Monday, March 23, 2015


This weekend I finally breathed a sigh of relief.  I have put in a few weeks of consistent, solid training.  I rode my first real group ride since Isla was born (oh, only 20 months later...) and had a decent day.  I wasn't my old self and I am not at my pre-baby cycling level yet, but I was encouraged.  It wasn't any one session that gave me hope, it was just this feeling that I finally could race and would not embarrass myself.  I am going to be able to get out there and push it and love it.  Finally! 
I am really looking forward to this season as a "redo" of how I wanted last year to be.  I honestly don't know how I even got to the start line last year.  It all seems crazy to me now as I think about showing up completely sleep deprived, with intense back pain, out of shape, and on a broken bike to races.  Yes, I finally got my bike fixed...just last week.  I never found the time to fix my bike.  Unreal, but very symbolic of where I was in life that I chose to just ride a bike with a broken rear brake mechanism than to make the time to get it fixed. 
20 months later, I can think of three significant changes.  1.  I only get up for Isla 1-2 night now.
2.  Dave is on board.  He helps me at night.  He knows how to help me with so much more.  3.  I don't plan a year of racing.   I plan 2 months of racing, followed by a long break to give back to my family, followed by more racing if I wish.  It is no longer a never ending cycle of training and racing.  Races don't really require a 6 month focus, but it takes confidence to train for an actual race instead of trying to stay race ready all year round. 
My little buddy is growing up so quickly.  I don't even know where to start.  It is amazing how observant kids are.  She knows that the foam rollers are for "rolling," and she instructs me on how to do it.  She is also very aware that mommy runs and rides a bicycle, and she points out every runner/cyclist to me when we are in the car.  It blows me away to think that what she sees me do now will have some sort of impact on her future life.  Love that nugget!

1 comment:

leslie said...

She is adorable and so glad you are beginning to feel like your old self and yes you are and will be an amazing role model for a healthy lifestyle and strong woman!!