Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Revised-Plan Week

Sometimes you can plan, and sometimes life has other plans for you.  I am technically on spring break for one week, and I had planned to train like a demon this whole week- lots of serious riding, fine- tuning the speed on my shorter running distances, etc....  

Ha ha ha!!!

Since I can still hardly walk....  yes, the knee is still in a bad position.  Internal swelling, some loose body (of cartilage probably) that continues to lock my knee for me, and some nice bouts of pain are continuing to hang around.  Many have offered me the well- intended solution of ice and ibuprofen.  Yes, they tend to sooth things a little, but they can't fix cartilage problems.  Oh yea, and I still get the "just rest" and "don't run" advice thrown my way.  Seriously.  I must look dumber the older I get.  You mean I am not supposed to run when I can't even really walk?  Genius!

Today was a nice break through with a PT that I respect and that does not patronize me.  Nothing is worse to me than someone trying to explain what my meniscus is and what swelling does and blah, blah, blah- as if that doctorate in physical therapy I will receive in 9 weeks doesn't mean a thing.  When I am injured, I need someone whom I can bounce off ideas for active treatment as I consider myself the foremost expert on myself- luckily I spoke with him today and I feel better about what I can do actively to help myself with this situation.  

So, it seems that God had other plans for me this week instead of training.  I think he wanted me to have some time off to pay bills, renew my counseling license and get all of my CEUs in order (I have 0/40 completed right now), mail my friend the tri-top that she lent me in November that I had yet to return, and love on the dogs.  I have managed to make it to the pool every day (mostly with a pull buoy), and just for giggles I bring some crazy Jen H. workout to the pool with me just to spice it up.      

I did manage to get one important thing in order yesterday- the bike situation.  
Remember this guy?  He has been sitting in the attic in pieces.  I felt horribly guilty- I mean, he has been with me through thick and thin in every race I have ever done, even the Ironman.  He is not fancy, but he is a sturdy and reliable road bike.  Well, I managed to finally get all of the parts over the past couple of months to put him back together.  I even washed him yesterday, as he had not been washed since IM Florida.  I hope he will forgive me.  

Fighting for attention (well, it is not much of a fight) is the new girl in the house.  When I actually finished the Ironman, my family finally believed that I liked the sport of triathlon and would stick with it.  With tons of begging and me signing on for a ton of emotional debt with Dave (with a very high interest rate!  ha ha!), I was able to get an awesome carbon triathlon bike for Christmas to carry me forward.  She is used, but in great condition.  She is a huge upgrade for me in every way, and I make sure to tell Dave every day thank you and to talk about how much I love her so he will realize it really was a worthwhile purchase.  (all of the thanks he really wants is for me to earn a pay check again) 

It has been really fun getting both pieces of equipment together.  I feel so appreciative of the new bike I have.  I know how newbies feel when they don't have the newest or priciest equipment- I stayed on the aluminum road bike for 3 years.  I think that I did just fine with the basic things, and if you like the sport enough, everything you need will start to come to you over time.  

I hope to write some more positive updates on the knee later this week.  Over and out!


BreeWee said...

Oh Damie, darn knee.... hope you get it all sorted out and healed up soon. My fingers are crossed for you... maybe find another one of those 4 leaf clovers you sent me, if not I can send you mine to borrow :)

Jennifer Harrison said...

HANG in there, my friend. "this too shall pass..." And it will. CHIN UP...and swim more! (hee hee) xo
PS LOVE THE NEW BLOG look - definitely more you!

Laura said...

Yay, now you and I can have the cleanest triathlon bikes in the city! (well, according to Clark)

Hang in there with the knee thing. For what it's worth, I think you're extremely qualified to self-diagnose and totally agree that it's more helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off of rather than just tell you what to do - as if you don't know your own body and what all the muscles, ligaments, tendons are called and their actions down to supporting roles!