Friday, March 1, 2013

Another week

This week Dave turned 35-years-old, meaning my birthday is right around the corner and thus catapulting me into a new AG.  It also means.... nothing.  I can't think of anything else that being 35 means.  But, I do think aging up for racing is cool.  Just how many age groups will I get to see?  That will be fun to discover.  Happy birthday to my husband, who now is starting to catch up to me in gray hair.
My sweet sister with Dave...and the awesome ice cream cake she made him.  And nope, the cake did not get to come home with us.  Dang it!  I was given one piece of cake to bring home and Dave took the rest to work.  He calls it, "protecting me from myself."  He is such a stinker!

I think I have also figured out why many women return from pregnancy to race well.  It has absolutely nothing to do with "legal blood doping" as so many people think happens during pregnancy.  ( James Clapp was not talking about me when he wrote his book.)  I can assure you it really does not for the majority of us that cannot walk/jog more than 5 minutes without having to go pee.  I have yet to find any aerobic benefit to my pedestrian exercise.  (My 40 minutes on the treadmill tonight looked like this:  pee, 10 minute walk for warm up, pee, 5 minute jog/2 min walk, pee, 3 min walk/5 min jog, pee, 5 min walk/5 min jog, pee, 5 min walk....give up on jogging, 5 min walk, pee, get off treadmill from pure pee frustration.)

This morning, I was bombarded with training tweets, facebook triathlon proclamations, selfies from post workout sessions, and shouts of happiness from those who reached their USAT rankings goals.  What was I doing during all of this?  Well, I sneezed and accidentally peed on myself.  It was so ridiculously funny as I read about everyone getting ready for their crushing seasons, and I was peeing on myself.  :)

So, if not this great training you supposedly get as a pregnant lady that makes you super strong, what is it?  Well, it is the motivation that must come from sitting on your butt, peeing on yourself, and watching everyone else train and race!  Of course you start racing like your hair is on fire when you come return to sport from childbirth. You have been sitting on the sidelines and smelling like a public bathroom for what feels like forever!

So, good times and lots of laughs over here.  We are getting ready for our little anniversary trip to New York (my first visit there), so if anyone has any tips or ideas for must-sees, places to eat, things to do...send them my way!


GoBigGreen said...

Im not crushing anything but the snow and ice outside my door so just read my posts, and i dont tweet. Plus anyone that has to tell the world how great they are isnt all that great:) remember that. You are awesome, and that cake looks yummy. Dave is hilarious and pregnant or not that may be a good idea, amazing how those cakes seem to be good BF Lunch and dinner!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Um, I STILL pee on myself, so that is something you will never stop doing. I tell my trainer all the time, when she makes me do full-hang pull ups: "Consider yourself warned!" LOL

Happy Birthday to Dave!