Sunday, April 25, 2010

Iron Mountain Triathlon

I will try not to be too dramatic with the race report- after all, it was a very short sprint with a very small field. I entered this race as just a chance to race and keep working on getting fit. I think sprint triathlons are a great way to work on the process of racing and figure out how to survive all of the detractors or problems that can be thrown you way.  And I had my fair share yesterday as the most non-perfect race to date.  

So, my rear wheel- with the brand new tubular- wasn't holding air. I spent a good portion of the weekend and race morning trying to figure it out, before I just decided to race on it and hopefully it would hold enough to get me through the ride. I looked at it as a blessing to figure out it was not holding air now, as opposed to finding that out the morning of MIM.

Everything was coming along fine for the morning. Then (turn away boys) I started my period unexpectedly 30 minutes before the race. The lovely cramps followed immediately. I took some Aleve and moved on as best as I could.

I was moving though each issue pretty smoothly- fixing what I could fix and just rolling with the rest.

The SWIM- or the event that has drained my love for all triathlon
The water was in the high 60s, I believe, so I wore my wetsuit. There was a little chop in the water, so I got a good warm up in. I felt nauseous during and after warming up...a sign of things to come although I did not know it at the time. The swim, while not my strongest leg, has been a good event for me as I have learned to really get in there and fight for a good clock time.  I have been learning to really race the swim.  Just not this weekend.  

The mass start swim went off- within 50 meters I was doing a back/breaststroke combination in a full out panic. I mean full out. I never recovered. I could not start swimming again. I pulled my goggles off x 2 in a panic just to see what was around me. I couldn't even freestyle to shore- the last 50 yards were still a breaststroke. And I was MISERABLE. I quit triathlon 100x during the swim. I have never, ever had a swim like that- even as a beginner. I just could not put my face in the water and start swimming again. It was embarrassing to look around and see everyone else swimming- and me treading water. I tried every trick in the book to get back in my groove- but it just was not my day out there. I just cannot put into words how miserable my swim experience was. This is an event I enjoy, and I normally look forward to the swim challenge.

I knew my race was gone- and all I could do was complete the next 2 events to the best of my ability. The problem was, I wasn't having fun anymore after the hugely disappointing swim. In T1, I couldn't get my helmet on- just another challenge.

On the bike, we went uphill (up Iron Mtn) for the first half of the race into the wind. My computer decided to stop working- another challenge. The bike was uneventful for me. I was still very nauseous and did not take in any fluid for a long time. I didn't really even notice the wind because I was still sick. I never could get into a groove, but I just kept pushing forward. I told myself that maybe, just maybe, other women felt as bad as I did or had bad swims as well (although I didn't see how anyone could have swam as poorly as I).

The run was more of the same- up the mountain on the way out. The nausea persisted and the knee swelled. The volunteers put the turn around cone in the wrong place, so we ran more than the planned distance. I remember thinking as I was at about mile 2 of the run that I felt better at mile 24 of my Ironman than I did at this sprint.

What kept me moving forward? 1. just deciding to do it 2. thinking that other people may be struggling too 3. trying to encourage others when I was feeling poorly 4. remembering that every race in an opportunity to practice, not to be perfect.

I left the race with 1st OA woman out of a very small field.  I did not enjoy most of the day- not because I had a bad race, but because the swim really scared me.  It really upset me to have such little control over myself during that event.  It wasn't about having a "bad" swim, it was about not being able to mentally battle my panic.  But, I survived and persisted.  I met a few new friends, including David in the picture from Memphis who won his age group (and had a fantastic swim :)  

Today they had a duathlon as part of a stage race weekend.  While I was invited to compete to win OA female for the weekend, I said "no thanks" and what I meant was "hell no!" because I was still really nauseous and miserable from the morning.  David (in picture) lives on a lake and has invited me to come practice open water swimming with him.  I will take him up on it- just certainly not today since I am still a little shaken up.  And the next race I do in open water, I may just have to get off to the side, in clear water, and start slowly.  

On the bright side- everyone should try a race or two in Arkansas- it is a beautiful state with lots of gorgeous, small mountains and nice lakes.  I drool when I think about the rides that I could be doing if I lived in that state.  

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I am going to share with you my pre-race routine when I race in Arkansas. Yes, the routine varies by state.

First, I had a girl's night with Aunt Kathy and Anna (cousin). I watched House Bunny with the girls, and liked it. I also made sure to eat a fudge round for dessert. Fudge rounds are my favorite BTW-as Gina and Joy know since I make them stop for one after every single race I do.
During the movie, I had Anna paint my toes orange and blue to match my new Splish Los Locos bathing suit that I will wear for the race. Hot!
Before bed, I had Anna recommend a book for me. I am now reading the Night World series. It is the only way this 32-year-old can keep up with what is going on with her 12-year-old cousin. I think I fell asleep around midnight...good job grandma Damie!

My family actually let me sleep in late- 10:30am to be exact, which is a dream around here. It has taken many years, but Uncle Joe has learned to just let me sleep and I will eventually get up and come hang out.

And boy was I glad that I woke up this morning. I got to watch 6 episodes of Glee. Seriously. But that is the price I pay to hang out with my cousin, and it was honestly kind of funny.

Time to go race- the sky is a beautiful blue. There are huge gusts of wind from the passing storms, so the day is going to be hard- but fun!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Why Rrrracccceee???

A couple of weeks ago, someone asked me if I am nervous before races. 90% of the time, the answer is no. For one, I have done all of the training I need to do or could do for that moment. I either will or will not race well, and pretty soon it will be all over and determined anyways, so I just don't think too much about it. I think it may be because I have played so many soccer games- so many. I know how to lose as well as win- it all passes when you leave it on the field. And, chances are, there is another game or race right around the corner! So, generally- little stress and lots of fun.

I said 90%, and of course there is the 10% like an Ironman or a race that I have really planned to be a big time race for my season. In that case, I don't get very nervous, but I do treat the race as a special event and treat the race more seriously.

This weekend is a 90%er. I love these weekends and races! I look forward to them so much! I am heading to Arkansas (my home away from home) to spend time with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. I try to do a few races like this every year- low key, cool venues, and laidddddd back. I get to chilllll with my family, eat all of the candy I want (candy bowls all over the house), and go out to eat (japanese hibachi tonight!). Or, my aunt or uncle do some country cooking- out of this world!
My aunt and uncle's back yard...from the back of property. You an see their house beyond the lake. There is a fishing pier (with fish in the lake), a swimming pool, a huge trampoline, a batting cage, a garden, four wheelers, and 2 great dogs. There is no way you can be bored here.

My uncle Joe's garage toyshop, I mean workshop.

My cousin Nick used his fishing scale to weigh two different wheels for me- we decided to go with the front wheel that was a little heavier (2 ounces), yet more aero. it makes a difference in a 10 mile sprint. ha ha~! we had fun playing around with this.

I never noticed before that my uncle Joe and cousin Nick had an ENTIRE wall of fishing tackle and bait. I asked if they bought out a store going out of business??? The scary thing is, the answer is no.

Here is another wall. I mean, this stuff is all unopened...with multiple of the same thing. Some of the little fake fish lure thingys were $30 a pop!

Nick tried to explain to me WHY the fake fish/bait thingy costs $30. I do get it, though. It is kind of the same logic I use when I dream about those Zipp 808s I want.

Time to hit the candy bowl, go out to eat, and stay up all night with my cousin Anna watching some weird movie, I am sure. Race time tomorrow- sprint triathlon in Degray- time to just race as hard as I can and ENJOY!!!!!
Happy weekend
Oh, did I tell you I am doing a swim meet on Sunday? Scary, I know. Let's save that for another post. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Catching Up...

Every day it feels like I am catching up. Do you ever catch up?

I did shift my work hours on Tuesday in order to run before work, and I think that I may do that now 1-2x per week. It has been so hard to run after work on dead legs, so this may be my new solution to attacking the run. The only problem I had was to eat before a morning run? Any solutions that do not involve waking up 2 hours early?

I am still doing well with waking up early. Dave has only had to get on to me once or twice in the past few months. I am going to go to the Peddler ride tomorrow to have some social activity outside of work. I asked Dave if I even liked the Peddler ride when I used to do it last year, and he said "yes, you just didn't like to get up for it." Figures. Kert has started doing the ride this week, so I am going to join him so I will have some company. Do I really need company as I die?

And I will be trying out a new wheel and riding my tri bike to try out my gear for an upcoming race. Sorry if that is uncool. Apparently, there are some cyclists in this city...ahem...that hate triathletes and say mean things regarding their skill or ability. (even though they have been stomped by some triathletes in races, but I guess they have drowned out that memory). Since a 5-year-old can ride a bike, I don't think the activity should be exclusive to certain riders that think they are better than everyone else. I think the sport should be for everyone, regardless of goals, passions, or level. I really don't like the terms Fred, or whatever else people say, although you can use them if you want and I won't be the PC police. I just don't understand who makes the judgment call on the "cool" and "uncool" people.

sorry, off on a tangent.

catching up. yes.

Laura and I had a good conversation about swimming as we are in different master's programs. I have some opinions on the subject, but since I am a sucky swimmer, I won't express them with full authority. I have improved, though, so I do think some things have been going right for me. I will send you over to this post, though, from Chuckie V. Good reading.

Enjoy the rest of the week. A happy weekend is almost here!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Weekend Awaits!

Rehearsal Dinner
I remember where I met my husband. I remember the exact moment in time and the specific place. I remember exactly what I was doing at that time, and what I thought when he walked up to me back in 1996.

I remember the point in time when I meet some friends, as well. I remember meeting Joy.

Boscos- random weekday night with the girls. I was not going to go because I needed to study. I was talked into showing up (someone must have literally twisted my arm). I walked into the bar/restaurant with my study notes (as if I was going to study over wine at girl's night...good idea). I met Joy (sitting to my left) and instantly liked her.

Some people are just meant to be friends. They meet together on earth to share friendship and support each other. It is not coincidence. Or maybe it is a perfect coincidence.

What makes a good girlfriend? The ability to talk for 2 hours straight, often, as if you are telling each other the most important things in the whole world.
Because we definitely need another picture of the 3 of us. I will try to grab another tomorrow at the wedding.
The big day is tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tonight I had one of my first enjoyable runs of the year. Yes, I know it is April- a little late to cash in on the first happy run of 2010, but for the most part, even my easy runs have been hard for me.

I have not been able to swim/bike/run since last Thursday, and despite the fact that I still have yellow/green, thick, mucousy snot coming out of the wazoo, I no longer have a fever and I was able to return to work today. Instead of fretting about the multiple missed training sessions, I regarded the past week as an unexpected rest week. I was able to sleep 10 hours at night- combined with one to two 4 hours naps during the day.

Tonight I was given the greenlight to run an easssyyyyyyy 45 minutes. Here is why this is so great.

1. It has taken me 4 months to see easy and 45 minutes together on my schedule.
2. I went to East High School to run around the park, and there were about 100 people at the park playing soccer, practicing football, running track, and playing on the playground. I was only 1 person out of 4 "white" people in the park, and it was so fun to be surrounded by so many other colors and cultures. I love to see so many different types of people playing, exercising, and enjoying the sunshine.
3. I got to pass a soccer ball back into a Latino soccer game as a I ran by. I loveeee doing that because they never expect a female to be able to do anything with a soccer ball, much less while she is running by nonchalantly. Then the goof I passed it too shanked the ball which gave me a good laugh. I swear I could take them all on.
4. I didn't have to stop and stretch a million times. And while I am still looking at my watch a little too frequently, it is getting better.
5. I didn't get annoyed when I passed a guy running very slowly and he sped up to keep up with me. I actually smiled and felt glad for him.
6. Again, it is nice to be able to run 45 minutes. My highest mileage since surgery has been 19 miles/week. And that was just one week- most weeks I am around 12 miles. I am so grateful to run- so grateful to enjoy running- so grateful that I realized at an early age that running is special in and of itself.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I have been the ecstatic recipient of my first of probably several sinus infections of the year.  For some people, these things pass quickly with some discomfort.  For me, sinus infections get ugly and take forever to heal.  Has anyone read The Art of Racing in the Rain?  That is Rooney- he has been sniffing my nose and sinuses for the past two days in a very concerned manner-then he looks at me very seriously and licks them gently.  

I have spent most of my weekend in bed- well, as much as I can.  One thing I have learned is that the world does not stop revolving just because I am sick.  I still have things to do!  (mainly weddings this time of year, and this weekend was no exception with 2!)  

Training was kicked to the curb.  I was so disappointed to miss 3 good days on my schedule- it was so beautiful this weekend!  I know that this is the right thing to do, but I have major missed workout guilt when I get sick.  I had to consult Joy, Laura, and Dave about 6 times before it sunk in that there was no reason to attempt a 57 mile group ride while sick on Saturday.  And that three hour ride I was going to try today, Jarred convinced me that not to push through when I have a fever.    

So, I did my best to rest as much as possible over the weekend and then share what good energy I had with my newlywed pals.  

I attended a beautiful reception at the Memphis Zoo with Mrs. Ashley Nations Bradford!

And celebrated at the Pink Palace with Mrs. Kathy Llewellyn Lohman!

By the end of the night, I was begging Dave to take me home.  I was feverish, clammy, and tired.  My poor body just gave out on me, but I did the best I could to be cheerful and enjoy the special nights with my friends.  

Sunday morning rolled around, and I can't say I had any energy left for the Los Locos Duathlon.  I will probably be voted either worst volunteer OR I will get major brownie points for showing up sick.  I had no energy to help or cheer.  I shivered with fever all morning long and really felt awful by the time I got home.  I crawled into bed and Dave piled covers on top of me and brought me a movie, ibuprofen, and water- then went to the store to get me the meds I should have started 3 days ago.  Presley, the evil kitty, was even kind enough to snuggle me as I was sick.  

Time to get well because I have the Johnson- Harwood wedding coming up this weekend.  I am going to go back to bed right this minute- no worries or guilt, just rest!  

Friday, April 9, 2010

Duathlon This Weekend!

Sunday, April 11, 2009
8:00 am
2 mile run-15 mile bike-2 mile run

The weather in Memphis is perfect!  Memphis in May is right around the corner, and it is time to get some race speed back into those winter legs.  Come and race the Los Locos Duathlon this weekend!  

Click here to register.  

Thursday, April 8, 2010

So my blog has started censoring me.  I wrote a longish post on a frustrating track experience, only to have the post magically removed the next day by my computer.  You are all fortunately spared from a nice rant.  Well, kind of.    

But- and I quote Jack Daniels:  
Remember to have a purpose for every training session.  Ask yourself, " What system do I hope to improve by doing this workout?" and "what am I really trying to accomplish."  

I feel frustrated when this cannot be answered for me at track workouts.  Running all out, every Tuesday, with no rhyme or reason to pace or rest intervals makes absolutely no sense to me- or Jack Daniels, either.    

And, I don't think your "performance" at a track workout should have any correlation to your character...or your "guts".  I don't have less "guts" because I don't choose to go as hard as I possibly can at every single track workout.  I go to track to work on specific pieces of my running and fitness, and my goal does not always match the goal of the person next to me, and nor should my pace.  

"Guts" is in quotes because I was told that if I had guts I would run my hardest at track regardless of current fitness, rest intervals, upcoming race goals, knee rehab, etc.  

So, whatever.  

Those sort of character challenges never really motivate me.  I already know exactly what I am made of, and it doesn't get proven to others in one-shot practice.  

If nothing else, it infuriated me enough to re-read all of my books and research and remind me to stay the course.  The thing is, for the most part, I know what I should be doing out there.  It is just that 80% of the other runners out there are not doing it.  They are positive splitting the workouts, running way beyond their race day capabilities week after week, and having no earthly idea if they are improving VO2 max, speed, or lactate threshold.   

And hey, if it works for them and they improve- great!  It just doesn't work for me.  

Problem solved.  Running is fun, running is good.  The race is only against yourself.  

I am happily entering my newest sinus infection.  Just 1 more day of work, 2 weddings, 1 Los Locos Duathlon (working, not participating), and 3 workouts to go for the week.  I hope I make it!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ride Into Spring

The early morning thunderstorms led to beautiful skies for the Ride Into Spring.  

And just like last week, I almost missed the big event when my alarm did not go off in the morning.  I knew I was in big trouble when I saw sunlight coming through the curtains.  I sprang out of bed with a big "S#!t!"  It was 7:20- the ride started at 8:00- I live nowhere near the ride- and I was not registered.  

I would like to take this moment to interject Dave- husband extraordinaire.  I often have teammates and friends ask if Dave rides/runs/etc.  It may  come across that he is not athletic or does not care about my athletic pursuits, as few people in the triathlon world have met or know Dave.  In truth, he is extremely athletic- and an amazing athlete.  He just chooses to continue to play soccer while he is still good.  (And I taunt him and tell him he will become a runner/triathlete when he gets too old to be good on the soccer pitch).  He is also supportive of my "hobby"- as evidence by his assistance this morning in getting my bike/bag in the car while I tried to hurry and get dressed and make the ride.  He could have stayed asleep, but he said he knew I would be disappointed if I missed the ride so he got up to pack my bike.  What a sweetheart.  

Anyhoo- made the ride.  I opted to do the 75 mile ride- why?  I have only ridden outside 5 times or so this year, and no more than 35 miles.  I was smart enough to NOT try to get out with the fast guys or follow my teammates towards a sure death.  I rode with Barbara and looked for a group that was riding at a consistently steady pace.  I found one and had a GREAT ride.  

Just a couple of weeks ago, I made the comment to Laura that I wanted to have more opportunities to do long rides at a steady, aerobic pace.  It seems that anytime I get with a group for a long ride, there is always that person pushing the pace in the first 5 miles unnecessarily,  another person that refuses to ride steady, another person that races the ride at the same pace as their last sprint tri, etc.....By the time I am halfway through a long ride, I am tired and grumpy from expending so much energy keeping up with the craziness.  

Today I was determined to get in a long, aerobic ride.  It was tough at times simply because I have not ridden that long, and I did have to work hard at times.  I had to pick and choose when I needed to stay with certain riders, and when it wasn't worth it.  But, I noticed that I enjoyed the day more than I have on so many other rides.  It was gorgeous outside!  I felt good the whole time.  I got to ride with Barbara and catch up on some chatting with her.  I still finished with a respectable mph avg for 77 miles- and have the rest of my day to enjoy!

Spring is underway!