Monday, January 20, 2014

Over It

Awwww man.  Isla is in daycare, which means I have now embarked on a long battle of fighting the germs for years to come.  Dave and I used to think parents needed to "suck it up."   Seriously, who gets sick from some remote germ that your kid may or may not come into contact with at daycare?  What an excuse!!!!

Wa wa wah......   It is so true!  Our family was the sickest we have ever been for a week!  In the almost 20 years I have known Dave, he has only been sick twice!  So if he gets sick, we know it is for real! 

And then I am somehow supposed to take care of a sick baby when I am sick.  Who thought of that special torture?  Just when you need sleep the most, you get the least.  TORTURE!

My favorite part, besides missing tons of work and all of my workouts for a week, was contracting some sort of issue where yellow was coming out of my eye in buckets.  My eye literally was glued shut with pus and I couldn't open it for 12 hours.  I had to shampoo it open.  Now who gets that?  I have never had that happen.  Total daycare crud if you ask me!

But, I think we are back!  Yippeee!!!!  At least for now.  I am getting ready to eat veggies and fruits like CRAZY because we have more winter to go and I just cannot afford to be sick anymore!  (And I HATE seeing Isla sick.) 
Yes, and that IS sun that you see.  Amen!

One thing I am constantly learning as a mom is that I really have to be more flexible in understanding that there will be tons of unplanned breaks and missed workouts to come. There is no point in getting frustrated if my training logs are far from perfect. These days are clearly going to just happen whether I want them to or not!
So I feel like I am starting over, again.  1 step forward and 2 steps back with training.  I am still not completely well- more like 80%.  But I am going to try to do a little bit tomorrow and we will see how it goes.  

1 comment:

Angela and David said...

I know you are sick but this post made me laugh. Read my blog from the first 2 years - sick all the freaking time!!!! But it does get better. With Landon we have almost never been sick and I think it's because we built up our immunity to the daycare crud. But it tough! Just hold on - you'll get thru it and laugh about it one day.