Tuesday, January 29, 2008

These Days

So, what is going on in my life right now?

Family: Dave and I are doing great. Rooney is in dog school (well, I guess Dave and I are really the ones in school). We are working on "sit and stay" and "loose-leash walking". Good luck to us on that one! Dave and I are becoming super boring as we get older, but we are happier than ever. For those of you that don't know, Dave and I have known each other for 12 years, and we have been sweethearts in one way or another for almost all 12 of those. Our 3 year wedding anniversary is this year...where does the time go?

School: This is my biggest challenge of the year. I am trying to graduate with my doctorate in physical therapy. This is my last year of classes. School has really been a struggle for me this time around, but I am hanging on like a one-armed monkey that just won't give up!

Extra-curricular: Well, this probably takes up most of my life because I am all about having fun! I like to keep a full plate with lots of variety. When I am a grandma, I want to be running marathons, visiting other countries, staying out till 3:00am... just kidding, I can't even stay out past midnight now! Most of my time is taken up these days by marathon training and pre-IM training (I am doing my first Ironman this year in Florida). I guess I am not officially training for the IM yet, but I am getting in a pretty good base. I am still waiting for my coach, Joy, to tell me when to step it up.

So that is it! Besides an occasional work shift at Breakaway Running, I will be going to school, running, biking, swimming, training Rooney (and myself), and begging Dave to bear with me through 2008 as energy slowly drains away!

Happy Tuesday to you!

1 comment:

Mommy of THREE little MONKEYS said...

where the heck does all your energy come from? I need to get off my butt and go running too, but I keep finding excuses not to. I just keep saying when the weather gets nicer I will get out there and run......i hope I stick to it!