Sunday, May 31, 2009

GJCC Race Report

Sorry for the delay- there has been so much going on around here. As you guys know, I did the GJCC sprint tri with Bekah last weekend. The focus was on Bekah, and I was there to support her rather than race.

Here was my plan for the race:
1. Swim hard and make it hurt.
2. Really practice my transition times and be speedy!
3. Get the fastest female bike split for the day- no need to hold back since I might not be able to run.
4. No pouting on the run/walk/whatever it turned out to be.
5. Make sure I was at T2 for Bekah when she got off of the bike to support her in the run.

Here is how the race went down:

Swim: I was the 58th person to enter the water. I immediately had to pass about 4 people in the first 50 meters, and then several more over the next few laps. This was exciting for me, because I have worked on being more aggressive in my swim. I was out of the water 20 seconds faster than my swim here in 2006. I would like to see my time be faster, but I was pleased that I have at least made some progress in 3 years. I still don't really know how to bridge that gap and be FAST in the swim. Maybe I will figure it out one day. (13/152 F)

T1: I did have a great T1 and managed to get the fastest T1 split out of the females for the day. I hustled.

Bike: I was neither disappointed nor pleased with the bike. My HR didn't seem to settle for a couple of miles, and by then I had been passed by one girl. I worked hard to keep her in my sights, because I know that I am generally better on the back end of races. At mile 2, I ran over someone's helmet sticker, and managed to flap my way through 6.5 more miles. Literally. All you could here was flapping, and I am sure I was the least aerodynamic and most annoying person on the course. I couldn't really be mad at the annoyance, because it was so weird it was funny. I guess I wasn't going to sneak up on any girls when trying to pass them!

So, I was only passed by one other male rider, and I passed a bunch of girls. By mile 4 I was back with the girl that had passed me at the beginning of the course, and the game of leap frog began. This is an annoying game to me sometimes, but the other female was really friendly and since I was not riding in the Olympics, I felt that it was okay to be friendly out there. By mile 7, I passed her for good and made my way back. I was pretty sure she would be right behind me, though. (1/152 F)

T2: Pretty quick and painless. I start to go out to the run course, and at this point I have some decisions to make. For one, I am pretty sure I am up there in the standings based on the number of girls I had passed. Two, the girl right behind me on the bike started the swim 15 seconds ahead of me, so I had a little gap on her. Three, would I be able to be back in time to meet Bekah? And four, could I run? What was the smart thing to do?

The decision was made for me when someone yelled- you are the first female in.

Run: Yep, I took off. I mean, the winner should have to work for it, right? I wasn't just going to hand over the lead.
.25 miles: Look at me, I am running. ;) This is fun, but I am sure I will come back to bite me in the butt. I should be walking.
.50 miles: Wow, 60 days off really killed my fitness. This is hard. I hear breathing behind me. Must be that girl.
.75 miles: Oh, she passed me. She is working really, really hard. Maybe I can keep her in my sights and she will slow down.
1 mile: Or not. Nope, she isn't slowing down- or I am slowing down. My watch says 7:09 for the first mile. I am amazed I was able to run that fast after all of this time off. This is the first mile I have run in 70 days. There is no way I can keep this up.
1.25 miles: Yep, slowing down. Oh great, here is the knee pain. It is not bad enough to stop, just enough to let me know it is not happy with me.
1.5 miles: Someone should tell that girl I will never catch her. She doesn't have to work that hard anymore. Let the bargaining begin- I promise to take time off again if you will get me to the finish line. Could someone get me a knee brace?
1.75 miles: Did I say I like to run? I hate running. I will never be a runner again. I quit triathlons all together. I hate being out of shape.
2.0 miles: Great positive split 7:46- gotta loves those. Amazing I could even run that, though. I love finish lines.

I finished 2nd OA female and 9th OA. I was really pleased to have been able to compete, even if I wasn't at my best. I definitely gave my best effort for the day and did not quit, even when I knew I wouldn't be able to challenge a runner. Plus, the real beauty in the day was seeing Bekah on that run course. I know I keep talking about it, but I am so proud. (11/52 F)
I immediately scheduled my follow up visit to the ortho doc, and I will keep working to resolve the knee issue. I absolutely hate not running, and I HATE being out of run shape, but I really was counting my blessing during this race (except for that last mile of the run, ha ha!). I am so lucky that I could even attempt a race. I am so grateful I got to do that race with my sister. I am glad I got to run 2 miles without stopping, even though it killed me.
Damie and Leslie watching our family members on the run course.

I was a good girl this week and did not run. I will let you guys know what the new plan of care is after the doc visit tomorrow. I am just really hoping I will get to start training some this summer and at least get a race or two in late summer/fall.

Friday, May 29, 2009


It didn't seem real until they announced me for the hooding ceremony as Doctor Damie Roberts. Doctor? Whoo hoo!!!!

I didn't think I would feel very proud today. I didn't even invite a single person to my graduation. Nope, not even Dave or my parents. I really didn't think I would care one way or another about getting my diploma. There were times when school was such a struggle for me and I wasn't enjoying it. Everyone else seemed to be on Cloud 9-loving school- making 100s on every test. Well, what I came to realize in the past few months, and especially today, is that we were all in the same boat. We all struggled and had times where the reality of school did not match our expectations. Some people just hid it more than others, but we were all in the same place.

And guess what? I felt very proud to receive my degree today. It really surprised me. I did not make this journey effortlessly or perfectly, but I sure have learned a lot, and I realized today that I really did earn my degree. I just spent three hard years learning every little speck imaginable about the muscles, bones, nerves, diseases, diagnoses, and everything medically related. I earned my doctorate, I am happy, and I am proud.

But let's not do it again.

Degree # 1: Yee haw! Let's go party! Yea me! Look at me!

Degree #2: I am smart. I am someone.

Degree #3: Get over yourself. Go get a job.

Lots and lots of love to my friends and family. That includes bloggers that have encouraged me along the way. Thank you :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bekah's Race Report

Bekah did it! She finished her very first triathlon ever. Let me take you through her race.

Bekah and I drove to Nashville on Sunday afternoon. I showed her the transition area, drove her through the bike and run courses, and took her through packet pick up. I explained the little nuances- such as running your bike up the hill instead of trying to mount on the hill. We took a look at the courses so Bekah could take note of the big hills and hairy turns.

Bekah was originally going to Nashville to attend a wedding. So, after packet pick-up we met up with her friend Michelle to go party! (and, for the first time in our entire lives, Bekah and I realized we have the same haircut- so weird!). We were good girls- limited alcohol and an early bedtime.

But I couldn't sleep. I woke up at 1:00am, and 2:00am, and so on. I tossed and turned. I was so worried. What if Bekah did not have fun? What if it was a bad experience for her? Is there anything I could do to make her day better? I was a nervous wreck.

That 5:00am alarm comes oh so early. We walk our stuff to transition and I help Bekah set up her area.

Here we are, a little more awake. Our transition areas are ready to go, so we walk up to the pool to get ready to swim.

Unfortunately, I don't have any swim pictures. I was number 58, and Bekah was number 252. We were seeded according to the swim times we submitted. We overestimated Bekah's time, because I didn't want her to feel pressured or get beat up. I wanted it to be easy sailing for her first race.

Well, we know better next time. Bekah is a natural swimmer. Bekah said she had to pass a gazillion people in the pool, and she really needed to move up about 200 spots. It was a little frustrating to her to to get stuck at the wall or packed in the lane. I was glad to see that she excelled at this part of the triathlon, especially since it is so hard for most of us.

Next, Bekah had an 8.5 mile bike. It has some good hills and tight turns, so there are some challenges on the course. I knew if Bekah had a good ride, it would set her up for a good day. Well, she did! She said she was passed by people on the bike, but she also passed some people too. She cursed up the hills (like we all do) and even made a few friends on the course. She felt like she could have biked harder, and I was glad to here that. Sounds like great pacing for her first triathlon!

I caught a picture of her coming in to T2. Notice that she is number 252, and here she is coming in with number 151. Bekah was doing a great job!

Now on to the run. The run was Bekah's biggest worry- her nemesis. I love running- she hates running. It has always been this way. But, she has been training and working hard, so I knew she could complete the 2 miles. I was planning on running with her, but I could not run the 2 miles. She was on her own.

I really had no time expectation for her. If she walked the whole thing, that was great too. All of a sudden, it seemed that she was coming around the corner. She had been running and walking the course, and when she saw me waiting for her, we ran the rest of the way together.

Here she is! Nice stride, good arm swing, happy face :) Yes, the run was hard- but she did it!

Bekah is now an official triathlete. She did what so many say they would like to try, but never take the first step. The results are not fully posted, yet, so I don't have splits to share with you. I do know from the results posted at the race that she was 9th in her age group and placed somewhere in the middle third for females. More importantly, though, she had a good time, enjoyed herself, and did not want to murder me after the race was over.

I am so proud of my sister. This is one of those days that we will always remember sharing together. :)

I will follow this up with my race report later when the results come out. For now, though, let's celebrate with Rebekah!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here We Go!

Just two more days until Bekah does her first triathlon!  

At my first triathlon (Rebel Man in 2006), I was so worried I wouldn't make it through the swim (400 yards in a pool!). Then I took forever in T1 because I wanted to put clothes on and pin my race number. The bike was fun because I had just gotten aerobars the week before- I am sure I was a really safe rider to be around! Then when I got to the run, I was just praying I could run the whole 3 miles. I strapped on my little knee brace and kept having to adjust it every half mile or so until I just took it off. Then- TADA! I was finished! I did it!

Okay, I am embarrassed to put this picture on here, but it is a good thing to laugh at myself from time to time.  Okay, here is me getting out of the pool swim in my first triathlon.  I wore tri shorts over a too-big-swim-suit because I was so embarrassed for people to see in me a swimsuit alone.  Then I promptly put on a jersey over the outfit so I was covered up.  Now I am older and more wrinkly and just run around in my bathing suit like it is nothing!   

Here is another picture from the day after awards.  It was a tiny race, so I got a little award for an AG win.  I think that falsely led me to believe that you win something every time you do a triathlon!  ha ha!  You mean, I don't even have to know how to swim or be able to run the whole distance to get a prize?  sweet!

Today I realized I still don't have my sh*t together as usual.  I haven't raced since November 1- IMFL.  That is almost 7 months, which is weird?  My big, heavy, yet reliable and trustworthy road bike is getting the nod this weekend as my race partner, leaving my sleek, beautiful, and fast tri bike leaning against the wall.  That also means I had to transfer everything back over to it- from the computer to the water bottle cage. So, I spent the morning getting my equipment race ready. 

By the way, as I am wrapping this post up, my sister just walked through my door.  Why?  To drop off her bike.  She is such a diva- apparently I am packing for her and making sure she arrives to the triathlon with everything she needs.  She doesn't know what she needs to bring, because she is relying on me.  I guess that is what big sisters are for after all, huh?

May Rebekah finish her first triathlon and have a hell of a good time. 

And for me, may the weather hold so that the race remains a triathlon and does not turn into a duathlon.  My nightmare will be having to walk that course x 2!  :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Vacay

This week has been wonderful! I am relaxed to the max with free time and flexibility. I start to feel a twinge of guilt sometimes (Dave is at work, my friends are working their butts off), but I quickly shake that guilty feeling. Nope, no guilt here! I made it through school and now I get to rest/play for a week.

I am mixing up the hard with the fun. I have done the Peddler ride and an old Jen H. swim this week (hard). I have gone to the pool to work on my non-existent tan and looked at houses while cycling with my sister (fun).

The funniest event of the week happened last night when Dave and his co-workers went to happy hour and I joined in the fun. I was in my cycling gear since I came straight from a ride. A guy in the bar came up to me as I was sitting with Dave and his co-workers, and asked me what kind of bike I ride. After some chit-chat, all of the co-workers were teasing Dave about letting that guy hit on me right in front of him. Dave just turned and said, well, she comes at a price- $xx,xxx in student loans and no job if anyone wants her. Har har har! Just for that funny comment I am taking another day off. Ha! :)

Now I am off to take a nap while watching the Princess Bride.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May Perspective

It is that time of year again...I think I have written a post just like this a year or so ago. This post is not only for my friends, but it is also a little pep talk for myself. We all need to hear this sometimes.

It is almost the end of May, so most triathletes are somewhere between finishing their first race of the year and already having multiple races under their belt. These first races can be tough mentally. Some people come out of the blocks on fire, and others are still trying to find their groove for the year.

So, I have listed out below the things to keep in perspective when that first race or two does produce the result you are used to having or want to have.

1. If you have been injured, cut yourself some slack. Health before pride. We need to be healthy to be at our best. You have been sitting out or are just trying to regain fitness from an injury, give yourself some time and know that it will come around. There are plenty of bloggers that have been dealing with injury: think of Mel, Eileen, and even myself. Think about Marit- she lost a whole season to a severe injury. While we were all training for our A races, she was trying to walk again. How hard must that be? Well, she is now getting Hawaii slots and placing overall in tris. We can learn a lot from her patience and persistence.

2. If your last race was an Ironman- in 2008- (or something long and slow) well, you are going to feel cobwebs. And, I wouldn't trade my Ironman finish for a good May race ever- and I don't think most of you would either. Sprints and Olys are such a far cry from the training you did last year. Remind yourself that you are very fit and the Ironman training will help you in the long run. Just line up for a few more short races to get the blood flowing. You are probably stuck in Zone 2, 350 calories per hour, and 10 minutes transitions. Wait, that was just me with 10 min IM transitions... (by the way, I haven't gotten my HR monitor out since Ironman. ha ha! I got so tired off looking at Zone 2!)

3. If your job is not flexible, or you have experienced job stress (or mom stress- that is a job too!), keep it in perspective. We can't all train 3x a day. We can't all get the recovery food, rest, massages, myofascial realease, ART, sleep that we want. Times are tough right now for a lot of people. The economy is not picking up, and we have friends that may worry daily about the security of their jobs. Just do what you can do. Be creative and get the training in that works for your life. And if such and such friend just happens to be able to do twice as much training than you, take a step back and count the blessings you have in your whole life, not just your tri life.

I am doing my first race this weekend. I am a little nervous. I still don't know if I can run the whole 2 miles yet. ha! But I will try to speed walk really fast. Won't that be a hoot! I hope someone catches that on camera- and I won't wave or smile for the camera, either- I will look super intense! :) But seriously, I know how prideful I can be to not have a good run on the end of my race- so I am going to remind myself of this post and the patience we must have with ourselves.

The season is long :) This is just the start and there are many more races ahead! Good luck!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Changes, Eric Northman and Training

Now that I have had a weekend to relax and get used to my new reality, I am really happy I made it through school. I had some poor experiences, but on the whole I made some great friends and have the opportunity to now get a job in the field that I love. Sweet!

Dave said he can already sensed change in me. He was amazed the other day when I cracked a joke. And to everyone's delight, I stayed out past midnight on Saturday. I am not kidding, either, when I say felt like I lost 5 lbs in one day. Everything seemed lighter- maybe it was the stress lifted off of my shoulders.

So what have I done since that last day of school? Well, I am happy to say that I read the last of the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I actually read the last 3 in 3 days. (I think I literally read the entire 9 book series in 2 weeks...and I recommend the books, but not the TV show.)

So, I am pulling for Eric (who wouldn't want a man that looks like a Viking god?). I mean, Bill really loves her, but he messed up. Eric acts like he cares only for himself, but I am hoping that deep down he can pull out something special to win her over. I think he was her true love in book 4. hmmmmm..... I always want books to end the way I want the to end.

Oh yeah, and training. I bet some of you are wondering about that. Today I got in the pool and managed to get sunburned. Tonight I am going on a bike ride with some of the girls. I think the rest of this week I will thrash it out at the Peddler rides. I am gearing up for that sprint triathlon this weekend with Bekah. Never mind that 2 miles of running (or walking, whatever) will be the hardest thing I will ever do. I bet my HR will be sky high and I will see stars since I haven't run in so long.

It is nice to have time to train again, and it is nice to have a clear mind and happy thoughts. The only thing missing in my day today is the Sookie Stackhouse book 10 where the happy ending occurs just as I have planned....

Friday, May 15, 2009

I Did It- Student No More

I don't know where to begin with this post. Condensing the past three years and all of my feelings that have swirled around in that time seems daunting- and impossible. The past three years have been the hardest so far in my life. I was 30ish and being treated like I was 18. I was a woman that had a professional career that was now reduced to a dependent student. I was told that I could not have a life outside of PT school- if I continued to do triathlons and work an extra job, I was not dedicated to school. I was told I could not do Ironman because they did not endorse extra-curricular activities.

I knew I was in trouble my first semester. I was unhappy. Uh-oh...I had three years of this. I remember emailing my friend Brian asking for advice. I remember calling my dad in the middle of a lab, crying because everything was going oh so wrong. I remember feeling depressed at times.

It was never the physical therapy aspect- I was genuinely excited to be a physical therapist, and I knew I had chosen the right profession this time. It was my new environment. I really didn't fit in- didn't like it. My life goals were inconsistent with those around me. I wanted to be a PT, but I wanted to see my husband, train with my friends, and have other meaningful experiences besides school. I wanted a balanced life.

All of that is behind me now. Water under the bridge. Sayanora!

Three cheers for me because I just finished my very last day of clinical rotation as a student physical therapist! In two weeks I will receive my doctorate. Nothing worth having comes easy.

Guess what I did to celebrate today? I went for my first pain free run- in 60 days!!! Now, granted it was a run walk- few minutes on, few minutes off. Grandma's were running faster than me. But still, I was running in celebration. (okay, I am still not cleared to really start training to run again, but getting through a few steps pain free is a good way to start).

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has offered kind comments through the tough times. Thank you to my friends in Memphis- I could not have survived without you. Thank you to Mira, my friend who has been through it and come out alive. Of course thank you to my family and Dave- for believing in me and never letting me give up.

No more school! 31 and 3 degrees is enough. I quit!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Pics

Just a reminder....only 4 days left of rotation. I can do it...I can do it!!!!!

Here are some pictures from the weekend. Dave and I went to Louisville, KY for Christy and Jindy's wedding. Christy is a great friend of mine from New Orleans. It was so sad when we were separated after Katrina- we still had so much hanging out to do!

Heather, Christy, and Damie (in all of my paleness- I swear I am not a vampire and I do see sunlight). The three of us have not been together since 2005! It was so fun to be there and support Christy. We remember the days when I was just dating Dave, Christy was searching for true love, and Heather was deciding the next move in her life. And, here we 4 years later as happy as we can be!

Damie and Dave :) I was actually feeling a little sick over the weekend. My tonsils were (and are still) swollen and my ears hurt. I am sure some sort of sinus infection is getting ready to rear its ugly head. I was a good sport, though, and made sure to join in on the second line, do the electric slide, and eat Grater's ice cream at the reception. I even made it out to 4th street, for a little while.

Damie and Keith. I would link you to his blog, but it is never updated. He has some lame excuse about not knowing what to write. I always just write anything and everything, so I don't think that is a very good excuse!

I am heading to bed to read Middlesex for bookclub on Wednesday. I am not sure I am going to get this one finished- I still have 400/500 pages left. It is an awesome book, but not the quickest read. Plus, I read two other books this weekend like a bad book club member- book 3 and 4 of the Sookie Stackhouse series. I just know they are going to boot me out of bookclub when they find out I have been reading other books instead of the monthly selection. Shoot, shoot!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


May/June is a good rival to November/December in the busy department. On my schedule for the next 4ish weeks:
7 more days of clinical rotation
Christy/Jindy's wedding
Mother's Day
Volunteer Memphis in May
GJCC Tri with Bek
Damie's Graduation
Brandi's wedding
Erin's wedding
Jan's shower
Papa's birthday
Italian Festival
Robert's Family Beach Trip

and I think that is it. I think. Anyone have anything else going on? Did I forget anything?

I am currently enjoying a glass of wine while catching up with emails, blogs, and such. I wholeheartedly plan on doing the Peddler ride in the morning and have to make sure I don't let one glass become two...

Tonight I had the pleasure of swimming with Conner Townsend from my team Los Locos. He offered to share a lane with me. Lucky me :) Kind of... Since he does his 100s on my 75s... He was the first person I remember ever seeing finish first in the swim portion at a race and being in awe. I probably gave him the funniest look when he turned to me and asked if I was ready to do the main set. Who does a main set with a real swimmer? Again, my 75s to his 100s. :) Then he totally threw out the challenge- "well Alyson Capote can do it." I am not sure where that came from and it completely made me laugh so he roped me in to his workout. The best, though, were the great coaching tips. He gave me so many good pointers- he was worried he was overwhelming me and I wanted more! (and he is now at home probably wondering how such a terrible swimmer like me ever makes it through a triathlon.)

Speaking of Alyson.... good thing she can be talked into just about anything. (the problem with that is she gets talked into everything and therefor may have to back out of one of her many commitments! If you know Alyson you are smiling right now because you know it is true). This week I convinced her to do Cycle for Safety even though she was hungover. Then I found a way to get her to the pool at the crack of dawn Monday in freezing water. She has conveniently gone out of town for the rest of the week, on purpose, I suspect.

My other friends are MIA. Or I am MIA. I can't tell the difference. I am not sure what Joy and Laura are doing these days. I suspect they are doing the things that I used to do...track, Wed night rides, swimming with Rob, the fun stuff.... From the looks of their blogs, Joy is loving to run and Laura is hitting the margaritas. Casey skipped the ride on Tuesday with a sinus infection, and I may just use that same excuse for not having read the book for book club next Wednesday, b/c I honestly have not even started the book. Jan is busy being preggers and staying safe- and probably just wishing I would stay injured and get pregnant ;) Gina is probably thinking the same thing. I am sure Nancy has done an Ironman already this week.

At least Charlie is back on his bike. I feel like the world is starting to regain some normalcy again.

Okay, if I play any more on the computer it will take away from sleepy time.

Again, just 7 more days until I am done with my very last clinical rotation....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Shower Partners

Here are some funny shower pictures to share with you- not those kind of shower pictures....get your mind out of the gutter. :) Shower time in my house is a family event almost. Every pet tries to hang out with me during shower time for some weird reason- maybe they like the sound of the water? Or is it that I finally smell decent?

Ever since Rooney was a puppy, he would sleep on the mat while I took a shower. As he got older, sometimes he would drop socks in the shower or a toy and thought that was great fun, then he would fall asleep on the mat.

Cayenne is a little different. She loves to deliver a sneak attack of licks while I have my back turned in the shower. I can have my eyes closed in the shower while I am washing my hair, and next thing I know I feel licks on my leg. I can try to block her out, but she just goes to the other side and finds a way to lick me. The minute I turn the shower off, she is right there waiting to dry me off with her tongue. Roo likes to help with this too. So much for being clean. :)

(check out the above picture- her tail is wagging a million miles per minute and she is just ready to lick away!)

Different day, different animal. Before the dogs- and even before Dave lived with me it was just me and Presley. He would follow me all through the house, and yes, he loves shower time too. With the two dogs in the house now, he hardly gets any time with me because the dogs take over and force him out.

I am glad I got pictures of this. I sure will miss these guys when we aren't together one day. They bring so much happiness into my life, it is unreal. :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My lack of blogging has not been from disinterest, but rather lack of time. The lack of time is not because I am training my ass off- to the contrary, training rather stinks right now. As my friends on FB know- or if you have talked to me recently, this has been the week from hell for me- 666 to the max-total Murphey's Law. I really want a Splish suit that says 666 all over it- something to make me laugh when I have a life moment such as I have had this week. Actually, I think I may just create a Splish suit right now....
Public blog status means I can't share details for the week. But, here I am- made it through- 1,000 times a stronger person than I was on Monday. So, the benefit to humiliation and feeling like a total loser is a thicker skin and tougher mental attitude.

I did have a huge amount of fun swimming with my sister on Thursday. We talked so much and swam so little :) We are doing the GJCC tri together at the end of May- only a 200 meter swim in the pool so that will be fun. It was funny, too, because I made her practice swimming behind me and I kicked up a ton of bubbles so she wouldn't panic if she got behind someone in her first tri and couldn't see anything- because that is what happened to me in one of my first triathlons!

And tomorrow I am doing Cycle for Safety with Alyson. I was planning on doing the 54 mile option, but I think I have somehow been tricked into an 84 mile ride.... although she swears it won't be like that, but I did the math....

I am being a good girl and NO running. I am not even sneaking anything in. I know from previous experience with this injury that 2 months is not enough time to heal the bone, so I am being extra cautious. I keep telling myself if I will just do the right thing now, I can play later. I have cut out the eliptical and I am being careful not to put on too many riding miles since there is still quite a bit of impact to the knee.

ummm...that it is :) I saw Ben Harper and The Steve Miller Band last night. I slept in late today and feel like a million dollars. I ate lunch with Gina and have forced my way into being the developmental pediatric physical therapist for her unborn child. I am now going to the gym to pretend to lift weights and maybe aqua jog.