but, I knew the winds were blowing W/SW so I knew what to expect). I tucked in behind a teenage boy, and we took turns taking the lead from each other. Mile 4 I saw Leslie Brahm. She has been getting over the flu and I could tell she was not feeling her best. I passed her and encouraged her to keep it up and try to have fun (although it is not fun when you feel bad in a 10k). Now we are in a very hilly neighborhood plus we still have the wind which lasts the whole rest of the race. Okay, hills are my friends. Keep it up. Think about Jan Johnson...feet, knees, hands. Milk the cow. Mile 5 okay so I am way off pace. At least the day is so beautiful and this is just money in the bank for future races. I finally noticed how poor my running form had gotten, especially at the hips. I paid more attention to my stride and picked up the pace which felt easier. (Yes, form matters!). I get passed by about 3 guys and that sucked. Normally I don't get passed this late in the race, I do the passing! Oh well. Up that big over pass again. Smile for the camera. Mile 6 is a 6:42? Wait...mile markers must've been off somewhere (which I suspected around mile 4-5). Okay, end of race. Everyone is encouraging me to catch the guys in front of me, but, my legs are happy at their current pace. I made myself run THROUGH the line without looking at my watch (a bad habit). Then I got a nice! Time, 45:15 (unofficial). Okay, so...I was expecting a 44-44:20. At least my prediction was not as bad as Joy's...she predicted a 43:18 for me! Hope there was no money on that one!

So, about 7:16-17 per mile. I was about 10 seconds per mile off, but that's okay because I am now 10k faster for getting out there and running hard. Scott and I finished up with an extra 4 miles (we are always trying to tack on mileage since we are out there anyways). So, I got 2nd in my age group (yes, that girl that passed after mile 1 was in my age group:), Gina got 2nd in her age group, Leslie finished strong and actually had a good clock time despite her being sick, Lisa F did not reach her time goal but felt strong, and Barbara won master's and definately achieved her goal and more! Leslie and Chuk won their age group in the couples division. Maybe next year Ben Shaw will ask me to be his sweetheart so we can try to win something too!

Okay, by the next 10k I will back in the 44s (and it better be low 44s:) and it is time for me to work on getting in the 43s. My assessment of today: good endurance, lots of fun, good on the hills. To work on: must get back to track. Leg turn over was slow and holding my pace was hard- I think this is all due to not being on the track which really helps with muscle memory and pace. Okay, well we all know I am going to Corinth for 5 weeks, so see you at Tues track in 5 weeks! Ha ha :)

I am sitting here with wind burn on my face, watching soccer, and getting ready to eat dinner. I'll post a pic or two when they come out, and I will try to keep in touch while I am in Corinth.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Boo to Corinth!

Okay, I edited this post. The first one was a lot of whine. I am disappointed to be leaving Dave, my pets, and my daily life here, but everything will be okay.

Of course I am editing this post while the endorphins are still kicking...I just ran 11 miles. It is hard to be in a bad mood after a long just don't have the energy!

I was thinking on my run (the best time to think great thoughts) and I said to myself..if you are what you think, you better go change that post!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The 5 That Lead Me to Florida

Here are the 5 that inspired or conspired to get me to sign up.

Patience Cogar and Klint Beckendorf:
My first experience with any sort of triathlon started in New Orleans when I signed up for my first marathon with Team in Training. I liked to run at the time, and that meant on the soccer field or 3 miles. So, when I tell you that deciding to run a marathon was a big leap, it really was. I hadn't even entered a 5k! Patience and Klint were my mentors, and both had done an ironman. I was so amazed by them. They were incredible athletes, and I was a dweebie. I wanted to be just like them, but I never thought it would ever be possible.

Cindy Perret
Cindy and I played soccer together on Calypso-the best team in New Orleans hands down:) We were both very serious about our soccer team. Neither of us ever missed practice or games. Cindy also is also a super fast runner. I won't give her age out here because she would kill me, but she put my young butt to shame. I always admired how she was a top 500 finisher at the Crescent City Classic, and I probably couldn't even break an 8 min mile then.
Cindy started doing triathlons about 5 years ago. She seemed to have so much fun. I remember asking her about her swimming (as I couldn't swim), and she would swim 1 mile a couple of times a week. I remember thinking "oh my gosh...1 mile without stopping? WOW!" She said triathlons were so much fun, so I started considering them as an addition to my full plate of soccer.

Christy Bohannon
Next, I met a girl named Christy that came to be one of my best friends. Christy was on a local triathlon team in New Orleans, and she seemed to love it. She was also very good and rapidly improving, so I really looked up to her. She encouraged me to get a bike, and of course I copied her every move exactly. She got a road bike, I got a road bike. She wore Desoto tri shorts, I bought Desoto tri shorts. It is still this way. I am always asking her advice and copying her. :)
Christy is now an amazing triathlete. She just competed in Kona this past year, and I have no doubt she is going to blow it away in 2008. She gives me hope that I can start off as a little newbie and finish an IM too. She also just has so much fun when she races! She really keeps it light and fun which is inspiring.

Joy Johnson
Joy is the final step in me signing up for Florida. She is an 3 time Hawaii finisher and is amazingly fast. She is also my pal. She puts up with my slower paced running and cycling and always maintains belief in me that I can do well. I can compete with her for the first 2 events of most triathlons...the swim and T1 (although Joy is a way faster swimmer, I think she just daydreams in races). She promised if I did Florida, she would do it too...again. And, she is good to her word!

So, those are the people that have gotten me to 2008 as a wanna be IM triathlete!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Dookie and Bookie

Bekah and Damie 3-11-05 Rehearsal Dinner

My sister is feeling a little left out since she has not been featured on the blog. So, okay, here is an introduction to my smelly, younger sister Rebekah (aka: Bekah, Bookie, Bookie-roo, Butt-munch...).

Bekah is 26-almost 27 years old. She was always the pretty, athletic sister (naturally, that is). I always had to work at the athletic thing since I was born without a single muscle. But, at least I won the dorky competition between the two of us. I did my homework, she didn't. I gave my stick figures 10 fingers, she gave them 13. I was a huge brown noser in school, she was a social butterfly. She never read a single book in school, I read 5 a week. Now, though, she is even catching up to me on the dorky-meter...she is starting to out-read me!

Okay, so now she has better hair, a better job, better make-up, and a better car than I do. BUT, I have the better dog (Rooney can sit on command unlike Zinny...ha ha!). I am not sure who has the better man...what a toss up. :)

Bekah and I are the best of friends. We love each other probably more than we love anyone else in the world. That means we also share the deepest of all other feelings with each other (such as getting mad and getting in sister-fights). We are polar-opposites in a lot of ways (she is a snob, I am cool), but we are also very similar (we can both recite every word to Real Genius).

You are now formally introduced to Bookah. I am sure she will appear again as the year goes on.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Mental Training

Mental training has been the topic of conversation lately. I had a great year of racing in 2007 with many PRs. But, I finished the season on a downward slope culminating with an unsuccessful marathon. Okay, I bombed it. So, I scoured every training log I had trying to find the answer. Out of shape? Bad nutrition? Burned out? Too many marathons this year?

Several friends have said to me it was my mind...the mental aspect of my racing. I was indeed in very good shape and ready to run well. I did run well, too, until I (wince) quit the race. Well, I didn't quit literally, but I quit racing. I lost focus. I "checked out" of the race. Was I burned out from racing, hungry, cramping, and miserable? Yes, indeed. There were quite a few things that seemed to go wrong for me that day. But, if I toe up to the line, I better be able to battle through it from start to finish. Sometimes I stop caring in a race...I just want to finish and don't care if I am running well or giving everything I can.

Well, I have to care about this because I am doing IMF this year. I can't check out, or lose focus, or give up, or gulp...quit mentally. So, there is swim, bike, run, nutrition, and mental. Don't neglect the mental.

Yesterday I went on a solo bike ride for 33 miles. This is something I don't enjoy, mainly because I hate Memphis traffic. But, I did it...and reminded myself that mental training is also about doing the work when you don't want to.

So, 2008 is going to be a time to put positive training and thoughts into our bodies and minds.

Here are some quotes for the day:
- "Winning is coming in fourth, exhausted and encouraged-because last time you came in fifth."
- "Winning is habit forming. (So is losing.)"
- "The fact that we, literally, become what we think about most of the time."

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Our First Hash

Dave and I went to our first Memphis Hash Harriers run today. I am sure most of you know, but it is a "Drinking Club With a Running Problem". It was beyond fun. It is great when Dave and I find something we can enjoy together. Now I am in bed, wondering if I am going to have a beer headache in the morning. Probably. :)

I will write more tomorrow on the weekend.

Friday, February 1, 2008

February Is Here!

My quilt: a work in progress of my soccer life. I haven't started sewing yet, but this is a picture of the pieces cut out and backed with fusable interface.

-This is an official reminder for Johnson to set up her blog. Do it!

Happy Friday to everyone! The sun has come out, although it is still too cold for me. The day is going to be pretty low key for me. Work at Breakaway, quilting in the afternoon (yes, dorkish!), and then an indoor soccer game this evening. I guess no beers for me tonight since Gina and I are running 17 at 7:00am (yuck!). I swear, even if our bodies are never in the shape we want to achieve, our minds will be strong just from being dedicated. I will write more this weekend. (I should probably be working right now, not writing my blog! My manager is probably staring me down as I play on the computer.)