Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Counting It Down

38 +

We are at full term around here, so things could happen any day....or 3 weeks from now.  Who knows?  I think she is still having fun and pretty comfy just hanging out where she is, so I don't know if she is going to make an arrival anytime soon.  And being a first time mom means I have greater odds that she will hang out in my tummy for a wee bit longer.  
I finally got a picture of Dave and I together at 38 weeks.  He is pretty excited to become a dad, and I am pretty excited for him.
We didn't do any professional pictures during the pregnancy, but I did try to get at least a spur-of-the-moment snap shot every few weeks just so we could look back and remember this year.  I knew if I didn't get any pictures, I would regret it later.  Even though being pregnant is not glamorous when looking in the mirror, it really is a neat time to watch your body do something so amazing on its own without your intervention.  As the months have gone by, I have really chosen to embrace the changes and love this fleeting and special time.  I am excited for her to come, but it is hard to believe it is almost over as well, after almost a year of work. 

I am not too anxious yet.  I am feeling so much more relaxed now that I am on my last week of work.  I am looking forward to having a little extra time to rest and clean.  I am still walking.  I feel like I am walking fast, but I wore my garmin the other day and I am at 18-19 minute miles.  ha ha!!!  And, I am still doing prenatal yoga classes.  Maybe I will jump in the pool another time or two...  :)

Happy week to all!


Molly said...

I'm so excited for you!!! The finish line is in sight and yet it's the start of something big!

Angela and David said...

You look great! It's the calm before the storm. Enjoy it.

Jennifer Harrison said...

YES - you look great. I know it is hard to ENJOY the last few weeks of pregnancy but try to! SOON - cannot wait!

James said...

Get ready for you life to change....For the better!! Super excited for you and your family

GoBigGreen said...

Good luck Damie, i am up here pulling for you and dave and your "spud" to have a safe and EASY Delivery!

Shelly Biehle said...

Hooray Damie!! So excited for you! Almost time to meet your little girl. Keep the updates coming!