Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I am stealing from Angela (some good bullet posts lately)- here are my bullet points for the night- I just can't seem to put the 100 things on my mind into a paragraph or two in readable format.

1. Just had dinner at Los Compadres and a margarita for Wednesday night dinner. No need to wonder why my body composition is never that great. I sure did have fun though!

2. Kari- you rock too. Thanks for the email. I agree that this is all good stuff.

3. Here is a picture from my cousin. (teenager- love her. teenagers sometimes get it so right). I have now planned a trip to Heber Springs, Arkansas to spend some time with her. I asked her to plan something fun for us (is 32 years-old too old to crash a high school party?). And I think I want to go shopping with a teenager- it has been a while.

4. I turned in my two- week notice to work. On to something different. I had to pull my big girl panties up and just really try something new, challenging, and scary.

5. The leg is fine. No more soccer for the year, though. (someone please help me quit. I swear it is easier to stop smoking cigarettes).

6. I am ready for an Ironman. Seriously. I mean, not ready to do one tomorrow, but ready to do one in the near future.

7. Get right- or get left. My new saying.

8. I am starting to get in that frame of mind where I .... like to swim. Not that I am getting any faster, because I am getting slower. It is just the satisfaction of someone barking a workout to me, and me completing it. Although I fail to see what could be fun about this process, I am secretly enjoying it.

9. Has anyone read "The Art of Racing in the Rain?" Every day Rooney sniffs and kisses my face in a very concerned manner. He really takes his time to investigate everything that is going on with me. Every time he does this (which is daily now), I start to worry that I have a brain tumor or that something is wrong with me. I guess you would have to read the book.

10. My song of the week is "Malibu" by Hole. It is stuck in my head.

Going to bed- alternating between a romance novel and Lamb by Christopher Moore. Good luck everyone in the St. Jude Marathon.


Scott said...

I read "art of racing in the rain" a few months ago, great book, and I too worry that there is something wrong with me when my dogs sniff around my head.

Get right or get left! I love it.

Joy said...

Read that book too. Roo just loves you and wants to be as near as possible. But i understand your worry!! :)

p.s. Yay for Mexican food. Don't tell me it makes people fat-- that's all I eat these days!

Laura said...

I LOVE that book! :) I almost went to Los Compadres last night too, but we went to the basketball game instead. We'll stop playing phone tag one of these days. :)

Angela and David said...

I won't let myself read the "art of racing ni the rain" because then I fear we'll go get a dog and it's just not the right time right now.

Congrats on the new job - that's exciting!

Anonymous said...