Saturday, April 24, 2010


I am going to share with you my pre-race routine when I race in Arkansas. Yes, the routine varies by state.

First, I had a girl's night with Aunt Kathy and Anna (cousin). I watched House Bunny with the girls, and liked it. I also made sure to eat a fudge round for dessert. Fudge rounds are my favorite BTW-as Gina and Joy know since I make them stop for one after every single race I do.
During the movie, I had Anna paint my toes orange and blue to match my new Splish Los Locos bathing suit that I will wear for the race. Hot!
Before bed, I had Anna recommend a book for me. I am now reading the Night World series. It is the only way this 32-year-old can keep up with what is going on with her 12-year-old cousin. I think I fell asleep around midnight...good job grandma Damie!

My family actually let me sleep in late- 10:30am to be exact, which is a dream around here. It has taken many years, but Uncle Joe has learned to just let me sleep and I will eventually get up and come hang out.

And boy was I glad that I woke up this morning. I got to watch 6 episodes of Glee. Seriously. But that is the price I pay to hang out with my cousin, and it was honestly kind of funny.

Time to go race- the sky is a beautiful blue. There are huge gusts of wind from the passing storms, so the day is going to be hard- but fun!


Anonymous said...

where's the carbo load?

Jan said...

thanks for the bday wish! :) what do you think of glee? what exactly is that show?