Friday, March 20, 2009


Day 5.... no walking.

Hobbling? Yes- with pain. Walking, not even close. I am a prisoner in my house during this glorious spring break. The dogs would be excited, except I can't take them on a walk. Yesterday I tried to go up to campus and get some work done, but the walk from the car to the building was just too much and I was miserable after making the trip. So another day at home, and I guess I don't need to leave my house to have a pity party. :)

I am still getting the advice to "take it easy" and "don't push myself." I have stopped making sarcastic remarks back because they are clearly falling on deaf ears. I can't seem to get any medical attention until next week because everyone is confident that I will go from not walking to healed by Monday- they must think I will rest extra hard over the weekend.

Normally, ice helps a hurting knee for me. Achy knee- runner's knee- slap some ice and it will feel better. Usually doesn't solve the problem, but feels better. Not in this case- my knee hurts just as bad pre-ice or post-ice. Much like I thought 5 days ago, whatever is lose, torn, or pinched in my knee is still there-ice did not do away with it.  I am in trouble.

Solid efforts have been made by my mom, the queen of acquiring pharmaceutical samples, to bring me some meds to try to help. My friends have patiently answered their phones every day as I report...SOS, 3, day 4, still can't walk, no one will help, please send support and back up, mayday, mayday.  

In an effort to stay positive and trick my mind into feeling good, I am entering the NYC marathon lottery today.  I mean, just because I can't walk today doesn't mean I won't be able to pull out a scorching marathon in November, right?   Okay, now I think I may cry.  

It is only fair that I post yet another torso picture of Alan Smith to cheer myself up.  


dambekpapa said...'s not deaf ears. If you hurt you have to go to the doctor. I know you've been before, I know you're concerned about the cost. And I know you don't have confidence in the medical system. I can't make it go away though, no matter how much so I want to. You need and MRI and some competent diagnosis no matter how hard that is to get. Pop pop said life is tough all over, you gotta face it and deal with it. Let's do that!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Damie: Water running? UGH, I know. just trying to throw a bone. HANG in there.