Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Great Eight

14 years together and a happy 8 years of marriage as of today.  Whoo hoo! To celebrate,  Dave and I took one last big trip to New York.  We love to travel, and we know it will be limited in the near future, so we were go-go-go the whole week just soaking it all in and spending 24/7 together. And honestly, I have never walked so much in my whole life.  We didn't rest at all the whole time, and I would crash at 1pm in pure exhaustion every night.  

Day 1:  Touch down late into the city, but just in time to get some last minute discount tickets to Rock of Ages.  I am becoming a little bit of a Broadway snob, so I am really picky and nothing compares to Broadway in London.  Snotty!!!! This was not typical for a show, but I liked it anyways. 
I have never been to New York, so here I am...first night in the Big Apple checking out Times Square and Rock of Ages.  I don't know why we can't ever choose warm weather vacations.  I swear next time it will be on a warm island with drinks in hand. 

Day 2: 911/Ground Zero Memorial, tramp through the snow to John's Pizza on Bleecker street, dessert at Rocco's (yum!), walking with wet socks/shoes to Chelsea Market, dinner at Benito 1 in Little Italy, and art/music late night at the Armory with college friend Duffy. 
911 Memorial
Yummy dinner in Little Italy.  Home-made pasta, and when you are pregnant, everyone wants to feed you, so I got a few extra shells.  Hee hee! :)

Art Show at the Armory
Live music with Spank Rock.  It was Ah-mazing.  We never have anything like this in Memphis.  And a woman DJ? I have never seen that before, and she was really awesome.  Want to hear his awesome music...and I mean, this guy was AWESOME...check out this link. 

Day 3:  Penelope's for breakfast, Top of the Rock, FAO Schwartz, Central Park, Grand Central Station, Dinner with friends, and late night local party with more college friends.  :)
Dave and I bought our very first toy for our little girl.  Of course, it was a horse, and it was actually Dave's idea :)  He knew how much I LOVE horses and was obsessed with them as a kid.  We had so much fun looking at toys for her....who knew?  But, just one toy....we are trying to stay grounded, so wish us luck!
Central Park
Dinner with Cody, Renee, and kids.  :)
Late night party in swanky club with band.  We were complete crashers, and the birthday boy came up to us and said..."I have no clue who you are."  Ha ha!!!

Day 4:  Breakfast at Doughnut Plant, lunch at Commerce, ferry ride to Staten Island/Statue of Liberty, cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery, and last minute run to see one last Broadway Show-Mamma Mia. 
 Brunch with some of my very best friends on earth from college, Megan and Holly (and her sweet baby Christopher).  Seeing my friends came at a perfect time for me, and I am so lucky to have them.   And, the first thing that both of them said to me when they saw me was, "Nice BOOBS!!! OMG!!!"  
 The belly is definitely there....and, I had my first spontaneous "Congratulations" from a stranger.  :)
Staten Island/Statue of Liberty
Mamma Mia...eh....I give it a C.  Not my favorite Broadway, but hey....how fortunate that I get to see so many shows that I actually start to get picky?  Lucky girl I am. 

And, just a couple more pictures to wrap it up.....

First, here is one to just "keep it real" for everyone.   I always wondered why my pregnant friends didn't want their pictures taken.  After all, I thought they looked adorable!  But, what I discovered is that although sometimes I look normal with a belly, in pictures, I often also look like a huge blueberry as evidenced below.  Horrifying!  Who is that?  Why do I look so swollen?  So, I won't just post the cute pics, I will try to throw in some "WTF" pictures too.  Oh, the reality of my pregnancy.  ;)
 "Sailor" birthday party with Michaela and Duffy....more awesome college friends who actually had an invitation, as opposed to Dave and I crashing the joint.  :)  Dave and I sometimes feel very alone without a good network of friends in Memphis, but then we go to New York and meet up with some of our lifelong friends and remember that life is good.  No, not good.  Awesome. 

So, happy 8th anniversary to my husband.  Our last few times just the two of us.  One day our kid/kids might look back at this stuff and think, "wow, my parents actually had fun when they were young!"  or something like that, right?

Thank you, Dave, for being my best friend.  (he doesn't read my blog, but you guys please remind him when you see him how thankful I am for him.).



Angela and David said...

Looks like a great trip! And you are brave, there are very very very few pregnancy pictures of me. And good luck with that toy thing....other than one Christmas gift I bought Landon, I have purchased no toys for her and the girl has toys coming out the ying yang at our house.

Steve said...

My wife doesn't read my blog either. Seems strange to me.

Are you like me where you think everyone should read my blog because I am important?? or am I just stupid??

I am still here with you Damie, because I like you for reasons girls are not used to.

Not cuz you are pretty and cute, although you are, but because you have the strength and honesty to be real, and honest, and good things like that.

So yeah... xoxoxo for uuuuuu.


Laura said...

Blogger ate my comment... Love this Damie. Happy anniversary to you and Dave. You really are one of my favorite couples. :)

Someday your little girl is going to love seeing all these pictures of you two having fun before she was born!! Yay to great vacations.

Jennifer Harrison said...

LOVE seeing your belly! Keep taking pics of yourself pregnant. I also do not have enough pictures b/c I was on bedrest and said NO...but wish I had more!

Happy Anniversary!

Gayle said...

That is a pretty nice anniversary trip! Looks like you had fun, and you are BEAUTIFUL!