Tuesday, October 28, 2014

15 Months of Diggies

The problem with skipping a few blog posts is that I feel paralyzed when I return as to what to write!  I have written a dozen blog posts in my head, but they never made it to the keyboard.  So- life continues to turn.  ISLA, work, life, training, travel, ISLA!  We are having tons of fun doing activities and going on playdates.  Isla is crazy social, and I am always amazed at how she will just go up to other kids and engage, even older kids.   

It is also insane how quickly she is now developing.  Not only does she know the difference between Mickey and Minnie, she can say their names and matches them out of context.  It is just so odd to see how knowledge develops within short periods of time.  She knows 12 body parts, says tons of words, follows directions, and knows how to avoid going to bed by giving me one more night night kiss.  (She still doesn't know how to sleep through the night at 15 months, but what fun would that be if we were all rested and not slightly crazy?) 

I will try to catch up on training and such, but tonight, here are a few snapshots from early October with my sweet girl. 
Family day at the Botanical Gardens- Isla is learning to make new, interesting faces. 
Fine motor skills meets saving money:  thrifty mom is already teaching the value of the putting money into the piggy bank. 
Cuteness overload heading to school!
I swear there is nothing cuter than a naked baby. 
Checking out the koi pond at the Botanical Gardens
Isla and Sullivan meet a swan
Isla and Sophia rule the petting zoo!
More zoo fun with my PT school friends and their babies
Mmmmm...sand and dirt.  Isla loves it!

1 comment:

Angela and David said...

Okay, I just love seeing some of those outfits have a second life! Makes me miss when Landon fit in them so much! Now we just need to get that girl to sleep for you!