Monday, May 25, 2009

Bekah's Race Report

Bekah did it! She finished her very first triathlon ever. Let me take you through her race.

Bekah and I drove to Nashville on Sunday afternoon. I showed her the transition area, drove her through the bike and run courses, and took her through packet pick up. I explained the little nuances- such as running your bike up the hill instead of trying to mount on the hill. We took a look at the courses so Bekah could take note of the big hills and hairy turns.

Bekah was originally going to Nashville to attend a wedding. So, after packet pick-up we met up with her friend Michelle to go party! (and, for the first time in our entire lives, Bekah and I realized we have the same haircut- so weird!). We were good girls- limited alcohol and an early bedtime.

But I couldn't sleep. I woke up at 1:00am, and 2:00am, and so on. I tossed and turned. I was so worried. What if Bekah did not have fun? What if it was a bad experience for her? Is there anything I could do to make her day better? I was a nervous wreck.

That 5:00am alarm comes oh so early. We walk our stuff to transition and I help Bekah set up her area.

Here we are, a little more awake. Our transition areas are ready to go, so we walk up to the pool to get ready to swim.

Unfortunately, I don't have any swim pictures. I was number 58, and Bekah was number 252. We were seeded according to the swim times we submitted. We overestimated Bekah's time, because I didn't want her to feel pressured or get beat up. I wanted it to be easy sailing for her first race.

Well, we know better next time. Bekah is a natural swimmer. Bekah said she had to pass a gazillion people in the pool, and she really needed to move up about 200 spots. It was a little frustrating to her to to get stuck at the wall or packed in the lane. I was glad to see that she excelled at this part of the triathlon, especially since it is so hard for most of us.

Next, Bekah had an 8.5 mile bike. It has some good hills and tight turns, so there are some challenges on the course. I knew if Bekah had a good ride, it would set her up for a good day. Well, she did! She said she was passed by people on the bike, but she also passed some people too. She cursed up the hills (like we all do) and even made a few friends on the course. She felt like she could have biked harder, and I was glad to here that. Sounds like great pacing for her first triathlon!

I caught a picture of her coming in to T2. Notice that she is number 252, and here she is coming in with number 151. Bekah was doing a great job!

Now on to the run. The run was Bekah's biggest worry- her nemesis. I love running- she hates running. It has always been this way. But, she has been training and working hard, so I knew she could complete the 2 miles. I was planning on running with her, but I could not run the 2 miles. She was on her own.

I really had no time expectation for her. If she walked the whole thing, that was great too. All of a sudden, it seemed that she was coming around the corner. She had been running and walking the course, and when she saw me waiting for her, we ran the rest of the way together.

Here she is! Nice stride, good arm swing, happy face :) Yes, the run was hard- but she did it!

Bekah is now an official triathlete. She did what so many say they would like to try, but never take the first step. The results are not fully posted, yet, so I don't have splits to share with you. I do know from the results posted at the race that she was 9th in her age group and placed somewhere in the middle third for females. More importantly, though, she had a good time, enjoyed herself, and did not want to murder me after the race was over.

I am so proud of my sister. This is one of those days that we will always remember sharing together. :)

I will follow this up with my race report later when the results come out. For now, though, let's celebrate with Rebekah!


Jan said...

hooray for bekah! and for damie for being the world's best supporter and teacher!

Laura said...

Congrats Bekah!!! You girls are so awesome! :)

Joy said...

Yay Bekah! You're awesome! When's the next one? :)

GoBigGreen said...

Woot Woot for Bekah! I bet she does another..and another... know the trend:)

Anonymous said...

Awesome Job Bekah!!! I bet you're hooked now! I was after my first one.