Sunday, March 28, 2010

Showers, Weddings, and Race Reports

I really need to post more often so I don't have to cram all of this in.  This blog is starting to turn into the weekend social review and I haven't had a good rant lately.  Homework for Damie:  rant due next Wednesday on the topic work.  

I enjoyed another insane weekend of social activity.  And since I am an ISFJ by nature  (could be an INFJ- it is close) , I think I am handling all of the group time exceedingly well :)  

Nancy, Laura and I enjoyed some more time celebrating with Joy at a bridal shower.  

We are the best gift givers ever:  plates that are the wrong color, Peeps, and  yet another gift card.  One of us only had only painted the three toe-nails that were showing through the heels, another was wearing her husband's socks, and another forgot to wear deodorant.  We are Joy's classiest friends ever.  

The bridal party:  Nancy, Megan, Jenny, Joy, Damie, Sheila, Laura, and Emily
I was able to sneak in a few more minutes with some PT school friends at another bridal shower.  It was so nice to have a chance to hug some familiar faces- after all, we spent three years of our time sitting together slaving away to earn a doctorate degree only to spend the rest of our lives worrying about our productivity number.  (oh yes, that will go in  Wednesday's rant).  
PT friends:  Diana, Em, Rachael, Damie, Christy
add in another wedding + my birthday+ ultimate fatigue and you have my complete Saturday.  (no pictures for the rest of the night...I was too tired to take pictures).     

And now for a small Rebel Man Triathlon Race Report.  

To start the race- everyone's worst nightmare happened to me.  My alarm clock did not go off, even though I set it properly.  I woke up 50 minutes after I was supposed to wake up- and only because Dave had to go to work and noticed I was still asleep.  Everything was cool, though- made it to the race no prob.  

Los Locos at Rebel Man 2010:  Damie, Joy, Dustin, Andrew, Maggi, Bill, Laura, and Kevin.  Not pictured:  Greg and Miles.  
I survived the 400 meter pool TT swim, but just barely.  By 75 meters I was fighting for position with the girl next to me- and the other 20 people in my lane- like it was an Ironman.  I finally settled down at about 125 meters and worked to pick off people that seeded themselves incorrectly.  My goal of using the walls efficiently turned into me finding some random wall space and diving under people to get away.  The dern swim never gets faster, but I enjoy it more now and panic less.  But- seeing Maggi's swim get stronger and stronger is motivating...maybe there is hope?  

The sunless day was in the high 40s/low 50s (I think) with wind for the bike.  We don't like cold weather in Memphis, and normally I ride with pants and a long sleeved jersey.  I took a gamble and wore only arm warmers with my wet bathing suit (no socks, gloves, or anything else). It was the best move I made all day, and I was comfortable throughout the whole bike. 

I was passed by Kevin on the bike after a few miles, and I know he is a smart athlete and he seemed to be pacing his race well.  I made it a goal to stay with him- and I meant it.  I dropped back out of the violation zone and just watched his legs and matched his cadence.  (not a bad sport, eh?  when you get to stare at a good pair of legs as part of the race).  I have tried to keep up with teammates before, only to fall 6 bike lengths back, then 10, then never to see them again.  This time I was able to keep him in my sight, and it really motivated me to stay on track.  I did start to get dropped a few times,  but I upped my focus and re-matched his cadence.  Although the bike hurt, it paid off to try to keep up with a faster rider.   

When I hit the run, I automatically felt my heavy footfall like a big elephant lumbering down the street.  I decided to focus on running with a lighter footfall and keeping my legs moving with good cadence.  I was running with sheer panic as I had amazing athletes right behind me ready to zoom by me.  I had no pain in my knee, but I sounded like an out-of-shape freight train rolling through the run course because you could hear my huffing and puffing a half of a mile away.  I just don't know how all of the really speedy runners do it.  My hats off to all of the fast runners out there- I want to be you.    

The finish line looked as good as it always does- and every time I finish a triathlon I think...yup, that is plenty for this season.  No need to do that again!  But, after an hour or two, my selective memory kicks in and I start to think that I had fun and want to do another triathlon again.  (just not anytime soon ;)  I finished 2nd OA- completely surprised by the day and very aware that having a good day is a gift and not to be taken for granted.        

The Los Locos Girls- top 4 overall baby!!!!


runningtwig said...

ok, this is going to sound really weird and maybe it little creepy, but i swear it was just coincidence. i was in oxford this weekend to throw a baby shower and where we held it was off the square and i was standing in the street waiting for the other hostesses to arrive and i saw joy, then i saw you and laura getting into your cars and you all drove right past me! it was really weird. anyways, congrats on a great race - that is amazing you are doing all that with your knee - and doing it well!!

Jan said...

your social weekends are making me drool!

Laura said...

Since I got a scolding for complaining about my run time...Damie, you ARE a fast runner! ;) But I know what you're getting at.

I love that you posted our bridal party mis-haps. I guess we're just much better at bachelorette parties than formal showers?

Joy said...

I saw you Twig! I was going to wave but with my hands busy, I just probably looked like some creepy stalker. :)

Fun BIRTHDAY weekend for you Damie! Glad I got to share it!

Nancy said...

Too funny! We are three really put together chicks, good thing we have Joy to keep us all in line. :)

Kevin Leathers said...

Great race Damie! If I have to get chick'd in a race I'd rather it be a couple of Locos! You looked really strong on the bike and then tore up the run. Keep up the hard work. Train smart!