Thursday, September 13, 2012

Role Models?

Hello!  I am still alive in some weird version of my former self.  Swimming, biking, and running has been replaced with work, motivational videos, balancing our budget, and more work.  (For those of you who have wondered, no...I am not preggers).  That doesn't give me much inspiration to blog.

But, I figure, if I am going to be out of commission for a while, I might as well learn a thing or two.  I have enjoyed listening to Tony Robbins- mostly because he cusses, but also because he has some great things to say.  I listened to a seminar the other day where he discussed surrounding yourself with the people you want to be...the people that make you better....the people who can teach you to be your best self.  This is not a new idea, but it is one we need to hear often.

I thought....YES!!!!  Great idea.  Birds of a feather flock together.  I become the people that surround me.

(Well, I hope not entirely, because that would mean I would become a criminal, since I spend my entire work day in the hood. )

But, never mind work.  YES!!!  I need to be around good people and find role models.

And then I just kind of forgot the whole seminar.

A few days later,  Michele Landry posted a question on her facebook page.  Who is your role model?  I was embarrassed to realize I couldn't name one role model.  There are lots of people I like and that I think are great, but I never took the time to consider who I wanted to emulate.  Who are my role models?  If I don't have any, why am I waiting to start finding them?

So, that is what I plan to study and contemplate for the next bit of time.  Who do I like and why?  What inspires me, and how can I learn from others?  Am I really surrounding myself and learning from people that are good for me, bring value to my life, and promote the kind of life I think I want to live?  

So, on that note- check out and to check out not only some pretty great looking kits, but also see first hand some hard working women that are putting some dreams and plans into action.  How many times have I had a cool idea and did nothing with it?  How awesome is it to start your own business? Whenever I see women make something happen, it gives me such inspiration. 


Steve said...

On that note, I did have a role model a long time ago. A girl named Lora. She was honest to a fault. I thought somehow someway that has got to be good. I did that. I was going to be honest to a fault.

It led me down a path where I didn't expect, but she was right.

Joy said...

Damie is my role model of motivation :)

linda turpin said...

Damie ..why am I NOT your role model???? love MOM

Damie said...

Mom, I am not sure which side of you after which to model myself. Your cooking? Your driving? xo ;)