Sunday, March 31, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Nothing going on with ME on the training/racing front.  I walked x 2 this weekend.  That is it.  I am excited to start a new swim class tomorrow.  I have been extremely lonely doing every bit of exercise by myself during pregnancy, and it is de-motivating to say the least.  I am hoping this new class will give me a little lift to keep trying to do a little something every day.   Updates to come.  

Tucson camp is going on with the one and only Hillary Biscay.  I had so much fun last year that I am really, really missing everyone and the great riding and training.  I can't wait to return, and I am loving keeping up with everyone having such a good time.  

Everyone was also looking amazing at Oceanside 70.3!  Lots of really fast running and everyone seemed to enjoy the course.  Huge props to my Wattie teammates that crushed it like James Adams grabbing a Vegas slot, Emily Kratz winning her AG, the indestructible Gerry Foreman winning his AG, and many more!  This looks like a great race to put on the future calendar. 
Of course the fab Heather Jackson grabbed a huge win, and a chance to run with EuroStar to the finishers chute.  The EuroStar has promised me some finish line support when I get back into the game. 
So Easter weekend has come and gone.  Lots of cute baby things are appearing at our house.  My favorite Londoner happened to send these to awesome! 
It is clear my sister and I share some genetics, as we showed up to our family Easter day wearing almost matching outfits.  Unplanned, of course. 
I am now in maternity clothes.  I look "more pregnant" in them, but they are way more comfortable.  I broke down and actually bought a few things this weekend (using a gift card of course....heaven forbid I used my own fun money to buy clothes).  

Work week is just a few hours away.  Time to keep socking away money and plan for some mommy-baby time. 13 weeks to go for me.  It feels so far away, but I guess it is right around the corner, too. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Triathlete Looks At 35

Thank you for all of the kind birthday wishes today. 
I don't feel any different at 35 than I did at any other age.  I am looking forward to my new racing age group, being an older mommy, and adding some more wisdom to match my gray hair.  :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Oh the moments just keep on coming.....

You guys know I work on the road all day long, so I have to pack a lot of food/snacks.  Most days I can get home for lunch, but today it didn't work out.  I had an apple in the car, but I was worried it wouldn't get me through the whole day as I had extended my schedule.  I was right by the Orange Mound Popeyes, so red beans and rice sounded good. 

Don't judge.  I would blame it on pregnancy, but I like Popeyes red beans not pregnant.  :)

Then there was this moment in time where I got out of my car (engine running) to get my purse out of the trunk (where I leave it when working the hood).  Within a split second, the trunk tripped the car locks, which is has done lately.  I wasn't worried because the door was open....and then just like that a gust of wind came and everything was shut, locked, and running...

Locked out!!!  In the Popeyes drive through- in the hood- with my car running.  It is cold out, I have no coat, and I can't get out of the cold and leave my car/computer/bags. 

ummmmm.......  I am supposed to be at my next patient in 5 minutes.  I have never locked my keys in my car.  Long story short, Dave got the emergency phone call at work (over 30 minutes away) for SOS!!!!  And I loved explaining to him that I was in the hood at Popeyes.   
What a sight I must have been.  Thank goodness for Marcus, my new friend at Popeyes (although I am too embarrassed to go back there anytime soon!).  He hooked this pregnant girl up with some red beans and kept a pair of eyes on me while I just sat there freezing in only a lab coat and watching over my car until sweet Dave finally got there with eyes rolling. good karma to Marcus and all of the guys that took care of me, and for making me laugh about the whole thing instead of freaking out.  I didn't feel upset or nervous at all.   I don't know if it is pregnancy or what, but my tolerance for mistakes and craziness is pretty high these days, and I find that so many people are always willing to help me.  I never cease to be amazed at how cool and great people really are.  

In my other world, I have finally started sleeping again (knock on wood).  4 nights of solid sleep and I couldn't be happier.  It also makes a big difference in my ability to exercise.  I have been on the elliptical, in the weight room, and in the pool.  And now that I confessed to the world I ate red beans from Popeyes today, I am taking the dogs to the trails for some "wogging" (walk/jogging) after I finish my paper work. 

xo  Make your week great!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Take A Break

Triathletes seem to have a lot of trouble taking time off and having a break from the sport.  Whether it is for injury, change in training, or a re-shift of race goals, triathletes seem to absolutely fear forfeiting a day from our sport. 

I see it every winter when triathletes move from triathlon to running.  Without a moment to spare, they have moved to the next PR goal.  Season over?  Time to run a marathon.  Had some weaknesses you want to address from the previous season?  Hit the track day 1. 

I do believe consistency is what makes or breaks you in this sport.  Yes, you need to be training day in and day out at a consistent, sustainable level for long periods of time.  It takes years and miles to become good. 

But, if you have to take time off or choose to take time off, you will be fine.  I think that sentence sounds like nails on a chalk board to the triathlete ear.  Ask a triathlete to take a small break post season or to rest an injury, and they are out running the next day in spite of themselves.  No breaks!

"But I will get slower, lose my edge, gain weight..... "  Well, sure.  Maybe.  For a little while.  And in the meantime you might repair, gain health, improve your marriage, refresh your brain, work on your flexibility, treat an injury, or just get super excited about setting some new goals. 

I think breaks can be a good thing!  They might even be integral in longevity with sport.  Don't fear them if they come your way.  

I have at least twice had to take significant time off from sport.  The first time was right after my last college soccer season.  All of  a sudden, I went from daily practice to absolutely nothing.  There just wasn't anything for me to do!  I didn't go all crazy and sign up for a million new sports or become a 3 hour a day treadmill girl in the gym.  I think I just sat there, worked, finished school, dated Dave, drank some beers, and just let it be.  I am sure I got chubby.  It was fine.  Maybe 8 months or so later I found a team, and the next 4-5 years were some of the best playing of my life.  Sitting out all of that time without being super intense did not make me lose my edge.  It was just a break- nothing more.   

In 2009 when I had knee surgery, I had to sit out again.  While everyone else seemed to have super aggressive rehab plans after their injuries so they could be fast ASAP, I recall doing A LOT of 1 minute jog/3 minute walks for just 5-10 minutes total.  I didn't even run a full 3 miles for 5-6 months.  Why the rush?  Take a break!  Heal!!!  Sure, I was slow when I started again.  It was hard mentally and physically.  But, I was fine.  It came back and then some.  I was a better triathlete after taking a break..

So, breaks can be good.  You aren't less of an athlete.  You don't have to lose touch with the sport.  You aren't going to lose everything if you sit out for a minute.  No, you will not maintain fitness and you won't be immediately back to yourself when you start back up.  But, with a little time and application of your new-found motivation, you will be as good and hopefully better with just a little patience and a lot of work. 

So, I am on break.  I know that sounds self-explanatory, but believe me, it is not.  The 2nd most frequent question I am asked on a daily basis is, "how is training going?"  (The number 1 being "have you picked a name?")

I never really know how to answer this.  I mean, I am not training.  I am taking time off to be pregnant.  (gasp!)  Everyone looks at me cross-eyed!  Surely I am doing a decent amount of S/B/R, right?  Nope.  This just seems to boggle the triathlete mind.  But triathletes are boggling my mind!  What would I be training for?  Faster times?  Aint' going to happen.  Increased distance?  Not a chance.  To prove I can run well/long/fast while pregnant?  Well, I can't!  I am happy to exercise some, but even happier to get a good night's sleep, which doesn't seem like it is going to happen ever again as I keep waking up at 3am.

Training indicates that you are actually working towards something.  I know this sounds odd, but I am not working on anything right now.  I am just being.  I am not trying to maintain, gain, change, or anything.  I am not trying to achieve a certain weight or body composition immediately after delivery or signing up for a race 6 weeks from giving birth.  I do have some goals, but they are not immediate.  So, I am not addressing them now.

I am just taking a break to do some other wonderful things.  I will be back, and it will be great!  Yes, I will have to work my way back into shape, but that sounds so much better than trying to pound my poor, pregnant body into an oblivion right now. 

So, not fear time off.  Use it to your advantage to heal, rest, or take care of things.  The sport will still be here when you get back, and with some smart training, you will be better than ever. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Check In- 25

25 weeks
Things I love about being pregnant:
- Spending time with the dogs on the trails just walking around
- Finishing a swim set that I didn't want to do and feeling a huge sense of accomplishment just for being there
- Sleeping in with Dave.  No more early mornings for me!  (at least till the rest of my life takes over in 3 months)
- Being the designated driver AND getting to call the shots on when to go home
- Dreaming.  DREAMING!  I have a huge list of goals and dreams that I am working on.  I can't wait to re-enter triathlon, and I will be so grateful if I am given some more opportunities.
 - Realizing there is a baby in my belly.  Seriously.  A baby!!!!
- Prenatal yoga classes.  THE BEST!!!!!  This is my new happy place. 
- Shopping for baby "things" and having fun, and then being even happier realizing I don't need any of it for us to raise her 
- Perspective.  (sometimes). 
- Family. Happy Birthday to my cousin Nick.  (above)
- Good friends that take care of me.  Thank you, Gina, for sharing with me today!
- Being invited to a wedding thrown by a family that owns the best chocolate in Memphis.  (Dinstuhls!).  What more could a pregnant woman want?  Congratulations Rissa!
 -Friends, friends, and more friends.  Checking on me.  Reassuring me that everything will be great.  Loving me whether or not I am training and racing.  Just living and enjoying the great people around me. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Great Eight

14 years together and a happy 8 years of marriage as of today.  Whoo hoo! To celebrate,  Dave and I took one last big trip to New York.  We love to travel, and we know it will be limited in the near future, so we were go-go-go the whole week just soaking it all in and spending 24/7 together. And honestly, I have never walked so much in my whole life.  We didn't rest at all the whole time, and I would crash at 1pm in pure exhaustion every night.  

Day 1:  Touch down late into the city, but just in time to get some last minute discount tickets to Rock of Ages.  I am becoming a little bit of a Broadway snob, so I am really picky and nothing compares to Broadway in London.  Snotty!!!! This was not typical for a show, but I liked it anyways. 
I have never been to New York, so here I am...first night in the Big Apple checking out Times Square and Rock of Ages.  I don't know why we can't ever choose warm weather vacations.  I swear next time it will be on a warm island with drinks in hand. 

Day 2: 911/Ground Zero Memorial, tramp through the snow to John's Pizza on Bleecker street, dessert at Rocco's (yum!), walking with wet socks/shoes to Chelsea Market, dinner at Benito 1 in Little Italy, and art/music late night at the Armory with college friend Duffy. 
911 Memorial
Yummy dinner in Little Italy.  Home-made pasta, and when you are pregnant, everyone wants to feed you, so I got a few extra shells.  Hee hee! :)

Art Show at the Armory
Live music with Spank Rock.  It was Ah-mazing.  We never have anything like this in Memphis.  And a woman DJ? I have never seen that before, and she was really awesome.  Want to hear his awesome music...and I mean, this guy was AWESOME...check out this link. 

Day 3:  Penelope's for breakfast, Top of the Rock, FAO Schwartz, Central Park, Grand Central Station, Dinner with friends, and late night local party with more college friends.  :)
Dave and I bought our very first toy for our little girl.  Of course, it was a horse, and it was actually Dave's idea :)  He knew how much I LOVE horses and was obsessed with them as a kid.  We had so much fun looking at toys for her....who knew?  But, just one toy....we are trying to stay grounded, so wish us luck!
Central Park
Dinner with Cody, Renee, and kids.  :)
Late night party in swanky club with band.  We were complete crashers, and the birthday boy came up to us and said..."I have no clue who you are."  Ha ha!!!

Day 4:  Breakfast at Doughnut Plant, lunch at Commerce, ferry ride to Staten Island/Statue of Liberty, cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery, and last minute run to see one last Broadway Show-Mamma Mia. 
 Brunch with some of my very best friends on earth from college, Megan and Holly (and her sweet baby Christopher).  Seeing my friends came at a perfect time for me, and I am so lucky to have them.   And, the first thing that both of them said to me when they saw me was, "Nice BOOBS!!! OMG!!!"  
 The belly is definitely there....and, I had my first spontaneous "Congratulations" from a stranger.  :)
Staten Island/Statue of Liberty
Mamma give it a C.  Not my favorite Broadway, but fortunate that I get to see so many shows that I actually start to get picky?  Lucky girl I am. 

And, just a couple more pictures to wrap it up.....

First, here is one to just "keep it real" for everyone.   I always wondered why my pregnant friends didn't want their pictures taken.  After all, I thought they looked adorable!  But, what I discovered is that although sometimes I look normal with a belly, in pictures, I often also look like a huge blueberry as evidenced below.  Horrifying!  Who is that?  Why do I look so swollen?  So, I won't just post the cute pics, I will try to throw in some "WTF" pictures too.  Oh, the reality of my pregnancy.  ;)
 "Sailor" birthday party with Michaela and Duffy....more awesome college friends who actually had an invitation, as opposed to Dave and I crashing the joint.  :)  Dave and I sometimes feel very alone without a good network of friends in Memphis, but then we go to New York and meet up with some of our lifelong friends and remember that life is good.  No, not good.  Awesome. 

So, happy 8th anniversary to my husband.  Our last few times just the two of us.  One day our kid/kids might look back at this stuff and think, "wow, my parents actually had fun when they were young!"  or something like that, right?

Thank you, Dave, for being my best friend.  (he doesn't read my blog, but you guys please remind him when you see him how thankful I am for him.).


Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Weekend Trail

We had a beautiful but chilly day today, which was perfect for hitting the trails. My Sunday trail run has become my very best workout of the week. I feel at peace with my dogs, the world, nature, my body, and my mind when I jog/hike the trails. 

I love that in the trails you are sheltered from many kinds of external pressure.  No one can watch you run on the winding trails.  Your pace is expected to be slower, thus freeing you from the confines of time.  You don't worry about cars or stop lights, so you can just clear you mind and run.  You can listen to everything....from the rustling of animals to your own breath.  
Caya and Roo were pretty pooped at the end of our adventure, as evidenced by her passing out on the console of the car.  They have been sleeping all afternoon, with intermittent wake-up calls to give me some kisses before snuggling back to sleep.  I really continue to try to take advantage of this time with them.  When I am full-on training, I can't bring them running with me so I can focus solely on my run.  This is the perfect time for us to just be a running wolf pack of 3. 
Some good stuff today with Heather Jackson (above) winning Escape From Alcatraz.  May we all feel this type of joy when finishing a race!  How great is this?!  I think you can only feel this type of joy when you have worked so hard for something, as I know she has the past few years.  With a 1:14 half marathon last month and this big win, I would say her season is off to a great start. 

I also think I am going to start a new page with my favorite podcasts and links for great listening.  I tend to listen to podcasts when I am running easy, cleaning the house, or even getting ready for work in the morning.  I have just discovered Rich Roll's podcasts, which have been really inspiring, especially on a nutrition level.  And, check out this good one with Jim Ryun. 

Another wonderful weekend out.....

Friday, March 1, 2013

Another week

This week Dave turned 35-years-old, meaning my birthday is right around the corner and thus catapulting me into a new AG.  It also means.... nothing.  I can't think of anything else that being 35 means.  But, I do think aging up for racing is cool.  Just how many age groups will I get to see?  That will be fun to discover.  Happy birthday to my husband, who now is starting to catch up to me in gray hair.
My sweet sister with Dave...and the awesome ice cream cake she made him.  And nope, the cake did not get to come home with us.  Dang it!  I was given one piece of cake to bring home and Dave took the rest to work.  He calls it, "protecting me from myself."  He is such a stinker!

I think I have also figured out why many women return from pregnancy to race well.  It has absolutely nothing to do with "legal blood doping" as so many people think happens during pregnancy.  ( James Clapp was not talking about me when he wrote his book.)  I can assure you it really does not for the majority of us that cannot walk/jog more than 5 minutes without having to go pee.  I have yet to find any aerobic benefit to my pedestrian exercise.  (My 40 minutes on the treadmill tonight looked like this:  pee, 10 minute walk for warm up, pee, 5 minute jog/2 min walk, pee, 3 min walk/5 min jog, pee, 5 min walk/5 min jog, pee, 5 min walk....give up on jogging, 5 min walk, pee, get off treadmill from pure pee frustration.)

This morning, I was bombarded with training tweets, facebook triathlon proclamations, selfies from post workout sessions, and shouts of happiness from those who reached their USAT rankings goals.  What was I doing during all of this?  Well, I sneezed and accidentally peed on myself.  It was so ridiculously funny as I read about everyone getting ready for their crushing seasons, and I was peeing on myself.  :)

So, if not this great training you supposedly get as a pregnant lady that makes you super strong, what is it?  Well, it is the motivation that must come from sitting on your butt, peeing on yourself, and watching everyone else train and race!  Of course you start racing like your hair is on fire when you come return to sport from childbirth. You have been sitting on the sidelines and smelling like a public bathroom for what feels like forever!

So, good times and lots of laughs over here.  We are getting ready for our little anniversary trip to New York (my first visit there), so if anyone has any tips or ideas for must-sees, places to eat, things to do...send them my way!