Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I don't have any profound training blurbs for today. (Do I ever?) So go check out the most recent post by Jen H. To add to her post, the most common complaint that I hear this time of year, especially on the bike..."I am so slow!!!" Well, it is cold and we haven't been riding, and we need to build back up, and it will come, and on and on. I mean, are we racing next week? And that local race in April is not the world champs, soooo.... chillax.

Get rid of your bike computer for a while so you aren't so consumed with mph. Shoot, I haven't used my bike computer in almost a year! (okay, okay. but that is because it died and I never did fix it. I don't have a bike computer out of laziness, not principle. I found, though, that I didn't really need it to race. I know what hard feels like and I don't need a certain mph to tell me if it was a good ride).

And, Jen also talks about blogging, facebook, twitter, .... all which can be draining to athletes. At least I don't twitter, and facebook is an afterthought, but I am wayyyyyy guilty of spending too much time on blogs. Like right now when I should be getting ready for bed.

Today was the happiest Wednesday around. Wednesday- my new favorite day of the week. First, I was the teacher's pet today in swim class. Seriously. My new favorite phrase is "everyone but Damie." (because I was doing the skill correctly). I got a couple of phone calls after class for that one with some teasing.

Secondly, I took a nap today. OMG. Heaven. I could sleep 12 hours in a total day if I didn't work. And, it was raining. Perfect. Guess who woke me up? Dave. Of course. I think he does it on purpose because he resents my Wednesdays.

Thirdly- I cooked dinner tonight. Wife points for me.

Whoo hoo Wednesday!!!!

1 comment:

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks for sharing the link to Jen's blog! She has a lot of great points in there. I know I spend waaaaaaay too much time reading blogs... but blogs are much less depressing to read than world news!