Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas 2015

The holiday season is over, and I need Dave to take the malt balls to work and get them out of the house!  I have had a seriously true off season (almost 3 months!) complete with weight gain, loss of fitness, and increased time spent with friends :). I seriously did not plan such a long off season and did not want to get so out of shape, but here I am and all I can do is go forward!  I am already looking forward to 2016 with some big plans and dreams.  Everything kind of snapped into place for me last week, and I am seriously getting excited about the upcoming year with a few goals in mind.   

(and I got a VERY unexpected Garmin 920xt for Christmas!!!!  Just when I think my family doesn't give a $hit, and I am pretty sure they really don't still, they do give me a little something to support my "hobby." )

But, the past week was a blast...

My favorite party of the season- with my GenerOWLs running group to celebrate Charles' BQ.  I don't even remember how many attempts he has had at a BQ over the years.  It was super inspirational.  But this is just an amazing group of people in and out of running.  I am the "nobody-just a PT" of the group.  Seriously.  These folks are just amazing individuals.  I am a better person for starting my day at o'dark thirty with them.

 And, how do you know when someone is a runner?  When they have reflective clothing on at a Christmas party?  LOL!  I have known 2 of these girls since we were 6, and another since high school.  I consider them my "good" and "smart" friends from high school.  (and yes, I have many friends that "didn't apply themselves" and "got into trouble."  I love them all equally.  And I wonder which category I belong....
 Somebody was excited to be Elsa on Christmas morning!
 At first Isla wanted dinosaurs for Christmas.  She then changed her mind to a baby doll.  (as if she doesn't have 5 already).  Looks like the baby doll did the trick! :)
 My Christmas girl :)
 We took Isla to the zoo lights with her godparents Sean and Jenny, along with their family from New Orleans.  Isla didn't want to ride the animals that go up and down at first and asked to sit on the bench.  That was followed up by a huge meltdown because she didn't get to ride an animal.  Oh my.  Of course we rode the merry go round, again, and this time on a Panda.  Life with a 2-year-old!
Isla's cousin Virginia (and the rest of the crew) came through Memphis on their way to see their family.  We got to have a wonderful breakfast with them during their pit stop- it was such a treat!  

Happy holidays to everyone-  thank you for all of the great Christmas cards, thoughtful gifts, and happy vibes.  With each passing year, it becomes more apparent to me that intentional kindness, goodwill, and positivity make a great life possible.  And I am certainly surrounded by some very awesome friends, so thank you!  

And I swear posting will get back to training and racing.  But I could hardly make it through this post without getting another malt ball.  Help!  LOL!!!!  Happy Holidays!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Steve said...

A world without malt balls is a World I don't want to live in. Whatever they are. ;)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Damie. :)