Sunday, March 22, 2009

Turned Out To Be A Big Week

What I lacked in land time, I made up for in water time this week. I hit the pool 7 out of 7 days- 6 swim days, 1 water jogging day (I need a break from the laps). I realized today that I swam 21,600 yards in the 6 days. While a lot of you cover that yardage every week, this is a big number for me. A PR, I guess. See? Even when you are injured you can PR if you are creative enough :) Interestingly, only one swim was with the master's program. Every other swim was a date with me and the black line. I guess I needed some me-time. Add on a couple of extra pain-free spin sessions on my bike, and the week has actually turned out okay.

I have also managed to lose 2 pounds this week. I am getting a little tired of the post-IM weight so I just said no to the extras. They weren't kidding when they said once you hit 30 your body and metabolism change. I guess I am almost one year deep into the metabolism slow-down, and I am slightly regretting every grilled cheese sandwich, tater tot, and piece of cake I ate in the college cafeteria. I said slightly regretting. They were pretty good.

In my up and coming world, I get to go see the ortho doc on Monday about my knee. With some guidance and prompting from friends and family, I forged ahead and got some help. I feel positive that this will all work out with a happy ending once we get a game plan on the table. I may have to make some adjustments with some things in my future, but I am more than willing to give a little to get a lot. Once I can put my finger on what is going on, you know I will work hard to make it right.

Okay, so update tomorrow on the doc visit.


Anonymous said...

Awesome job on all the swimming! Hope your knee gets better!

Marit C-L said...

Oh man - I'm so sorry! Injuries are NO fun.... Way to go with the swimming - and WOW, that's a heckuva lot more yards/meters than I do!!! (or have ever done!!!) Keep up with the pool running - it DOES work... I've done it before too... a little boring, yes? Just hang in there! I'll be thinking about you today - good luck at the doc's!!!