Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I am starting this post out with a picture of Caya and Shelby Shoes snuggling last night on the couch.  Life is good!
In my other life, I am a physical therapist.  Most people assume I am in orthopedics since I love sports, but I am actually in geriatrics!  I have 96-year-old patients!  It is sooooo awesome.  I mean, there is no better time spent than time spent with an older adult.  They know so much, give great advice, and really bring such a sharp, beautiful perspective to life.  My patients give me marital advice (I need to cook more...ha ha!), stress advice (let it go), and every other piece of advice under the sun.  I love it!  

I was going to do a work-rant to vent a little, but now that I am sitting down and writing, it is really not needed.  Work is unhealthy and overly-stressful, but I will survive.  I had a mis-manager, and she has relocated.  I also stood up to a co-worker today that has been a really mean bully.  At the ripe age of 32, I just don't have time for mean people any more.     
Physical therapy is awesome.  I am glad I made a career change early and did not wait to go back to school.  It has come with some stressors that I did not anticipate (like productivity demands that are impossible to meet ethically) as well as enormous physical fatigue at the end of the day.  I now know that compression socks were not invented for triathletes, they were invented for health care providers that are on their feet all day lifting 200 pound patients out of bed.  

When I do have the energy to fit in some training time, I am paying close attention to the knee status.  It has started having some major swelling within the past month in the back.  Obviously the knee is something that is on my mind often- sorry to belabor the problem.    

This is a pic from a week ago with some moderate swelling in the back of my knee.  It has actually been a lot worse than this.  And no, that is not a muscle, as one friend asked.  That is fluid!  

This is a new symptom, and I have never had fluid in this area.  I am not in pain at this time, though, so the doctor is not concerned (although I am).  I did not have any swelling post race this weekend which is promising, and I am determined to listen to my body, keep the easy days easy, do less, and race sparingly.  

Yes, I said do less.  It is my new mantra.  I will run the least amount needed to enjoy the sport. This is opposite of my old self that wanted to run all of the time.  Healthy knee= Happy Damie. I am now 5 months out from surgery, so I hope to continue to see some progress and good stuff as the knee enters those final stages of healing.  

:)  is the weekend here yet?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Showers, Weddings, and Race Reports

I really need to post more often so I don't have to cram all of this in.  This blog is starting to turn into the weekend social review and I haven't had a good rant lately.  Homework for Damie:  rant due next Wednesday on the topic work.  

I enjoyed another insane weekend of social activity.  And since I am an ISFJ by nature  (could be an INFJ- it is close) , I think I am handling all of the group time exceedingly well :)  

Nancy, Laura and I enjoyed some more time celebrating with Joy at a bridal shower.  

We are the best gift givers ever:  plates that are the wrong color, Peeps, and  yet another gift card.  One of us only had only painted the three toe-nails that were showing through the heels, another was wearing her husband's socks, and another forgot to wear deodorant.  We are Joy's classiest friends ever.  

The bridal party:  Nancy, Megan, Jenny, Joy, Damie, Sheila, Laura, and Emily
I was able to sneak in a few more minutes with some PT school friends at another bridal shower.  It was so nice to have a chance to hug some familiar faces- after all, we spent three years of our time sitting together slaving away to earn a doctorate degree only to spend the rest of our lives worrying about our productivity number.  (oh yes, that will go in  Wednesday's rant).  
PT friends:  Diana, Em, Rachael, Damie, Christy
add in another wedding + my birthday+ ultimate fatigue and you have my complete Saturday.  (no pictures for the rest of the night...I was too tired to take pictures).     

And now for a small Rebel Man Triathlon Race Report.  

To start the race- everyone's worst nightmare happened to me.  My alarm clock did not go off, even though I set it properly.  I woke up 50 minutes after I was supposed to wake up- and only because Dave had to go to work and noticed I was still asleep.  Everything was cool, though- made it to the race no prob.  

Los Locos at Rebel Man 2010:  Damie, Joy, Dustin, Andrew, Maggi, Bill, Laura, and Kevin.  Not pictured:  Greg and Miles.  
I survived the 400 meter pool TT swim, but just barely.  By 75 meters I was fighting for position with the girl next to me- and the other 20 people in my lane- like it was an Ironman.  I finally settled down at about 125 meters and worked to pick off people that seeded themselves incorrectly.  My goal of using the walls efficiently turned into me finding some random wall space and diving under people to get away.  The dern swim never gets faster, but I enjoy it more now and panic less.  But- seeing Maggi's swim get stronger and stronger is motivating...maybe there is hope?  

The sunless day was in the high 40s/low 50s (I think) with wind for the bike.  We don't like cold weather in Memphis, and normally I ride with pants and a long sleeved jersey.  I took a gamble and wore only arm warmers with my wet bathing suit (no socks, gloves, or anything else). It was the best move I made all day, and I was comfortable throughout the whole bike. 

I was passed by Kevin on the bike after a few miles, and I know he is a smart athlete and he seemed to be pacing his race well.  I made it a goal to stay with him- and I meant it.  I dropped back out of the violation zone and just watched his legs and matched his cadence.  (not a bad sport, eh?  when you get to stare at a good pair of legs as part of the race).  I have tried to keep up with teammates before, only to fall 6 bike lengths back, then 10, then never to see them again.  This time I was able to keep him in my sight, and it really motivated me to stay on track.  I did start to get dropped a few times,  but I upped my focus and re-matched his cadence.  Although the bike hurt, it paid off to try to keep up with a faster rider.   

When I hit the run, I automatically felt my heavy footfall like a big elephant lumbering down the street.  I decided to focus on running with a lighter footfall and keeping my legs moving with good cadence.  I was running with sheer panic as I had amazing athletes right behind me ready to zoom by me.  I had no pain in my knee, but I sounded like an out-of-shape freight train rolling through the run course because you could hear my huffing and puffing a half of a mile away.  I just don't know how all of the really speedy runners do it.  My hats off to all of the fast runners out there- I want to be you.    

The finish line looked as good as it always does- and every time I finish a triathlon I think...yup, that is plenty for this season.  No need to do that again!  But, after an hour or two, my selective memory kicks in and I start to think that I had fun and want to do another triathlon again.  (just not anytime soon ;)  I finished 2nd OA- completely surprised by the day and very aware that having a good day is a gift and not to be taken for granted.        

The Los Locos Girls- top 4 overall baby!!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Weekend Review Finished

Sat night- long overdue. For a better post on Joy's main event, click here.

I pulled up my big girl party panties and attacked night number two with as much gusto as I could muster.  After all, it was Joy's bachelorette party.  

Here is where I told Joy what to expect on her wedding night.  ;)

Lindsey and I finally made it to Raifords, and I outlasted the MawMaw in me unil 4:20am.  I have fallen short of many party expectations in the past, but just like the difference between training and racing, I pulled through when it counted this time.  

And the crew danced all night long with the help of a local bachelor party that we met en route downtown.  

And Laura, Joy, and I decided we would NOT be volunteering at the Germantown Half Marathon water stop.  I slept in as much as I could on Sunday-  but Dave thinks it is funny to bug me after a long night out.  I winced at the thought of the 75 minute run I had on my schedule for Sunday...my longest run post surgery.  

And yes, it sucked just as I imagined it would after dancing in heels all night.  

I am still waiting for a recovery weekend, but since I have 2 bridal showers, 1 wedding, and 1 engagement party this Saturday- followed by a race on Sunday...I don't see any hope for the future.   

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Weekend Review- Can Life Get Better?

No it can't!!!  The weekend was awesome!!!!  This has to be posted in two parts- the weekend was that much fun...


I received an unexpected, last minute gift- two box seat tickets with some great friends to see John Mayer.  After a long week at work, I was ready to parttyyyy!!!!!!    

It was a good concert- John Mayer is super talented.  
Oh yea- MawMaw Damie is holding her own!
Our group for the night....what a fun time!!!

I did not want to go home.  I was disappointed when John Mayer stopped playing because I was having so much fun!  

Apparently too much fun...I made Dave do a late night Taco Bell drive through.  Uh oh!!!  And then I REFUSED to go to bed, even though I couldn't see straight.  I tried to read my trashy romance novel at 2:00am with one eye opened.  I don't know what came over MawMaw Damie.

I knew things would be bad on Satuday.  Afterall, I had a training ride to do with Laura, plus Joy's bachelorette party.  I would have to put on my party game all over again- and do it up just as big.  I was in trouble.  

I felt just as I expected I should feel on Saturday.  Dave called me from work to say "wakey, wakey!"  No!!!!!  What happened to 8 hours of sleep?  I only got 6???? I managed to eek out a ride with Laura, all while singing Gravity (a great tempo song I must say...not).  Then it was time to cook and prepare for the night.  Uh yea...what happened to that nap I needed?  That clearly wasn't going to happen.  Saturday night was going to be really interesting for me- and I couldn't let Joy down by being a party pooper.     

Part 2 coming....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I get to come home to this every day.  No matter how my day goes, I come home to three happy kiddos every single day.  (I did not say four happy kiddos,  because Presley the cat is pretty grumpy most of the time).  


Shelby Angel (aka "Shelby Shoes") is doing well.  She had an absolute blast at her grandparent's house last weekend.  
Dave and Shelbs missed the picture cut in my last post, so I made sure to include them on this one.  
And every time I see this pretty girl, I think...why can't I save them all?  
Then I go over to her and get a big kiss.  

Monday, March 15, 2010

5 Years and Counting....

Dave and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary this past weekend with a trip to the cabin in Hot Springs.  
Two of the monkeys came with us as we did not have baby sitters for all of the animals.  Do I look tired?  It is because the dogs love the cabin so much they wake us up at 6am to go play outside.  Kids have to be easier than these guys.  

We had a great time and Dave put on his best husband act by agreeing to run the trails with me AND go to the bathhouse and do a couples thing.  And that is about all I can share about the weekend in a blog.  ;)  

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weekday Outings

and other stuff....
Apparently, my 50 yard warm up before the Memphis Mile swim was not enough.  I got a nice little lecture Tuesday morning at swim practice for not warming up WAYYYYY more.  The thing is...I know this- I am not the type of person that is shoots out of the cannon.  I am like a crock pot that needs some time to get to my ideal temperature.  The sad thing is, I had no excuse.  I just didn't take myself seriously enough and sat on the deck talking to Julia until it was time for my heat to start.  okay, so could someone tell me what an appropriate warm up for a mile TT swim is?

No lectures at track last night, though, only hugs.  Coach Paul was glad to see me back for my first track workout since last February.  I was so excited to hear the workout would be 6 x 800.  Just kidding- really, no excitement at all (and he only made us do 5 x 800...whew!).  Luckily I had a pace all picked out that put me in the very, very back.  Johnson joined me in the back to keep me company...a simple jog, for her.    

Fortunately Johnson was in a talking mood, so we made some sort of weird subconscious goal that we would talk through the entirety of each 800.  And boy can we have some discussions while doing 800s- including cardiovascular system versus muscular endurance as a limiter.  Somehow we ran faster, not slower than planned even though we were talking the whole time (but please don't confuse "faster" with "fast".)  Coach Paul encouraged us to stop talking so much, but that just seemed to make us talk about the correlation between talking while running intervals and aerobic fitness.         

I rewarded Joy's unwavering demonstration of friendship during track by making an appearance at Boscos.  (gasp!).  Yes, I went out on a weekday night and silenced the whole table with my appearance.  I am NOT known for my social life.  

Laura, Damie, and Joy at Boscos in January 2008- I think this may have been the last time I went out to Bosco's on a weeknight.  Look how TIRED I am!  I am a mawmaw and should be in bed.  

But I finally must address the elephant in the room- JOY IS LEAVING!!!!  It really didn't hit me till yesterday that she moves away this weekend.  I think Dave is a little worried for me.  

Laura has a nice post on training partners, and I have been lucky to have the best.  There are people that I really like, but I don't like to train with them.  These four ladies in the picture below share much more than training blows.  (and I don't think it is coincidence that when one of us decided they were moving away, the rest of us starting making some moving plans of our own....)  

Anyways, cheers to us 4 for the amazing growth and development we have shared as friends and athletes in the past few years together.  

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend Race Reports

Chucalissa 5k-

Beautiful, gorgeous 5k in the middle of a state park and Choctaw Indian archeological site.  This is my first run with any sort of speed since July of 2009.  I have not run a single ounce of speedwork since that July triathlon, and I have had great difficulty running faster than a 10 minute mile at this time.  (Last week at the duathlon I was running 9 minute miles on the trails).  My goal and expectation was to run a 5k.  Period.  No time goals- just run and try to run as fast as my knee and fitness would allow.   

I was forewarned at the line-up that while the first mile was fast, the second mile was a hill that lasted the entire mile.  So, with that little tidbit, I started off my first 5k at an easy pace.  (And I am still always amazed at how many people I pass between mile 1 and 2 that go out too fast.)  I wore my Garmin for data purposes, but I did not look at it during the race.  First mile was 7:37, nice and easy.  Second mile was 7:46 heading up the hill.  Third mile was 7:27.  Average time was 7:34.  

I was definitely happy to see that I was able to meet that pace with no training.  I have no desire at this time to work on lowering that pace, as I think it will come with improved health and ability to ride/run.  My main goal is to continue to take care of the knee and resist the urge to regain speed right away.  

Memphis Mile Swim-

The last time I swam a mile straight was in 2008 Florida Ironman.  I got in the pool today with the 3rd heat, and as I left the wall I just completely had no idea how to pace 1650 pool yards.  It went by so fast that I don't even remember doing it this morning.  I set a PR by about 3.5 minutes, but the minute I touched the wall I wanted a re-do.  I think I lost about 15 seconds in there trying to find my pace, not being focused on the walls, worrying about the lap card being correct, etc....  It was not my most focused swim, and I am ready to do the whole thing over again.  I am happy to have a new PR in the event, and I will make sure to add some longer intervals to my swimming before I step into some olympic distance triathlons this year so I will feel comfortable with my pace.  

Anyhoo- time to finish cleaning the bathroom and then snuggle up with my trashy romance novel.  Have a great week!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spicy Weekend!

There was really no need for me to do a duathlon last weekend...

And no need for me to follow it up with a 5k today.  And  timed mile swim tomorrow.    

Except for the need to spice it up!  I have cared so little about racing post injury that I have needed some umpffff to get me moving and caring and enjoying the sport again.  

I can say that so far, the racing is working.  I am enjoying my time in the sun and starting to look forward to my training.  Things are slowly starting to click, and I am maintaining my motivation to get my knee healthy.  

I will do a combo 5k/Memphis mile race report tomorrow.  

Thank you to my parent's for spectating last weekend at the duathlon.  I meant to say thanks in my race report, but I tend to ramble on and miss some things.  Even at 31-years-young, it still feels good to have my parents come and watch.  

Monday, March 1, 2010

Du In The Rocks, I Mean Dirt Race Report

My mind was clear on Sunday morning. I was in a beautiful part of the world sharing time with my parents and loving dog. The sky was clear and the day was peaceful. I decided I would not let anyone intimidate me from doing the race, and I would come in dead last if that is what it took to finish. If other people can do it, than so can I.  Who says you can't start big?  

Some views at the cabin
The river is down this time of year, but in a few weeks they will open the damn and it will be water time again!
Here is our cabin- it sleeps six, so I am already planning a girl's trip training weekend.  No, Jarred, you are not included as a girl.  

Once I got to the race, I met some guys from Memphis doing their first ever mountain bike race as well. They had the same feelings of doubt that I had, and we all made a pact to hang together and finish!  (It was so nice and calming to meet other beginners- I hope to run into the guys again sometime in Memphis and thank them for befriending me in a time when I really needed it!)

Here is my race report- and I will grade myself for you.  

Run 1:  2.3ish miles of beautiful single track trail.  Up down up down.  Gorgeous.  I lined up in the very back which really bothered me as I feel so out of place, but I knew it was all part of hte plan.  The goal for the first run was to run as though I could have gone way faster.  I got behind some women and made a rule that I could not pass.  By mile 1, I was really chomping at the bit.  I was feeling good- hemmed in- running too slow- HR low- form felt good- so I had to break my rule a little bit.  I picked it up the pace a little but kept the HR low.  I tucked in behind some guys...which was so irksome too.  ughh!!! I just wanted to RUN!  I am just not used to sitting behind people when I feel great, but I stuck with the plan and felt like I could have done the run much faster. Bonus- the knee felt good.  Tight, but no pain.  

Grade/ A :  for sticking with the plan and not racing the run.  It was really hard for me to not race the run, but very promising that I had no knee pain on the hills.  I am excited to start run training again.  

Bike:  It was just as hard as I imagined it.  People flew by me on the hills, and my platform pedals gave me no advantage... ha ha!  I actually wished I had my SPDs on the bike just to be able to use my hip flexors and hamstrings.  If I didn't die from hitting my head on a rock, I knew I would die from back pain.  It was gorgeous and hard.  I touched down a ton, walked up a ton of hills, came off in a creek and got completely soaked, got passed, and passed, and passed.  I really enjoyed the friendly people that offered me encouragement.  I will remember to do that in my next triathlon if I pass anyone, because it is so nice to hear "keep it up-  nice job, etc.." as opposed to "on your left, move, blah blah blah- aka:  this is my race and you are ruining it by being so slow and I must make you feel bad about it."  It took me FOREVER to finish, but I came out in one piece and I know my parents were thrilled about that.  

Grade/ A?  I mean, what else can I give myself?  It is EASY to do the things you where you know you will be successful.  It takes much more courage to try something really hard and to be unsure of yourself but do it anyway!  

Run 2: In transition, I made plans with my parents to meet me with Rooney up on a hill so he could run the last portion with me- I have always wanted to run a race with my favorite buddy.  As I started the run, my shoes and socks were so soaked that I got about 400 meters before I had to stop and take off the socks...I just couldn't run like that.  And then I ran all by myself.  Everyone else was already finished, so it was really boring and I had no motivation to push myself as I had no one to catch.  I got to the top of the hill...and no Rooney.  I had a mini-mental breakdown when I didn't see Rooney there.  Where was he?  I really, really wanted to run with him!  I was grumpy for another half mile that I didn't have Rooney, but my parents were waiting for me at the top of another hill with Rooney and we were able to finish the race together.  

Look how happy Rooney is!  He is smiling!  
Grade/ C:  I know, I know.  I was supposed to push the second run, not worry about the dog, not stop to take socks off, etc...   I had a tough time challenging myself when I was all by myself out there, so the mental sharpness is just not there yet.  Next time :)

If you hear a rumor that I won my age group, it was because I was the only person in it.  If you hear another rumor that I placed 4th overall, it is because there were only 5 women in the whole race (and I am sure the 5th place woman had a mechanical issue or something).  

But what I won, that the other racer's didn't, is this finisher's rock presented to me by my mom and Rooney.  They picked out a rock for me from the park to reward me for finishing the race.  

So, as my friend Holly would say, everyone pick up your big cojones and enter something challenging this year.  :))))))