Thursday, April 5, 2018

March 2018

I started off March with a bust.  I did another 5k not necessarily expecting to be faster since I had the flu at the end of Feb, but at least equal to my February 5k.  It was completely NO BUENO.  I felt terrible the entire time and could not even hold an 8 minute pace.  I am not going to lie, I have been so incredibly discouraged the past 2 years, and days like that one do not encourage my hopeful side.  

Getting through runs like that are so tough.  But I know if I cannot be in control of my body right now, I am certainly in control of my mind.  Isla, Laura, and I had just done the 1 mile kids run and we have a rule that when we run we will smile, have fun, encourage others, and be positive.  Period.  There is a time and place to be disappointed in performance, but it is not during the race.  Hide that shit, put on a smile, and be grateful.  Isla is really really good at this.  She is usually one of the last runners as she is 1.  only 4 years old  2. not competitive (yet or ever?) but she never gets down about it when she is out there.  So, I had just spent a mile practicing positivity with her and I carried the skills over to my race and put on a smile even when I felt terrible and had an equally terrible clock time to match.  

I feel like these races deserve a little more dissection on my blog, but I am not blogging often enough to keep up.  Next time!

Isla ran a 15:11 mile for her first mile ever...which I think is fantastic for a 4-year old that doesn't like to compete or sweat.  She ran 80% of I would say with a few walk breaks.  
Put a smile on yo face!

Isn't this picture wonderful?  Strong women running!

I had a "better" 10k a couple of weeks later, but I will save that for another post.  

And the rest of the month was just a lot of the normal fun I have with the non-stop juggling of friend life, work life, and mom life!  Oh, and I turned 40.  I can't believe I didn't blog about turning 40.  40 people!!!!!  I was in my 20s when I started this blog as scary as that is.  Where did the time go?


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