Saturday, April 16, 2016

Boston Trip: Leg 1

Memphis to Newtown, CT

Spent Friday/Sat morning with family up in Newtown.  This was the best way to start my Boston trip- wine with my brother, telling stories.  Nothing makes me happier than knowing I am spending my time where it matters most.

Now I am on the train to Boston.  I have been making fun of runners inside my head.  We have heard the saying, "How do you know if someone is a triathlete?  They will tell you."  And there is truth to that, for sure.  Sometimes I think....I get it!  You are doing a half ironman 6 months from now.  Yes, you have mentioned it 15 times this year already.  Yes, I know you are a triathlete.  Yes, I know that you trained not only once, but twice today.

Well, the same applies to runners.  Want to know who runs Boston?  Oh, they will tell you.  Loud and clear by wearing their Boston Marathon jacket everywhere.  Everyone who is going to Boston and has already done it is wearing their jacket on the train.

But soon I will have my little Boston jacket too, so I will have to poke fun at myself.  :)

I am going to the expo this afternoon, and there is an award in my running group for the best picture with a celebrity.   I am pretty sure I will win this contest, but I don't want to get too confident.  Timing is everything.  I also saved all of my birthday money to buy running junk, because that is exactly what I need right now while trying to pack up and move.  Dave said I better not come home with another race t-shirt, after just giving away over 100 of them to Goodwill.  I bet I come home with at least 2.

Mainly I am just super stoked and excited right now to take it all in.  I am going to tire my little legs out walking all over the expo, both days.  I am going to listen to talks/presentations.  I am sure I will meet new friends, eat some good food, and just surround myself in a bunch of runner energy.  And that to me just sounds like an amazing way to spend a few days.  I just really love this stuff.  Like really, really love the sports I love.  I love soccer,  I love triathlon, and I love running.  I think you should love the things you them if no one ever noticed you did it, no one gave you a pat on the back, and you were last place.  And that is how much I love the things I do.

Back to chilling' on the train and reading Marathoning by Bill Rodgers 1980.  :)

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