Friday, February 22, 2008

Have You Ever Thrown Up In A Race?

Pictures of the closest I have ever come to puking during a race. This was the height of race sickness for me.
Picture 1: Circa Mile 22 of Chicago Marathon 2007. You are looking at the sickest I have ever been in a race. I came very close to throwing up but held off (notice that even in my moment of intense misery I am giving the international sign for love??? I must've been out of it).
Picture 2: Damie and Laura... post Chicago Marathon Meltdown. Notice the ice bags on our shoulders.

Barbara asked me today if I have ever thrown up in a race. I have not. I don't think I have ever come close. That is because I just slow the hell down. Yup, most athletes know that they can fight through the vomit and get that PR. Me, I just slow down. Slow and comfortable...that's me! Actually, I try to race within the pre-vomit zone. Someone once told me a good run pace is one where you run till you think you might puke, then slightly back off of that pace.

So, while everyone else is busting ass, just feel confident knowing that if it takes vomiting for me to catch you, you will probably not be caught!

OK...write in. Who has vomited????

I am going to feel very jealous if I am not part of the vomit club. (just as long as I am not initiated during at Florida!)


Joy said...

I am not in the vomit club either, Damie. I just can't quite push it that hard. Wait, I used to dry heave after track races in college though, does that count? I did once spit out a partially-masticated banana at about mile 18 of IMFL. It was NOT going to make it down. Ok, enough info about my digestive system! :)

Laura said...

I don't have a vomit club ID either! I've *almost* passed out in a sporting event before but that's about as close to the body rejecting what I'm doing that I've gotten. This was at an erg race in Pittsburgh - my version of hell is a never ending erg (rowing machine) race. When I finished I physically couldn't stand up or walk by myself and had to have my coach drag-carry me to the locker room. Fun stuff! ;)

Unknown said...

No vomiting here, at running. I did puke after a swim race though...not in the water, I actually made it to the bathroom. It's the sprinting that gets ya!

Anonymous said...

Damie, I have not vomited either, I also do not push myself that hard. If I even feel close, I'm backing off.
