Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Still Going!

35ish weeks and I am trying to slow down.  I keep thinking about all of the things I need to get done.  I keep thinking about all of the sleep I need to get.  (right now I am back at the insomnia stage, so at least 2 x night I am hanging out with the dogs on the couch and then falling asleep at work later in the day.  I need you all to update your blogs so I have sometime to read at 3am!).  I am definitely "more pregnant" now.  I am slower, bigger, and more tired.  I am ready to rest!

But instead, in typical fashion, life is just getting busier!!!  Work just keeps coming, the get-togethers are still happening, and friends are here to hang out!  So, this week I have a great girls' night on tap since Deb is in town, Italian fest with my family, my mother-in-law is coming in town, and I have a great friend from Chicago coming to visit.  Yippee!!!!

(and be prepared for a meltdown Monday night when I am so tired and swollen I can't function).  
This past weekend we went to the Shell and saw Drivin' N Cryin'.  Remember them?  I bet you don't.  Apparently no one listened to them but me.  I was the only one of my friends that knew their music.

Life is good right now.  The sun is shining and it is warm outside.  After battling the winter doldrums which seriously depressed me, I am happy to be swimming it the sunshine.  I am enjoying swimming so much I swim almost every lunch break I can get away.  My shoulder continues to heal, and I can't tell you how stoked I am about this.  From 9 months of no swimming to be able to swim almost daily....winning. 

I was worried that I will be in a deep hole when I start back with exercise postpartum, especially with running and cycling.  But when I swim, all of those fears go away and I realize that it will be right there waiting for me.  It will be a fun (maybe draining and frustrating, but fun) journey back to fitness and racing.  
Daddy Dave with his current baby, Cayenne.  She is such a little monster, but we love her so much.  Can't wait to add some more crazy to our world.



Jennifer Harrison said...

Damie - SO CUTE. Do not worry about getting back into shape post baby OR that you are "just" swimming now -- it is ALL OK. PROMISE! (speaking from experience!). 35 weeks - wow! It is so exciting!

runningtwig said...

Good luck these last few weeks! Get some rest if you can!

And I love Drivin v Cryin. I have at least 6 of their songs on my running playlist. I saw them play at 616 and the new daisy in high school!

Angela and David said...

When you are up breastfeeding you will really wish people were updating blogs and FB in the middle of the night! Reconnect with any friends you have in Australia and Asia - they are great for late night entertainment.

And the best part of post-baby training. You'll hit this sweet spot where every workout is a huge improvement. It's amazing. And then before you know it, your fitness is back!

Michelle Simmons said...

Ditto everything Angela said. ;)

Joy said...

I'd have to add-- don't stress over getting sleep now. Hang with friends and enjoy yourself! You'll be tired when up in the middle of the night anyway :)

Laura said...

I have no advice, but I'll try to update my blog more often! (the wordpress version)