Saturday, February 19, 2011

Some good days...

I think God was reading my last post and decided to cut me some slack. I did not see a single stray animal on the way to and from work on Friday. Whoo hoo!!!! That is the first time in forever! If my day ended on that note, it would have been a good day.

But there was more! Then, one of my kiddos made some progress with some developmental skills- and I was able to tell mom...your daughter is getting stronger. Yea!!!! THEN, I got a text from another mom telling me that she had a big surprise for me on Monday, and I could hear the excitement in the text. I have a feeling her little guy started to crawl...what a great way to end my Friday at work. (now, I know not to let work determine my happiness in life. There will be good and bad days- progress and stagnation. It does feel good when life throws me a little bone from time to time in the work department, thought...)

It did not end there. I strapped on my camelbak and hit the trails. It was the best run I have had in foreverrrrrr. It was super slow, but my body felt super great and I could have completed that same run over and over again. Lately I have been thinking and solving problems and stressing- but not this run. Nope- clear mind and clear heart. Just running.

I ended my trail run at the Humane Society, where I "officially" volunteered for the first time. I had a huge dose of Shelby Angel love to start off the night. I got to play with so many amazing, awesome dogs. I think I went home in a doggy love coma I received so many kisses from them. I am in love with a few new dogs, of course...the black 50 pound dog that just took over my lap and slobbered all over me..and then there was that pit with all of the scars on his face and clipped ears that was SUCH A LOVER to me and all of the other dogs. Of course I am partial to pits, and I love it when I meet pits that have survived bad humans.

And I think I really did fall into a doggy love coma last night because I don't remember falling asleep.

I did awake to a great ride this morning with Lucia, Amy, Cheryl, and Linda. This group of girls is hilarious. They are so in the loop with everything, which just cracks me up. I think they know more about me than I do! It felt so good to be outside and in their company.

Then I hit the pool to put in one more hour this week....

Next I jetted over to work to get in a few extra hours so I can save up for some things on my "want" list.

And now the glass of wine.

And the only thing that keeps running through my head is a little Ice Cube with "Today I didn't even have to use my A-K. I gotta say it was a good day."

It was...a good day. A couple of good days. Whoo Hoo!!!!!!


runningtwig said...

Hey Damie, I'm coming out of my blogging hole - I've been reading blogs, just not writing or commenting. Glad you enjoyed your run - this weekend was perfect for getting outside!

kerrie said...

yay for seeing progress! i think in any profession where you spend tons of time helping others, and become personally invested in their progress, it's easily to become frustrated or burnt i'm glad that you had a good days, cause it's those days that make it all worth it :)