Saturday, December 16, 2017

Swimming. Swimming!

14 weeks of swimming, that's right!  I have managed to swim 2 or 3 times a week for the past 14 weeks, and that makes me proud.  Proud because after 10 years of swimming with a Master's group, I now have to swim solo, and I am making it happen.

This is my pool in the morning.  I tweeted about how it looked like the Upside Down, and it is a little creepy that I swim this way, in the dark, all by myself.  My other option, though, is to drive 30 minutes at 4:30 am to "swim with people."  Except that no one swims together, they just get there really early, "claim" a lane, then swim solo.

Errr.....  I was so spoiled in Memphis with my awesome Masters coaches and life long swim/coffee club friends.  What I wouldn't give to have a real Master's team in this pool!

I know that I will not make the same amount of progress by myself.  My PRs in the pool are long behind me from my days swimming with Gil Stovall.  Those practices were so hard.  I know I can't replicate that by myself.

But, pats on the back to me for getting outside when I would rather be snuggled in bed and swimming solo.  It is dark and early.  The Upside Down is going to swallow me up and no one will notice.  But after 14 weeks I think I have made swimming routine again, and that is a big step forward after so much time off.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Opportunity Dressed In Overalls

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.  Thomas Edison

I started this post off with this quote for no other reason than I came across it today and really liked it!

Life has been real lately.  Really hard.  Really tight.  This morning I went from an early morning swim-> straight to a very quick doc appointment (and didn't get to see my family this morning)->straight to work for a very full day->home to pick up Isla and take her to gymnastics->back home to the bike (where I started to melt down with full fatigue...which is why 2 x training just don't happen anymore.  It is not realistic.)->to here on couch writing the blog when I should be actually finishing my work charts but I really need some down time.  To Dave getting his feelings hurt and being a complete butt because I want to blog, have some me time, and finish work.  This is mom life and it is real.  Sometimes great, sometimes not so much.  Many times I feel like I am chasing the tail of making everyone's day great.  

The real struggle comes from so much work.  I feel grateful. I am so LUCKY to have enough work.  More than I can handle is a blessing.  Isla feels the strain of mom working, but I tell her all of the time it is one way I love my family well.  I provide for them.  I NEED to work.  It is a privilege, but it is also a necessity.  So I have this huge blessing that is also a source of intense stress and fatigue.  Not to mention, it keeps me from my number one job= being a mom.  

Today I felt envious of stay-at-home moms.  I set a new goal to earn enough that one day I could be home more.  That I could cook dinner instead of Dave.  That I could be with my family after school and not be so tired.  That I could read more with Isla, play soccer with her, teach her more.  That I could actually train again, and make it count and do the right amount.  You know how some women don't want to be home and want to work?  I am not that woman.  I would be 100% happy being total mom at home.  But then I read stories about some super mom with the hardest job in the world with 10 kids and 20 hour work days that still manages to be world class at some sport, and I feel so lame again.  Excuses excuses.  

Ah. So, that is that.  I am working a ton, but proud of it.  And really wish I didn't have to at the same time.  That sounds like something an almost 40-year-old should feel.


I have put in a full 6 weeks of training with swim/bike/run.  It is not that I haven't been training the whole time before the past 6 weeks, I just actually started recording it and using a plan which comes to about 10 hours a week.  My mileage is really low in the bike and run, about half of what it was even 3 months ago.  But, I added in the swim again 3 x a week, so some of the other time has to be taken from somewhere.  The hardest thing about all of this is my run continues to go backwards.  For 2 years now, my running has been incredibly hard.  So hard I can't even describe how hard 12 minute miles feel on some days.  One day I started to run and had chest pain which spread to my jaw, even though I was running an 11 minute pace.  It scared me enough that I didn't sleep that night.  I have a stress test scheduled for Monday, and maybe that will be revealing and maybe not.  I had a hormone panel taken today.  The swim and bike have just been standard.  They are not great.  They aren't reflective of where I used to be.  But, I can complete them without a ton of strain.  They just don't feel as badly as the run.  But, I haven't had a run that felt good in what feels like 2 years.  I hope to read back on this one day and feel like it was such a small bump in the road.  

I want to do the Turkey Day Race here on Thanksgiving, but I also very much don't want to do it.  I honestly cannot say I can hold faster than a 10 min per mile pace for 5 miles.  It is not an ego vs humility issue, it is just I can't figure out if it is worth it to feel that badly to run. Because if I felt good running 10 min miles I wouldn't care about the pace.  But to feel terrible while running so slowly...I just can't see how helpful that is physically or emotionally. But there is a small piece that says getting out there and continuing to try is important, so we will see.   

But I do have my eye on the spring.  I want to very much race a few triathlons (I mean, I really really want to race again), and if I didn't have to run at all it would be a no brainer.  I think I can handle a swim/bike combo.  But I am not sure I could handle even a 5k run without walking.  So, aquabike?   

And this is real life.  And other people have real life too, but I just don't read about many swings like this.  I literally went from setting PRs on courses and distances to not being able to run an easy run in the blink of an eye.  And it has persisted for 2 years.  But, my goal is to overcome this and maybe it will help one other person on their journey that also has BIG struggles and oscillations in sport. 

Now, please be wowed by my sewing and crafting of this years Halloween costumes.  I stitched every piece of these costumes, except the white unicorn part and the red jumpsuit (which I wished I had made myself because it would have fit better than the Chinese POS I bought off of Amazon).  This was such a labor of love- many many late nights of sewing and making that mask.  I couldn't wait for someone to point to us and say, "Oh my gosh, The Last Unicorn!  That is so clever!"  Well, that never happened and I am pretty sure I will never spend this much time on a family costume again.  But, it was good for my sewing skills.  

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Back At It

Have I used this title post before?  It seems I have been "back at it" several times, only to be not at it at all!

3 weeks ago I started to plan and focus for the 2018 year.  I absolutely plan on racing again.  Never mind the fact that I will probably get pregnant after putting a lot of effort into being a triathlete again, but that would be a good problem to have.

The schedule now is 3 x week bike, 3 x week run, 3 x week swim.  This has to happen around my job, Dave's job, and family time.  But, Dave and I are on it.  I am waking up early every single morning, with the exception of 1-2 mornings.  What I have found is that Dave is happier when we have a social life.  So, at least 1 x week I sleep in, which gives us the option to go out the night before and not worry about the morning to come.

The plan is very, very easy right now.  I am running maybe 10 miles a week while my foot heals- just 3-5 miles 3 x week.  My foot is healing, but what I have found is I absolutely cannot wear Altra's right now.  This is a shame, and none of this would have happened if they would just have left my Mizuno Elixirs alone instead of discontinuing them.  My running is still unbelievably slow.  It is honestly the slowest it has EVER been- even post c-section.  But, I am just not going to give up this time.  I am determined to figure out what in the hell is going on that sent me sideways and really course correct everything.

(oh, and I did NOT sign up for the master's group from my last post.  While I enjoyed meeting new friends, the price was really high and the coach was super dodgy.  I was getting mixed feelings about him, and I decided to listen to my gut.)

Everything else in my training is just about NO ZEROS.  My goal is just not missing a workout.  I am getting more organized.  I have a doctors appointment next week so we can stay on top of figuring out why I have been disintegrating.  I am definitely scheduling my hormone lab this month (this is more to do with getting pregnant, but we continue to suspect hormones as the main culprit in my shitty last 2 years).

Of course, within the first 2 weeks I had 2 ZEROS.  AGHHHH!!!!!  Isla got sick, and then guess who else got sick.  And this is life with a little kid, but I got back on it immediately.

So, I am planning my spring schedule.  To my dismay I cannot find any sprints in April or March.  WHY?  it is already hot down here!!!!  But, I need some carrots in front of me.  I need some goals.  I need to get back on the proverbial horse.

But, I am WINNING the non-existent family costume award, thank you very much.  I am glad to still be good at the things that matter :)

Monday, August 21, 2017

A New Master's Group?

And this morning I swam again.  

When I moved to New Orleans, I was sad to find that people just did there own thing.  So many triathletes just kind of swim to get by.  Of course they are willing to crush themselves on the bike week after week, but 2-3000 yards twice a week and they wonder why they are walking the marathon at the end of an ironman.  (you know, because it is an entire day of one sport triathlon, not just a big bike race).  I met up with a few people when I first moved here, but it was one of those situations where everyone was doing their own workout and some people didn't even want to circle swim or share lanes.  I felt like I was in the way, or worst, unwanted.  Barf.  I just don't want to start my morning like that.  Give me a good class, with good people, a good coach, and a good cup of coffee at the end, please.  

I have been saying for over a year now that I am very lonely swimming.  And while I like to train solo when I have very purposeful training, I believe wholeheartedly that master's swim is where it is at if you want to really get back into swimming or become a better swimmer.  For those of us that started later in life, going to the pool 1-2 x week for a couple of thousand yards is just not enough.  Some people can skate by on that (not me), but for the majority of us, we need more yards, more frequency, and harder swims.  For me, I don't think it is coincidental that when I was my fittest as a swimmer, I was also my best at triathlon.  The fitness carries through the whole day.  

So today I went to try another Master's group.  (there are only 2 in the city I can find, and one doesn't have very good participation and the coach plays on his phone).  I didn't want to like it.  For one, it is more than twice as expensive as what I paid in Memphis.  PLUS- nothing else comes with it.  No gym.  No open pool every day.  Just 3 x week 1 hour master's.  Worth it?  I don't know and work on a tight budget.  

I get there and the first person I meet is nice.  Of course he is.  And then I get in the pool and it is cold.  (I LOVE cold pools and can't stand a warm pool for training).  And then I jumped in a lane with people that were nice.  The workout was so-so.  It was definitely NOT like swimming with Gil Stoval, some of the best coaching I have had in any sport.  But, the class moved.  There were no fins. No paddles.  Lots of strokes.  No complaining.  What is lacked in structure it made up for with friendliness and camaraderie and pure swimming.  

Before this morning, I have been swimming about 2 x month for 1500 yards at a time.  It is all I can do before I get out because I am not sure why I am training when I have nothing I am training for.  It was actually a relief this morning to walk in somewhere and just say, "hey, put me in the slow lane in the back.  I am out of shape.  I am a nobody.  I'll just follow your lead."  There was not pressure and my brained turned off.  I don't even know how many yards I swam today.  I lost count.  It wasn't as many yards as I used to swim, but more than I have been doing.  It was good.  

So, here is the clincher.  I have finished swimming and debating doing this class in my head while I gather my things.  It is great, but more money than I have to spend.  I would have to cut something and I don't know what.  I don't do anything else!  And this girl in the next lane introduces herself and she is so nice.  One thing leads to another in a conversation and I am at her house 15 minutes later picking up 3 eclipse glasses (I didn't have any, and she had extra).  So, here I am with a cold pool, nice people, and a new friend.  It is almost as if I have to do this class.  It is like sign, after sign, after sign.  What do you think?  

Saturday, August 19, 2017


The blog is up and running again.  And while summer started off a bit unfriendly (miscarriage, no racing, work stress) it has redeemed itself with a lot of good times with friends and family.  So, I am back and ready to start putting it all down again.

 Matching glasses with my girl :)
 Isla and our cousin Anna- Isla wanted the both of them to wear tiaras to a party that night. 
 We had our 1st annual cousin camp at Aunt Kathy's this year.  I could not get Isla to leave, and I couldn't really blame her.  Who does want to take nap breaks where you pile in bed with a cat?

Isla spent the summer at farm camp, gymnastics camp, sun buddies camp, and playing with friends.  It is good to be a kid, and we obviously love having friends over to the house. :)  All kids welcome!

Dave and I wrapped our summer up with a wonderful vacation which was our first ever without Isla.  I balked and refused to do this initially because I have no interest in separating my time from my daughter.  Mostly I feel like parenting is something you don't just turn off when you feel like it.  I also want to create trips the whole family can enjoy.  But it was for a good friend of mine and her 40th birthday, and it was adults only.  You know what?  I had an absolute blast and Dave and I really did need to actually sleep in and truly relax.  I feel like a new person, honestly.   

Thursday, July 20, 2017

My 4-Year-Old

I have a 4 year old.   !!!!    This one number- the age of my child- seems to govern my world.  Everything seems to make sense based on this number.  You know, 1 and 2 were just hard.  3 was better, but still hard.  But then comes 4.  Like magic, some things are just much easier.  I can leave the house with more ease now to train without big meltdowns.  I can work a little more easily and with less guilt, as I know she has friends and is truly having fun at school.

She is amazingly kind to animals.  She is acutely aware of her friends and friendships.  She love gymnastics and hates swim lessons.  She still does not have any interest in soccer.  She loves to pick out her own clothes (actually, she won't let anyone else pick out her clothes).  The more sparkle and glitter, the better!  She is just her own, amazing little person.

 Isla with her cousin Virginia.  
 Isla helping Papaw drive, just like I did as a kid :)
 Her first big girl bike.  She loved it!!!
 The Baby Bull Run- Isla loved running from the roller girls trying to pop her with their bats!
 Special kisses :)
 My little hippie :)
 Our Elvis glasses:)
Isla put on makeup today and said she "wanted to look pretty for daddy when he came home."  LOL!!!  But love it!  

I love this little girl.  I can't believe it has been 4 years.  They have been hard.  They have been wonderful.  Time has not flown by- those first two years were in turtle time.  But now, I just treasure every single minute with her as I know it won't last forever.  I told her today that even when she was a teenager I wanted to be able to hold her, kiss her, and love her.  Wishful thinking I know!  

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Private For A Minute

The blog has gone undercover for a few weeks.  It sounds weird, but Dave and I are in the process of getting our wills/life insurance in order.  I had a friend say that her husband's premium went up due to something he said on Facebook.  That made me think about every little niggle I post on here, and while it may seem like I am dying in my athletic life, I am a perfectly healthy and functioning regular person.  I just didn't want anything used from my blog in an inappropriate way by someone raking through it and using it out of context.  So, maybe just for a few more weeks I will keep it on the down low.

And if you are reading this, you are one of the 3 people that even noticed I was gone! (seriously 3)  Love it!

There is no latest and greatest news right now.  It is sort of the opposite, and I hit a life low the past two weeks when I miscarried.  I have written a journal entry in my head a million times, but I just can't seem to write it out in words.  I just woke up at 1am, unable to it is time to post.  It is really just so hard to put into words.

Dave and I have been trying to grow our family for over a year and a half now.  It seems like forever, but it is not a long time.  I am almost 40.  That is not old, and people have children in their 40s.  But let's be realistic.  There is a closed door that will happen at some time.  And the thing about trying to get pregnant is the rest of your life is affected, no matter how much you try not to let that happen.  I haven't signed up for any big races.  I am trying to work harder and save more.  And although I have not done this on purpose, I have put some big goals on hold inadvertently as I have increased my focus on my family.

I feel as though I could go into a rabbit hole on this whole story, and it is hard to keep it linear and concise.  Why has it taken us so long?  Why haven't we tried interventions to assist us?

And I did go to a doctor 6 months after trying.  I was a bit concerned.  I was not feeling good.  My period was starting to lose consistency.  The red flag from me was that I could run at a variety of paces from 6-9 min miles, and then for months (and this still continues) I couldn't run faster than 10-12.   And it all happened very suddenly...literally 2 months after I stopped breastfeeding.  I suspected hormonal changes.  I suspected some very early miscarriages that just looked like late periods.  (I am never late, and until the past year and a half, I was never inconsistent).  But, the doc wasn't concerned.  For all intents and purposed I am healthy, and I have a healthy daughter.

6 months later I saw another doc.  Same concerns.  Period not consistent.  Can't run faster than 12 minute mile.  Lots of hormonal red flags.  Nothing was done.

3 months later I saw another practitioner.  I brought my concerns about not being able to get pregnant and every other concern that seemed to be related.  Still, no one concerned.

But I kept thinking something was wrong, and I was suspecting I didn't have a long enough luteal phase to maintain pregnancy.  Low progesterone has been my amateur diagnosis, with nothing to back it up because no one will test me.

But then, one morning I had a terrible run.  I went to work that day as normal, but then in the afternoon I was playing with Isla and just needed a nap more than anything in the world.  I thought...could I be pregnant?  But this has happened 2-3 times this past year and my period would come late.  But this time, finally, I had 2 lines that were sticking.

I got to be pregnant for almost 2 months.  We told family right away, as last time no one was happy that we waited a full 14 weeks.  I told a couple of close friends that needed to know because I was cancelling future plans on them.  I even told Jen Harrison, which cracks me up.  She is somehow always in the loop, but she literally texted me the day I could barely complete a swim and asked me how TTC was going. I was like?  (Trying to!)  She deserved to know just due to good ESP.

I was able to train a little bit which was fun.  Some days I had pregnancy exhaustion, but some days I could ride my bike.  My bike guys knew I was pregnant, because I wanted to be safe and didn't want them to try to push me over what I should be doing.  I had signed up for a few races, and I was hoping I would be able to do a couple of things pregnant since I was not able to do that the first time around.

And Dave and I were excited and happy.

I went in for a scan a little early (close to 8 weeks) because we were going on vacation and I didn't want to wait till 11 weeks as originally planned.  Maybe something in my gut was speaking to me.  I never suspected anything was wrong.  Truly, I didn't think it at all.  My body was still acting pregnant, as it should because the pregnancy hormone was still going strong.  I still had 2 lines on my tests, I was still tired, I was still bloated, my boobs hurt like crazy, and I was having to pee a lot.  The only thing I can look back now and think was different was that I wasn't overly nauseous with food like I was with Isla during 6-8 weeks.  I kept waiting for the nausea to set in.  I remember one night eating spinach and thinking that was weird....because with Isla I couldn't touch a vegetable.    

Dave, Isla, and I sat in the room while the doctor did a scan.  We knew instantly something was wrong just by watching his face.  And before he even said a word, tears were falling from my eyes.  Isla was sitting right on top of me, and that sweet angel just took my face in her two little hands and just gave me a look of pure love.  The baby had stopped growing.

And, that was that.  No more baby.  He told me I could wait for the baby to miscarry naturally which could take 1-2 more months (and sometimes they had to do a D&C) or he could give me medicine to make the contractions start.  I waited a few days to make a decision, but we were going on vacation at the end of the week.  The thing is, the doctor did not ask me to come back in for another scan in a week just to make sure.  He was very decisive.  I even put in another phone call to him, but there was no hope in his voice.  He just needed me to understand the reality.  That was hard for me.  What if he was wrong?  What if I was aborting my baby and my ovulation was just different and the dates were off?  Dave and I made the decision together to listen to him and let him be the expert.  But, it was hard, and I still have regrets.  If this were to happen again, I think I absolutely need to see it one more time for closure.

There was no good time to miscarry.  I took the medicine 3 days before my vacation.  I didn't know I would bleed for a week.  I didn't know I wouldn't be able to go the beach because I would have a constant need to change pads.  And since I didn't see the actual fetal tissue pass (it could have passed sometime between the diarrhea and vomit), I will need to get another scan to see if everything is complete.  I also didn't know I will feel so very lonely during this process.  Because while some family knew I had been pregnant and had miscarried, not a single person spoke to me about it on vacation.  It was as if it was just something that happens in an instant and you move on.  No one had any idea I was miscarrying literally on vacation.  No one asked.  No one hugged me.  It completely sucked.  My bike, the two days I was able to ride it during this time, felt like my only friend.  If I couldn't be hugged or acknowledged, I wanted to be alone.  And my mom was actually a shining light during this time- the only family member that called to check on me and  openly talked to me about it while I was going through it.  Thanks, mom.

The thing about a miscarriage in the early months like this is that objectively you understand it is a wonderful ball of cells that are starting to form a heart that beats, limbs, and organs.  It is not a fully formed baby.  I can't compare it to the heartache of having a stillborn, or even my own living child pass.  But make no doubt, it hurts like crazy.  Objectively it may "just" be an amazing organism, but to you, it is your baby.  There is no other possible way to describe it.  It is not just some weird passing tissue in your body.  You were pregnant.

I immediately spoke with two friends that have also had miscarriages.  And when someone else has had a miscarriage, they will cry with you.  The pain doesn't go away.  I didn't know that before, but I know now, and I will certainly try to be a better friend to anyone who mourns during this time.  My friends cried with me like it had just happened to them yesterday.

To most people I haven't said a word or put on a brave face, but in reality I have been grieving every day since.  Dave and I even cried together today....weeks later.  But, this is one of those weird times in life where I feel like I don't get to fully grieve in public, maybe because you can "try again" or "it was for the best/happens for a reason/something was wrong."  And all of that is correct.  On this list of things to mourn, it seems like it shouldn't be very high up.  But something emotionally challenges that concept.  Like I said, this is all new to me.  But hugs all life is good.

So that half marathon I was supposed to run pregnant this past weekend turned into a long run instead.  I gifted myself a 5 hour drive there to mourn, 1:58 and a true PW (personal worst) of running time to mourn and think about the great things in my life, and then another 5 hours of driving home to clear my head and get ready to love life again.

I spoke to my aunt today.  She had a miscarriage a 30 or so years ago, and I remember as I kid how hard it was on her.  She told me today how she had to journal about it, because you are left with nothing else when all is said and done.  So, that prompted me to sit down and write.  Here is is.  Thanks for bearing with me and the long post.

Thanks for reading, my 3 friends:)  Will be on the up and up from here.


Sunday, May 21, 2017


In 2012, I signed up on Strava as part of Team Wattie Ink because the whole team was on it as a group, but I never had any intention of using it.  The whole premise sounded ....well...exactly like it is.  Posting your training to compare to others to be competitive even in training.  Barf.

So not me.

The account has been inactive since I signed up.  I didn't even know what a segment was.

When I met some riding buddies here, they insisted I get on Strava so we could plan group rides.  I activated my account and well, it is exactly as I thought it would be!

- I still think it is weird  douchey to post all of my training.  Who cares?  And I don't want to see everyone else's either!  (I added someone as a friend the other day and instantly regretted it.  Do I really care how/when that person trains? No, I don't!  Is it going to hurt people's feelings if we aren't "friends?")  I train and race for my own personal goals.  I just have never been into this.  I don't post my training on Facebook or social media either.

- So I notice people go out on really windy days to get a tail wind assisted QOM/KOM.  What is the value of this really?

- Or a big, meaty group ride would probably do the same.  Just hang on to really fast people for a crown.

And what I thought it wouldn't be that I like.  

- I can find new riding places.  When I see people have ridden in a certain area, it helps me feel confident I might be safe there.  This is awesome for a new city.

-I have met new friends through it that I recognize on the road.  This has given me some new riding opportunities.  Or, like the guy the guy that completely ignores me.  I saw him tonight and know who he is, thank you Strava!

- I can communicate with other riders on where/when to meet.

- I like that I have a training log with a map, HR, etc.  I don't have a premium Training Peaks account anymore, so this is nice to see.

- It is kind of fun to find out who rides here.  Who are the girls?  (I don't know any of them).  What are the teams?

So, Strava, on a limited basis, is kind of fun.  But the reality is the real KOM/QOM aren't even on Strava and have ridden every segment faster than we ever have.  So for me, probably like every other bit of social media, I'll sparingly post on it for a while and then forget about it.  But until then, you will see be on there a few times ...riding the same ol' route by the river...literally.  

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

My Motley Riding Crue

I am determined to get this dying blog up and running, as if it is somehow connected to my actual training and racing.  REVIVAL all around!!!!

I had almost a year off of riding in 2016.  Prior to the Nola move, I was having some fit issues I could not get resolved.  Then we were in the process of moving so I wasn't riding anyways.  And that was followed up with my bike being stolen.  And, there you have it.  2016 was not my year to ride.  

2017.  New bike and new year.  I wanted to be motivated, but I found myself sad that I just had no where to ride and no one with whom I could ride.  One day, I was riding the same 4 mile road by myself when I saw 3 guys going the opposite way.  I waved them down..."WAIT!!!!!"  and then turned around to catch them and begged them to let me ride with them.  I am sure I said something like, "I know I am out of shape but I used to ride and I need friends and more and more run on sentences please let me ride with you!"

And that was the start of my new riding group.  In order to ride with them, they insisted I use Strava.  (Which I think is so stupid and I will save that for another post, but apparently I am on it now.)  Our group consists of 6 people:  all over 40 or 50, 2 black guys, 2 hispanic guys, 1 guy with diabetes, range of riding experience 4 months-2 years, one steel bike, one guy with no helmet, and one guy with a bike too big.  And me.  My Motley Bike Crew- different and awesome.  Each guy with their own amazing contribution to the ride.  

And I EFFING LOVE IT!  I come home so happy, and Dave is amazed at what a difference I am having riding my bike now.  You know, I just like good people!  I am aging.  My goals are different.  And I like these guys.  I love the diversity.  I love that these guys ride almost every day and LOVE it- and they have nothing to prove- they just ride to ride.  These guys are cool.  These guys are nice.  These guys are always looking to get faster but in no way are looking to beat each other (or me) up.  

I am at about 3 x week now on my bike.  I am getting fitter.  I am loving it.  I am getting the itch to race.  I am grateful!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

3am Post

Another sleepless night- guess I can catch up on my blog, if that is possible!  First, let me just put some pictures of Isla in here straight away.   It is hard to believe that in just 2 short months she will be 4-years-old .  I cherish this little girl so much, and I mean cherish.  I just snuggle her at night, breathe in her little girl smell, and thank God for giving me such a gift.  As hard as the first 2-ish years were as the parents of a baby that cried and screamed constantly, the past year has been pretty amazing.  Being Isla's mom is awesome.

 #NOLAlife  Hanging out with Isla at French Quarter Fest
 I was only able to convince her to wear this dress because it had whales on it.  Otherwise, she only wants to wear pink dresses that twirl.
 Easter party dance floor fun
 And it is time for us to hit the pool again!
 Isla and her friend Claire are hot messes almost every single day by the end of school.  They like girlie things, but these two love getting dirty as well.  
This is Isla and her best friend Mary.  I didn't know it was possibly to have a best friend at 3-years-old, but it is.  

So, I literally didn't sleep tonight, although I let myself toss and turn for 4 hours.  This has been happening a lot lately, and I am not sure what to do about it.  If I take melatonin to help me sleep, I probably won't want to wake up to run in the morning.  So, it is a catch-22 as I need have both sleep and exercise in my life.

Part of the reason I haven't blogged is I just don't even know where to start.  I don't know how to put it down in words?  I have not given up on triathlon, but it has given up on me it seems.  I am still putting myself in a place every day to improve, but I am not seeing any results.  Not a single bone thrown my way to help me see some positive things in my future.

Bike:  I have a new bike and a non-aggressive new fit to get me started again.  I am riding 2-3 x week- maybe 60 total miles?  I have met a couple of friends.  I don't have a training group, but I do have 2-3 guys that will pedal with me.  My HR is really low on the bike for me, and I am having trouble bringing it up.  Most rides are Z1-Z2.  Even pushing it as hard as I can, I have only made it to about 165 HR.  For comparison, I used to easily hold 170 for over an hour in a race.  So, to barely be able to get 1 minute at 165...there is so much work to be done.

Run: 27 miles, 26 miles, 30 miles are my last 3 weeks.  This mileage, while it used to be very light for me for many years, is now hard.  My posterior tib tendon has had tendonitis for the past year.  It hurts.  I need to treat it more aggressively and I haven't.  My running is slow.  I can't hold a tempo run at all.  8:30 min miles are tempo to me now and I can barely do 1.  Gina and Charles want me to do a fall marathon with them desperately.  I want to as well, but I just won't go out and run a 4++ hour marathon and put my body through that if I can't turn this around and see some sort of progression.  So, my goal is to keep trying to sort this out in order to be able to run with my friends.  I am going to the track, and even though I am running the same times I ran as a pregnant runner, I am trying.  I am not sure I need anymore exclusive low HR training as I have done that for the past 2 years with zero results.

Swim:  0-1 x week by myself.  Sad and lonely.  I still love to swim, I just don't have a group anymore.

I don't want to get a coach until the health issues are sorted.  I got tired of the start/stop process the past 2 years.  It was not the coach's fault- it was truly that every time my mind and heart were motivated, but my body wouldn't cooperate. I never made it to start lines and could never get training off of the ground.  And you guys know me- I am all in on training.  If I can't be, something is wrong.

And that is what I have to keep telling myself.  It is easy to beat myself up and think I have "let myself go."  But really, that is not my personality at all.  I am a committed person, and I have to remind myself of that.  I have been getting up daily and training for years, even recent years, so I haven't gone anywhere but to work.  I have to give myself a hug and remind myself that when things get righted, this ship WILL sail.  I am not a quitter.  I am not a half-ass athlete.  This is not a symptom of my athlete personality, although it is easy to point the finger at myself and attack myself as a lazy mom.  But, no one who knows me would ever peg me for that, so my job is to keep trying until I crack this thing, and then I will be back in business.

The next step for me is OBGYN.  After 2 years of muscle loss, a non-responsive body to any type of training, and NO BABY, it is time for this 39-year-old to get her hormones checked.  I attempted this twice already, but the practitioners didn't take me seriously.  No one listens to the adult weekend warrior that knows something is wrong with her body because she runs 4 min/mile slower than she did months before.  But, now that I have been 2 years of trying for baby #2 without getting pregnant, I think someone will listen.

Race schedule:  I have penciled a few things in, but have committed and signed up for nothing.  I was of the mindset of "racing myself into shape" as I did post knee surgery in 2010.  It worked really well when I did that!  But, I am not sure that is the right strategy right now.

You know what scares me?  The fact that for the first time in my life I am not even sure I could run 2-3 miles faster than an 8 minute pace.  That is a bit of what holds me back from racing.  And it is not the threat of a poor clock time that bothers me as I have always been willing to run slow if it takes me to the next step.  It is the feeling that I get when I am out there where I feel so weak during my attempts to push myself.  It is such an odd and ugly feeling as if I am gaining nothing, not even fitness.

Hope this doesn't come across as whining.  After 2 years of dealing with this, the whiney phase is over.  But, I do feel a disconnect socially with the sport, but I am internally just as connected as before.  I just want to explain my absence but let you know I still love to race (or would love to race!) and haven't just given up completely on this sport I love.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Delayed RR Rock N Roll Half Marathon

My first "race of 2017" was a bust.  I signed up not thinking I would knock it out of the park, but hoping that it would just motivate me to claw my way to some fitness.  I didn't have any real inclination to run a half marathon, but my new running friends in my neighborhood were running it and I thought it would be good for me to just show up.  So, in February I ran a half marathon.

I ran the race perfectly, meaning I negative split it by each section.  So, that is a positive.  If nothing else, I know how to pace myself in almost every category of fitness. 

Other than that, it was my second worst time by seconds only to my very first half marathon around 15 years ago.  Even my half marathon 4 months post c-section as a breast feeding mom was faster. 

And I just felt awful.  9:30 min/mile, which was my initial pace, felt terrible.  I think I ended up averaging 8:45ish for the run overall. It is not that I expected anything different.  I had many months off from consistent running, and the running I was doing was with friends that run about a 12:30min/mile pace.  It is just how awful running has felt for the past years and the knocking on so many doors to figure out what is wrong and not being able to find it.  Frustrating indeed.  

And I did not feel motivated or inspired after I finished, which was odd.  It was one of those, "why race?" days.  I wasn't fit, didn't have fun, wasn't sure what I was gaining from it.  (None of those are true, and honestly I gained a lot in the way of friendship by supporting my friends who were running, including a first time half-marathoner who I helped create a plan to get her to the finish line).  

There was nothing to post on this.  Hi everyone!  I felt terrible, just like I did all of 2016.  I am getting slower by the day.  Yee-haw!

But, I can finish this post by saying that I am getting ready to go for a run right this second on a beautiful day and do feel that things are going to swing my way again.  Lately I have been feeling better.  I have had a few runs where I don't feel completely awful.  I feel hopeful, which makes me completely happy.  

What I have lost in speed I have gained x 100 in new friends during my move.  I have certainly been blessed in my life with amazing people.  This is part of my running group in my new neighborhood, including two first time half marathoners.  

Long time friend, Shawn, from Little Rock, Arkansas.  He is a marathon maniac, literally, as in part of that club and every time I turn around he is at a marathon. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mardi Gras 2017

Oops I did it again...
I didn't post.

But seriously.  The past two months have been wild.  We closed on a house and moved.  My father-in-law had a bad stroke.  Dave and I started coaching again.  Mardi Gras arrived.  Every minute seemed to be spoken for before it arrived.

We have survived and are looking forward to some low-key days, even just for a second.  Here are just a few pictures of the Mardi Gras season to catch up on the blog.

Mardi Gras 2017!

 Algiers Point Parade with my family and all of the kiddos.  Have I told you how awesome my neighborhood is?
 Krewe Du Vieux with long time friend Becca, Phyllis and Dave
 Nyx Parade 2017- I brought home two elusive Nyx purses!  Thanks Carole and Hilary!
 Muses 2017....we got a much sought after Muses shoe!!!  Gracias Nadine!  So awesome!
Off to Endymion as a family

In my happy place and wearing funky clothes. :)

Fat Tuesday in the Quarter- Mother Forker and my friend Bella/Cotton Candy 

So we had great costumes this year- funny and smart.  We were "Meet the Forkers."  We had clean and dirty forks (ex:  clean forks- May The Fork Be With You, Fork In The Road.  Dirty forks- Mother Forker, Cluster Fork, Who Gives a Fork.......)  The were Out-Forking Standing!  

At some point during Fat Tuesday, I was walking in the French Quarter, watching insanely excessive partying, partying a bit myself, and I had the most sobering yet funny thought:  "OMG- it has just hit me why I cannot get in shape to race.  Look at me!  I am parading through the Quarter as a fork!!!  No wonder!!!!!"   It was a funny realization.  I have my work cut out for me, and I will have to slow down my extra curricular life a bit if I ever want to race again.  Being back in Nola makes me feel 20 again...more on that in another post.  But my world is certainly different here than it was for the past 10 years in Memphis.  

This was Isla after about 3 weeks of Mardi Gras partying.  I swear I felt the same way- otherworldly overstimulation followed by happy exhaustion.  

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Marching for YOU Part 1

In no way do I want to turn this into a political blog.  I don't identify with any strong political party or ideology.  I just love people.  I am going to continue to document my recent experiences, as I always do.

I want to start this post by telling you about my recent experience with Dave's grandfather, our Pop Pop, who is 93-years-old.  About a month ago, we brought Pop Pop to the WWII museum.  Do you remember that war?  It was 1939-1945...only just over 70 years ago.  Not a long time, right?  Pop Pop is a WWII veteran.  And by veteran, I mean that he was a Naval Aviator, as well as Naval Intelligence later in life.  He flew in this war.  He didn't test planes here in the states, he flew IN the war.  He was the pilot, as well as the man that controlled the torpedos.  He had a radio control man to his rear/side right and a gunman to his rear.

So when you walk into the WWII museum and you are a vet, you get a special badge which marks you as a celebrity.  Pop Pop had many, many people come up and thank him.  When we went to the theater to watch the movie with the museum, Pop Pop was announced and given a standing ovation.

I want you to reflect on this, as I did in these precious hours with Pop Pop.  There was a great war against tyranny that has living survivors.  That means this war was so close to our lifetime it is still part of living human beings.

During this time there was also great sufferings and travesties of populations due to racism.  There was a lot of looking the other way and there was a lot of denial.  There was also a LOT of support for two very horrible human beings in Germany and Japan.  Recently our bookclub has read several time piece books around WWII.  I am learning more than I ever did in school about this horrible time.

Let me remind you again- this was only 70+ years ago.  As most of us are between the ages of 30-50, 70 years doesn't seem that long, now does it?  There was horrible, horrible, horrible tyranny only 70+ years ago with the rights of many, many people taken away very slowly and in a way that was unnoticeable to an entire world.  Let that sink in.  There were millions of people being slaughtered, and the rest of the world didn't know it.

I hope we can all agree that leaders matter and people matter.  We can also agree that we are not exempt and we don't get a pass just because we live a few years later in the history of human kind.  It is not as though these sort of things can't happen to us.  There is nothing about the advancement of humankind that says you can't make mistakes and can't repeat mistakes.  The point is NOT to repeat mistakes, but we certainly can.  What an insult to people like Pop Pop and all of the men and women of that generation who fought for our freedom if we choose to think otherwise.

None of this is to say that I see impending genocide in our country by the millions.  But I do simply want to state that went I spent this day with Pop Pop, the impact was so great that I couldn't help but feel very close to this period of time.  I left with a great understanding that my past 38 years of life and many others have been extremely sheltered, and it might make our generation think things like this would never happen now.  It would be a mistake to think that way.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Home in New Orleans

After being completely debt free including the house for approximately two months which felt amazing (sold our home in Memphis and did not owe anyone a thing in the world), we are now house poor the proud new owners of a house in the Algiers Point neighborhood in New Orleans, Louisiana.

I felt a slight bolt of fear yesterday as I signed the papers to my life away, but it is eased a bit with my two new views.  
 The view of the Crescent City Connection bridge from my back porch 
The view of the French Quarter from my front porch

Buying in New Orleans is tough, although I am sure many people from cool cities can say the same.  The market is a sellers market, and prices have tripled/quadrupled since we lived her 10 years ago.  My old uptown condo on St Charles is worth almost 4 x what I paid for it in 2001.  I sure do wish I still owned it!  Dave and I were feeling a bit defeated that we would not be able to live in an area we liked.   We quickly understood we would not be able to live uptown again because we couldn't afford it.  But, we were surprised at how many other areas we could no longer afford.

In the end, we didn't look much further than Algiers Point.  It is the 2nd oldest area in New Orleans (the first being the French Quarter).  Many of the houses here, including possibly ours, pre-date the civil war.  There was a great fire in this area in 1895 that wiped out most of the neighborhood, but the fire actually stopped at our street, and so our house may be one of the oldest around.  I am going to have to go dig in the historical archives and give some updates later.  This site has a sad history in slavery, serving as a holding area for slaves coming from other countries coming up the Mississippi to be ferried across the river to be sold.  It is also an area that was occupied by Confederate and Union Soldiers at different times.  There is a guy that digs up Civil War artifacts all of the time not too far from my house.  

Algiers Point has won the Curbed Cup for the city of New Orleans for best neighborhood 2 years in a row.  

Our neighborhood is mostly amazing.  There are many, many young families here.  Lots of free-thinking people, which appeals to Dave and me.  On any typical day I have spend time with at least 5 different neighbors.  I can't think of many days where I have not been involved in some sort of community activity.  

We are 2 blocks from the ferry to the French Quarter, so for $2 and 5 minutes of your time, you can end up on Decatur, ready to party without driving.  We have the Confetti Kids Organization, our own public library, 2 parks, an art center for kids, and 3 bars (of course) within a few blocks.  I now have reading nook in a loft (yes!), a screened in back porch for relaxing nights, and a bunch of fruit trees- grapefruit, oranges, lemons, kumquats, and plantains.  Ready to visit me yet?

Give me a couple of months, and then a bed will be open and ready.  All friends welcome!  

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What It Takes...Now (and then!)

One thing I have realized over some trial and error is that I don't get much out of the minimum.  For me to stay fit or even gain fitness, I have to apply constant pressure.  Training only once a day as a rule just don't work for me.  But, if I train twice a day on most days, I will start to make some progress.  It doesn't have to be hard or long, but it has to be consistent and frequent.

So before Isla, this was doable.  I was up early to SBR- worked a full day- SBR at night if I needed a second session.  Rinse, repeat.  I didn't realize how much the frequency really mattered to me.  I am not saying it was perfect.  I was tired at work many days.  I remember one time I pulled into a parking lot because I had 5 minutes before seeing one of my kiddos for therapy.  I fell asleep, only to wake up later in a panic.  Dave also didn't love hated that level of training.  He thought it was not good for our marriage to have a tired wife that was never home.  He was right!  Who wants to be around someone that doesn't want to ever go out because they have to train the next morning...and every morning for that matter!

Fast forward 4 years and I have tried the 1 x daily on most days.  Not because I think it is the best training method but because I just haven't figured out how to work it all in.   And let me tell you, it just doesn't work.  It doesn't!  5-6 "sessions"  (as in stumbling around at dark 0'thirty slower than a grandma) a week vs 10-12?  LIGHT YEARS apart.

I had to take a hard look at what was NOT working.  It was so obvious, but I just couldn't really wrap my head around what change to make.  I can honestly say I still don't really know how I am going to fit in more, but the alternative is being very out of shape and not able to race because it is not enjoyable.

My solo pool 

Step one was making peace with the fact that I would be swimming by myself quite a bit.  I did observe one master's class here (the only one I could find) and the coach was playing on his phone while his swimmers did a basic class.  It is just not worth my money or my frustration to do that.  So, solo swimming at 5:30am  OR wake up at 4:10 am to drive across the river and swim in a pool with other swimmers (not a group workout, but at least I will see other people).  Those are my two options and I just have to deal.

Step two was asking Dave if I could have 2 evenings a week to do an extra session.  On Mondays I will go to the track and do a solo workout.  He agreed and I got myself back out there for some repeats for the first time in a year.  It was so good to run in the daylight!

Step three is getting our new house!  I will have a training room which means finally, after almost 4 years of it being nearly impossible to ride my trainer, I will have a quiet and private spot to get in some morning rides.  I really think this will be key.  We close on Friday!!!

My best run EVER!  My first run with Isla.  She waited all morning by the front door to run with me when I got home from my big run.  It is amazing how kids can run- I probably stopped her before she needed to stop.  This was seriously one of the most precious moments of my life.  

Races.  Oh races.  I need one, but I am going to wait another month or two.  I just can't imagine pulling the trigger on anything when I bet I couldn't even run a 25 minutes 5k right now. I unfortunately signed up with friends for a half marathon in 3 weeks, and that was a big mistake.  I want to DNS, but what kind of example does that show my new running friends who are running their first half?  So, I will go out there and suffer.  It quite possibly could be a PW day for me as I don't even think I can break 2 hours right now, but oh well.  I signed up so I have to just face it.

Some alternative training:  kids yoga!