Monday, September 17, 2012

Checking In

This past weekend was IMWales and this upcoming weekend is Leadman 250.  Being sandwiched between these races leave me desiring to be out there again- swimming through another world, climbing mountains, and running to the sounds of my breath.  I told Dave last night that we would definitely be back in Europe one day for another hidden jewel of a race.  One day.

My husband always knows how to cheer me up.  After some tough weeks, he figured a Camaro would make a great addition to what the doctor ordered.  It was only mine for the weekend, but I drove it like I owned it!   If I can't race triathlons, I can drive a fast car. :)  Of course, being of semi white-trash personality, I wore white pants after Labor Day, as they were the only clean ones in the closet, they matched my unwashed/greasy hair, and I completely forgot it was a big no-no.  Thank you Denise for calling me out. 

I find that I am feeling the need to blog about the health issues I am having, a little for myself, and also for other athletes that might be having the same struggles.  I am oscillating between being a private person and a public one.  It is obvious by the fact that I have a blog that I don't hide too much from others.  I know I scour blogs and learn from them, and I hope mine can be a resource for others as well at times.  Yet, I am also feeling a little pull towards being more private on this front, at least for a while until my own spirit calms down. 

Mainly, I don't want to be dramatic about this as we know far to many friends and people with real serious injuries and diseases- none of which I have.  I don't want this blog to become a breeding ground for negativity about something that really is just a solo endeavor to restore health and not anything over which my friends need to feel concern.  I just don't want this blog to be about "sickness" for the next few months.  I am "sick" but I am okay.

I think right now I am still in the learning process of what is going on here.  I finally have a good doctor that ran me through all of the testing I had hoped the other 6 would have done.  We have some answers- and lots of them.  The road is long and the solution is not simple.  The best news to come out of this is the fact that I do indeed know my body, and I was not "burned-out" or "over-trained" or "training too hard" or "not resting enough" or any of the other things people tended to tell me as an athlete.

Knowledge is power!  So, when I get a little better grasp on everything and feel a little more educated, I will share and hopefully be able to bring it all together in a meaningful way.

Until then, I am forwarding a couple of lessons my friend, Lucia, shared with me this weekend.

Lesson 1: 
"The highest form of ignorance is criticizing something you know nothing about."
Wayne Dyer
Lesson 2:
"If you are busy criticizing, there isn't enough room for love."
I thought these were super lessons, and I can add Lucia Colbert as a role model to my list.  She has won 6 Xterra regional championships, and is now on her way to compete in Nationals again in the 55-59 AG.  She has the most serious relationship with her spirit, health, and performance.  She is a good one to emulate. 

Over and out!  Have a great week of work and or training!


Angela and David said...

You and your love of camaros! You and Zach would get along well.

Glad you are figuring out your health issues. Even if it's not a life threatening illness, it can be incredibly frustrating and tough on your spirit to have problems that keep you from being yourself with no solution or explanation. No doubt you'll be back and better than ever.

Molly said...

Clearly no one gives us the memo here in California about what we are/aren't allowed to wear certain times of year...whoops!

I'm glad you are blogging about what is going on. I hope you get everything figured out but it's good to know you are OK in the meantime!

Michelle Simmons said...

It has seriously never occurred to me to not wear white after Labor Day. Ever.
Glad you're figuring things out and finally getting some answers! Hope that means you'll be back to feeling like your old (strong!) self soon!!