Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Very Happy Birthday, Isla

My baby is two-years-old.  I really feel like this is such a special time for us.  She is still my baby in a big girl body.  I love her so much it makes my heart hurt.  I asked her tonight if she was going to always love me, and I assured her that I was always going to love her.  Every day I am so very grateful to have her in my life, and I make sure to tell her every day how much I love her.  It is just hard to believe that one day she will be an adult and will be off on her own.  I just can't even think about that!    
Our "model" face, aka "prune" with Laura and Joy
So she is now a 2-year-old.  She is a huge talker, but is definitely shy around strangers.  I wish I could think of some funny things that she says off of the top of my head, but basically she says any and everything.  Our conversations are a riot, and they start at 6:30am...the minute she wakes up she has a million thoughts that come out of her mouth.  
Party Time!

She is really just her own person.  She is sort of like her dad- super high energy, goofy, and fun.  But, she is sassy and girly too, and that is her own thing.  She is a huge animal and baby lover, and she loves to play "mom."  She really pays attention to people and remembers them and little things about them that even I forget.  
Don't let her fool you- she ate maybe a half of a bite.  Thank goodness she doesn't have my sweet tooth. 
She is also one of the pickiest eaters ever, and she eats a fraction of what other kids eat.  I have verified this at daycare because I thought I was crazy.  While her friends gobble up food on our outings, she eats a bite or two and then loses interest. (and it has been this way ever since she was a baby.  It is true that some traits you see from the beginning.  Dave and I are convinced that was part of the reason she cried 24/7 as a baby- she was always hungry but would never eat well).  

She sleeps through the night now, with a few dreams and nightmares that wake her up.  Dad, the guy that was never going to co-sleep, sleeps with her in the early morning.  It is a routine that Isla loves, and Dave actually does too.  And honestly, that first year and a half was so hard on us that we don't care where or how she sleeps, just so that she does and we do too.   She is still a very, very light sleeper and will wake up if you flush the toilet!  (Again, some things never change). 

So much to say, but not enough time to write the book I would love to write about her.  I am such a lucky mommy.  I would never trade being her mom for the world, and everything else I do with life really pales in comparison to being her mom. 

Happy Birthday Isla!

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