Saturday, January 11, 2014

6 Months

There are no big changes here in 6 month land, just a few subtle differences from the last month or so. 
Another half-marathon happened- this time on trails.  I wasn't fast, but I had another gear.  Progress.

Training is still touch-and-go.  I have to really work hard to stay positive and SAY positive things to myself.  My mental bumper sticker wants to say things like, "this is too hard, you will never get fit again, you don't have time, you won't be fast, you can't make this happen."  So I have to daily, and I mean DAILY remind myself that I CAN! 

At 6 months we are still breastfeeding.  What a commitment!  But it is well worth it.  Above is a picture of me post half-marathon just snuggling in bed and being a mom.  We call this "magic booby time" in our house where I literally do NOTHING but be Isla's mom.  Am I allowed to say boob on my blog?  Yes I am.  I hope I am not scaring anyone, but this is the reality of motherhood.  Forget the days of just training for hours and hours on the bike.  Our days revolve around her eating needs.  Women don't talk about breastfeeding that often, and I think new moms are sometimes unprepared for the time commitment.  It is not a burden.  It is tough, but not everyone gets to do this.  I am grateful I have had the chance.   

We are also still using the cloth diapers that everyone said we wouldn't use.  Some things are so simple it boggles my mind that people find them "too hard."
At 6 months, Isla is still a sweetheart and a firecracker all rolled up into one big kissable dumpling.  We are still sleeping only 2-3 hours at a time at night and eating 3-5x a night.  Naps are 20-30 minutes.  That makes for one tired mommy, but I KNOW this won't last forever.  (well, I don't really know.  I am scared I will never sleep again.  But positivity is the key!) 
Sometimes we get home from work and daycare and I take a look at our crazy, dirty, chaotic house and I wonder how am I going to take care of everything.  HOW????  And I realize I can't, so we just tackle one project at a time if Isla will let me.  The ergo is my go-to carrier this month for getting some extra things done in the evening.  I highly recommend getting a good carrier if you have a baby that needs to be held/involved in your activities.  It is really calming for them and easier on you. 
Whew!  So 6 precious months have gone by.  Thanks for reading our updates!


Steve said...

I like the update Damie. Nice to know you struggle with motivation and confidence sometimes, and things like that.

Little things like that are good to know about people I think, and we rarely get to see that side of people.

Take care. :)

BriGaal said...

You are a freaking super hero. I'm not sure I would've lasted if Logan was so sleeping so little at 6 months old!!

Breastfeeding is such a commitment! I made it until 6 months and so envy those who were able to keep it going longer.

I have no advice for the dirty/chaotic house. I think it actually gets worse as they get older with more toys. Our entire living room is covered in matchbox cars right now.

Kris Cordova said...

Like!!! You're awesome Damie. I read this and know that Shelly is going to follow in your footsteps and be a rockstar mommy athlete too. :) :)

Laura said...

Damie, you are amazing! You and Joy are my role models in so many ways. Miss you lovely lady!!

And keep up that positive self-talk. A goal of mine this year too! :)

leslie said...

She is so adorable and you are doing a great job!! I know at times it is so overwhelming and you wonder how am I ever?? but it is always seems to work out..