Saturday, February 23, 2013

Keeping It Fun

I started to wonder this week what happened to Damie, and who took over my body and brain?  Oh yes, some cute little girl has moved in.  :)  (I am guessing she is cute, red headed, and freckly like Dave :)  But really, this week I had several nights when I couldn't fall asleep after the habitual, first bathroom call.  I would pee, toss and turn, and then go read or play on the computer with the dogs.  I started to become a stressball, as evidenced by my one late night decision to erase blog posts because I was just tired of reading about training, and triathlon, and blah blah...... and then there was another morning phone call to Joy to cry and worry about labor and delivery.  My mind is everywhere!

22 am I doing?  I love being pregnant.  I love this time that I get to spend with Dave, and I wouldn't trade it for any training or racing in the world.  I am not full of energy, but not sick and fatigued, either.  I like to sleep in, and I don't feel guilty when I decide to not wake up at 4:45am to swim.  I love all of the advice my sweet 80+ year old patients give me, and I really do try to listen and learn.  I am eating some healthy things, and I am eating cookies too.  I don't stress about it, and I just roll with it.  I do miss coffee, wine, and margaritas.  And no, it doesn't get easier like some friend told me.  It sucks at almost 6 months like it did at 1 month.  Someone please buy me a drink when this part is over.  :)

I still like to swim, but my pace is just kind of stuck at a 1:40.  It is not taxing, I just can't go any faster.  Everyone says to keep your HR low, but I can't even get mine up enough to feel like I am working out!  I am not cycling, but I still look at my bike with longing.  Running is an enigma to me.  I can do a few 400s/800s on the track, but I can't run 20 minutes easy without stopping 4+ times to pee and walk.  I don't know my current weight, but I know that I am at least 20-25 pounds heavier than my race weight as of my last doctor's appointment a few weeks ago.  I think...errrr...pretty much know I am going to be a big gainer, but like Dave told me today, I need to "embrace being pregnant."  His daily words of encouragement really help me step away from the triathlon life and current culture that tell me that my focus should be on "fitness, training as much as possible, mommyrexia, and being uber-pregnant triathlete," and place my energy in loving my body for all of the hard work it is doing, even if I don't understand or choose the physical and aesthetic changes.

My philosophy has changed completely from getting it done to doing only what feels good.  The only discipline I have now is being fastidious about having a lot of fun and snuggle time.  
And, today I wore my first maternity shirt.  I can still fit in my "big" jeans, but shirts are starting to become too short for me.  I refused to buy maternity clothes....(and more on this topic in another post on how I am the cheapest thriftiest person I know).... but my friend Deb came to my rescue with a HUGE box of amazing clothes for me to borrow.  I was so thankful for her graciousness and sharing.  It felt so good to put on her shirt and know that I was wearing a shirt that was sent to me with love.  It doesn't always take a lot to show your friends you care, just a little thing here or there that is sent with love really makes a hug difference.

xoxo happy training to all!  Excited to join you all soon!


Joy said...

We should've been pregnant at the same time, it would've been so fun (and reassuring :))! You look so good, by the way! I can't believe I haven't actually seen you in like 7 months!

ADC said...

You look GREAT. Wait until that maternity clothes starts to 'expand'.