Thursday, February 14, 2013

Things I Love

Happy Valentine's Day!

I have already loved so much about today, and the day is just starting!

1.  The maintenance guy at the gym said, "Good morning Damie!" as I walked into the gym.  Nothing nicer than someone knowing your name and acknowledging you at 5:20 am.

2.  The lifeguard had my pulling and kicking equipment set out for me at my lane before I got there.... just for me.  What??????  How thoughtful!!!

3.  I swam over 3000 yards.  Go me!  First time since last summer!

4.  And I was the fastest that I have been since June of 2012.  Now, I am not saying I was fast, just that I was faster and could move my body with a cooperative shoulder.

5.  The sun is shining outside.  Thank goodness!  I really needed that.

6.  My recycle bin is full.  For some reason this brings me pleasure when I set an example for the rest of my street (full of non-recyclers) to decrease garbage and increase recycling!

7. Plane tickets to New York are booked! The trip is on!!!

8. And I have great patients to see today.  I am happy to have my job.

9.  My dogs.  The way they are just sitting with me and "helping me" get ready this morning.  

 And the way they love each other.  Their love is amazing. 

10.  And of course, I love my husband Dave.  For starting off every morning in a positive mood and setting my days off in the right direction.

Lots to love about life.  Everyone have a great day!


Gayle said...

What a beautiful way to start MY day. Pretty thoughts from a pretty woman! Happy Valentines Day!

Wendy @ New Moms Talk said...

Call it Mom-mones, but that made me cry!

Congrats on all of the good stuff!

The hub and I spent 4 glorious hours together this morning from 114-514 am as our little lady was up and showering us with love! We mixed baby with future plans- divine!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Joy said...

Love it! Now is it just me, or are Rooney and Cayenne looking more and more alike these days? Kinda like you start looking more like your spouse... :)

Anonymous said...

You are Doing Great miss Damie-Momma-To-Be!!!!

Quicker for me to log on Anon...than withGoogle!!

I too was preg, and made priority for exercise.....and i also made SUPER,PRIORITY FOR NUTRITION....remember babe is,dependen on u for nutrients/minerals.. Mindful on the carbs, u dont wanna,have to go on bedrest b/c GestationalDiabetes...yikes, ...that alone,scared me enough to limit the carbs!

Great job on pool swim workouts!!!! Yeahhhh!! Your body loves you!!, good heart workout, and ahhh no stress on the joints!!!!

EMBRACE EMBRACE YOUR PHENOMENAL RACK!!!! Seriously. It is the bestest golden medicine you could ever ever start your little one on.....AND U WILL SHED YOUR BABY WEIGHT sooo rapidly. Colostrum and breastmilk, yummmmm sooo nutrient dense, just look up on kellymom website....breastmilk is,antimicrobial and antiviral amongst a plethora,of phenomenal immunoglobins!!! Breastmilk is,a,panacea for eye infections/ear infections/ scratches/ dry skin/exzema.....the list goes on....

You have a,new life, Congrats on taking the Time to REST REST REST, YOUR BABE needs to develop and grow and yipppeeee.!!
I too raced triathlon (150 bpm) @ 4.5mon...and started hiking /aka stopped running at 6mo...swam until 39wks.

As,the song says..."Cccchhhanges, time to make,the change"...

With super nutrition/super exercise/power naps....(mind u i also had 3months all day sickness!) We birthed a 6.5# miracle....gained 45# total....almost all in boobs, body fluid, extra Blood for my new Bodymate, and well

IT IS A GREAT TIME,TO BE AWARE OF LIVING IN THE POSITIVE, Bye bye to silly comments from silly , obnoxious,strangers!!!
(really, i am not trying to offend u , i reaally just wanna,say Good job and...
Those obnoxious comnents are prepping u for when baby comes Earthside....ESPECIALKY FAMILY ...they say the worst, insensitive remarks....)

ADC said...

That is a great swim lady. Woohooo. You put me to shame xx