Sunday, April 17, 2016

Boston Trip: Leg 2/ Expo

Okay! Expo day 1 and day 2 are complete.  My bib has been picked up #18371.  I bought the jacket.  I did.  I broke down and bought the thing in all of its teal and pink glory, and I will wear it tomorrow after my finish.  And I think....where in the world will I ever wear this $110 jacket again?  Yet I bought it anyway.  :)  (I also bought a shirt, only to find out the stuff is online post race for about 40% off.  Newbie shopping mistake.

Here is my GenerOWL running crew.  These are a couple of the people that get me up early in the morning to train.  They are the ones that practically brainwashed me into running another marathon.  Without them, I may have never returned to the distance.

Gina, Bill, Damie

Obligatory photo with your race bib...

I went straight for the free beer at the expo, after saying the day before I wouldn't have another drink before Boston.  

I think you are morally required to put yourself on the cover of a Runner's World Magazine.

I found my name on the wall.

So what would I do differently, were I to come back again?
1.  I would stay in Boston Commons.  I actually don't know where Boston Commons is or what it is.  That is the thing.  I don't even know where I am 99% of the time here.  But, I do know I would stay right by the finishing line/expo area.  I am across the river, and I think that has made it hard to eat out with friends, enjoy the pre-race activities, and rest.  
But I do walk 1.1 miles from the train to my hotel with this view.  That part has been pretty awesome and peaceful.  

2.  I will come with Dave or a friend next time.  I am a bit lonely.  There are plenty of people I know here, but they are staying in the middle of the action.  Most of them are also here with their significant others or roommates.  Little ol' me over here is kind of third-wheeling it on everything.  I am walking everywhere by myself and inserting myself into everyone's plans.  It has all worked out, but I am sure there is a better way to do it.   But, as wise old Dave has reminded me, my biggest joy will come from the 26.2 mile journey tomorrow.  I can't know what I want from this experience until I actually experience it the first time.  I bet tomorrow I will see why people come back again and again.
3.  I will see more lectures/talks.  I signed up for one today with Meb, but I missed it.  I have actually missed every single talk with Meb, Desi, Ryan Hall, you name it.  (see above number 1 and 2- I was staying too far away and had trouble getting organized with friends).  And I actually really love that stuff.  The eager student in me comes out, and even if I have read every book, read every interview, and listened to every podcast, I still like to hear people talk in person.
But despite a few logistic changes that I just don't think you can know at first, I am having a great time...a peaceful time, really.  I am so happy to be running with Gina.

We became running friends in 2016, where I convinced her that we should run a marathon and qualify for Boston.  I was so sure we had the ability.  So, we picked Chicago 2007, and everyone knows about that infamous race that was cancelled mid race due to heat and lack of water on course.  Gina passed out at mile 20 and was taken to a hospital.  We had been separated, so I never even saw it happen.  I walked the last 6 miles to the finish because its as the only way I could get to my bag, while taking coke and water from spectators.  It was too bad...we were in great shape.

From there, we picked St Jude Marathon just 2 months later.  Gina held her form and qualified.  I had already peaked months back and was just burned out after the Chicago damage.  I had my most painful and sad marathon to date, and may I never have to repeat that feeling.  So Gina went to Boston, and I stayed home.

Life changes and years and babies and time off and early morning miles...and here we are.  We finally qualified at the same time.  Gina kept telling me we had plenty of time to go together, but in the back of my mind, I knew our move to Nola was coming sooner than later.  So, I decided there was no time like the present to make it happen.

So, this race is a celebration of friendship!  Miles and miles of friendship :)

1 comment:

Steve said...

I liked reading this update. You are such a goof ball. :) I ran the 2007 Chicago marathon too. I was not in great shape at all, and I also had to walk the last 6 miles. They made us.

I remember hitting mile 7 thinking I want this to be done already. :)

I had one good for me marathon after that.

Good luck today. :)