Thursday, February 17, 2011

I am having an old school night and watching Real Genius before bed (although now it is on DVD instead of VHS). My sister and I watched this movie a million times in high school before bed. It is one of those movies that we can quote almost word for word. Along with Star Wars and Conan the Barbarian, I think everything you need to know in life can be learned in Real Genius.

So what is going on around here?
  • I am pretty sure that this morning I had my longest swim ever. However, I don't remember it. I don't really remember getting any sort of rest interval at all at practice, so the morning is one big blur. All I know is that somewhere around noon I fell asleep in my parked car because I was so tired.
  • I am back on my bike after a one week break. I was happy to find that I still loved my bike the very second I got back on her.
  • But I am still going to skip the small chain ring ride in the morning. I foresee many, many early mornings in my I think I need a few more mornings to sleep in.
  • I am no longer DFL in the kick sets at swim class.
  • Tomorrow the camelbak and I are hitting the trails for a run. I wonder what problem I will solve in my own little head.

Otherwise I am just working. Working. Sometimes I am great. Sometimes I suck. It is hard being a therapist. There are great days where a baby gets a new skill and everyone is happy. There are frustrating days where a kid isn't making progress and I feel like the failure. But, the next day always comes and I just try again.

Tomorrow I also volunteer for the first time at the Humane Society. I am excited, but a little sad as well. I know that my little volunteer hours don't make big changes- and I want big change. Today on my drive to work I saw 2 dead dogs/1 dead cat, 2 dogs and 4 puppies... malnourished and neglected, and 3 stray and abandoned dogs trying to cross a 6 lane road. I sometimes wonder if most people have hearts or souls. I know I am supposed to love my neighbor as much as I love myself, but sometimes I hate my neighbor and their abuse of the earth and its creatures. There is no way for me to express to you the impact this has on my spirit day in and day out. I see this every single day and really suffer. It is my daily experience in hell.

On that note. Yikes! Sorry about that one. That was complete Debbie Downer.

Okay, Dave turned off my movie and gave me the "5 minute warning." I am not sure when I moved back in with my parents.....but it is obviously time for bed!


Maggs said...

Thank you for volunteering at the Humane Society. Every little bit helps.

Angela and David said...

What does it say about me that I haven't seen a single movie you mentioned?

And I think it's awesome that you are volunteering and that you work as a therapist. What you do makes a difference and that's a lot more than most of us can say.

And finally, where the hell do you live that you see that many animals on the way to work? Every 6 months or so I might see a dead cat on the road. You saw all of that in one day - crazy!

Laura said...

I can't believe you also know about Conin the Barbarian! It was sold to me by an ex boyfriend in love with Arnold as a great film. Hahaha.

Damie, you are awesome and you make a difference everyday, no matter how small. But I understand your frustration. For me, with constant job rejection and the days of FT employment counting down quickly, I feel like my skill-sets are stupid, my degree useless, and I have no real marketability whatsoever.

At least I'm heading to CA tomorrow and I can hug my man and my dog. :)

GoBigGreen said...

Oh boy do i want to slap you and Kari silly when you say 45 is too cold:) kidding. you know come spring 45 will be cold here too but if you dress for it, i mean i didnt tell you what i had on? Nope. You are not ready for that weather, I had winter LAKE boots on and all the windproof stuff, etc...if i just wore knee warmers and arm warmers yup i would freeze!

Wow good for you on the vol front. sometimes i feel like my paid job is a vol job. Oops, that doesnt sound good.