Monday, May 20, 2013

Getting Closer

34 weeks!

The good:  I was able to swim 5 x last week.  Yippee!!  The shoulder is definitely starting to heal, and although I don't have full nerve regeneration yet, I can lift 10 pounds over my head again.  So exciting!  I just have to be careful and smart while it still heals and I regain full ROM and strength, but everything is looking up!

Also, that sacroiliac pain is completely gone.  So after 3 weeks of not being able to walk and hardly being able to hobble around work, I am all of a sudden fine.  ? ? ? Chalk it up to another mysterious pregnancy injury.  
The best:  My family together for a nice dinner.  I am so lucky to have good family support. 
The awesome:  My sister threw a little friend/family party for me to celebrate Baby Roberts coming. 
And, she helped to complete my supply of cloth diapers.  Yes, the ever controversial "why would you want to do that?" topic.  I never thought I could be so excited for a diaper sprayer and a bunch of cute, fluffy cloth diapers. 

Thank you to everyone that came.  Friendship is up there for me with chocolate cake....really important and irreplaceable.  I am thankful for all of my amazing friends. 
The sweet:  My friend Gina has been ever by my side helping with the party and just being a good friend.  I can't wait till we can go on a run again together...maybe with kids, maybe just the two of us. 

Congrats to ADC for her beautiful baby boy!!!  So excited for her.  I was talking with her on the computer when she was going into labor, and it has been so fun to follow her journey.  Lots of new tri-babies coming out!

Oh, and super congrats to Emily Kratz, fellow Wattie and OVERALL AMATEUR FEMALE at IMTX this weekend.  Super awesome.  Sky is the limit!

Oh yes.  Well, time for me to finish work for the day.  I am eagerly awaiting Baby Roberts, and I am not going to lie, but a spin on my bike would be really great too.  It is right around the corner!


GoBigGreen said...

Hey you! So good to see you in blogland. I am excited for you i hope you name her Julia:) thanks for your nice comments. Send me some real sun and 80 ok?

Angi Axmann said...

The baby is coming soon!!! You look very happy and healthy!!! You are going to be a great mom!!!