Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Another Hitch

So, I want to tell you that the hip is great.  I am sure it is!  After all, once the bills from the MRI and cortisone shot roll in, my hip better feel great.  (I am seriously dreading the bills.  Why?  Why?  Why do these things have to cost such an incredible amount of money?)

But, I can't give you much news on the hip because I haven't run.  The flu decided to visit me, and while it has moved on to other families, it left mine completely sick and with bronchitis as a nice parting gift.  And boom- just like that- another week or more of training out of the window.

I have been mad, grumpy, sad, and everything else under the sun.  I finally felt a bit of peace just writing it out tonight.  There are those times when you realize you just have no control, and this is one of those times.  I guess there could be a worse time to get the flu, like the week of the marathon.  So maybe this is not ideal, but it could be worse.  I do have control of my attitude, but I was so negative this week it was embarrassing.  I have a goal for the rest of this week to just share gratitude with others and stop whining about what I can't do.

(I have had to constantly remind myself that this upcoming marathon is just one race, at one point in time, in what will be many more years of running.  It will seem so insignificant in time, so I need to peacefully let this be what it will be and let the good races/and years come to me when it is time.)

But no running, probably for the rest of the week.  I am really kicked down right now physically.  My chest hurts so much, and the coughing is incessant.  Fortunately, Isla is sleeping right now for the first time in a week without tons of coughing, so hopefully she is right side up now.  As a family, we just all need to get healthy again and get this virus out of here!

The focus of this week is vegetables, fruit, and herbal teas. Anyone with some good witches' brew and secret potions for wellness, send them my way!  I really need to get back to running.


Steve said...

I wouldn't worry about not being in the best of moods while sick. Pretty sure that is pretty normal. Bills = yuck. As to how the rest plays out I guess us readers will just have to wait and see.


leslie said...

Feel better soon! I have just about giving up on getting any consisitent training in either life gets in the way or I am just completely unmotivated. Racing this season is going to be very interesting! And yes at least you have time to recover before Boston!