Friday, August 8, 2014

The Difference In A Year

(swaddled to prevent crying and meltdowns...the 5 S's are a load of crap, BTW.  My kid would just scream through swaddled shooshing swinging sucking whatever)
(naked fun time!)

What a difference a year makes!  My child has changed so much in a year and continues to evolve into a more amazing version of herself daily.

The same applies to adults too.  I tend to forget that every day I am evolving and changing into a better version of myself, if I choose.  What I look like, the challenges I face, and the way I feel will not be the same next year as they are today.  What a hopeful message little babies deliver to us! 

And thank goodness for that, because today I had one of those runs where I just felt fitness is right around the corner.  I mean, it is knocking on my door.  And that is a good feeling, because it has been evading me for a year.

A year later, and we are sleeping through most of the night.  A year later and I am in a better position with work than I was last year.  A year later and I am looking forward to the small races on my calendar.  

A year later, and I am starting to feel like myself....but better!


Kris Cordova said...

Hooray Damie! This is great to hear!

Gayle said...

Welcome to the other side!!!

Angela and David said...

Yeah Damie! And Isla's eyes are amazing.