Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Good Shares

A few things to occupy your mind for the week....

Jen Harrison and Elizabeth Waterstraat podcast #2 on coaching.  I am surprised at how many local athletes have not considered a coach.  I am also really surprised at how many people are not aware of the wonderful coaches outside of this area!  This is a good podcast to give you some information.  And, if you ever have questions on finding a coach or want to ask me about the coaches with which I have worked, ask away!

Fun blog discoveries:  Liz Lyles (pro triathlete-great stuff!), Angry Runner (have no clue who she is, but has the sarcasm we all think but don't say), and Saltyrunning (fun running blog for women). 

Throw this on next time you are on your trainer.  Watch Farah and Rupp run the most amazing race, and shed a tear at the end like I did (again) this week. 

For Memphians, head over to Sun Studios and the Stax Museum.  Learn a little bit more about the history of Memphis music.  It is really incredible, and reaches far beyond Elvis.  I was a little embarrassed about how little education I had on the soul of the city.

Watch the Breakaway Running video on Paul Sax- local legend.  After a decade hiatus from the track, he coerced me back out there in 2006, and the world of running opened back up to me.  He is a marathon winner, but more importantly a mentor to many. 



ADC said...

Ha ha every time I see the 10,000m race I find myself shouting Go Mo, Go Mo at the last lap.

Laura said...

Damie, these are so great! I LOVE the STAX Museum. I always recommend it to people. I think it's much better than Graceland. :)

Joy said...

That's an adorable picture!