Sunday, December 9, 2012

Taking My Time

I ran jogged 75 minutes today. Hooray!  This has come after a lot of slow and easy building over the past couple of months.  VICTORY!

I never doubted that things wouldn't be okay.  I might have been a little (or a lot) whiny that I wasn't getting my health back faster.  Okay, I was super whiny and I HATE to sit out.  I feel lazy and awful and hate life.  But I knew the end result would put me right back out there, doing what I love to do.


...simply because I was willing to sit on my big butt and get a little fat and a lot slow.   And I am not too proud to get out there and be slow and build.  I don't care that I am not even a blip on anyone's radar right now, or that I could show up to a local 5k tomorrow and no one would have a clue who I am.  (nor would they figure it out as I came straggling in at the back of the pack!  I definitely would not be "running" a 5k right now.)

I think the thing that differentiates me from a lot of other athletes I know is my ability to be a jogger, be slow, be nothing for a while.  I sometimes see other athletes struggling with injury, illness, or plateaus, and I just want to kidnap them from all of the bad advice and coaching they get and just help them get back on track.  I could go on and on about this, but there are so few athletes and triathletes that I know that are willing to just take it slow when they are returning to sport.  As a result, they have one or two good races and then end up injured and burnt out all over again.  Or worse, they are never injured, they just never really pass that threshold to reaching their dreams as they stay in that same semi-burnt out level for a long time.

We have to remember as athletes that we are embarking on journeys.  Our goals can take years and many set backs.  The results that are worth it do and SHOULD take a lot of time to reach. 

I think this is really something to think about, so I am saying it again.  Goals SHOULD take a lot of time to reach.  It is okay for athletes to not qualify for Boston or Kona, win races, or become supa-stars right away!

In a world full of NOW, we need to get back to remember patience and delayed gratification.  As a lifetime soccer player, I can honestly say it took me around 16 years or so... even past college start reaching some of my goals.  Why don't runners and triathletes think it could take that long?  If I can play DAILY with some of the best coaches and players, and still take almost 2 decades to reach some goals, it is probably no different in other sports. 

(If it sounds like it is talking to you, well, I am talking to myself, too!)

Today I was taking my time on my "jog."  I am also taking my time to re-engage in training. It is so exciting to start this process over again.  Instead of frustration for being so slow, I felt so engaged and happy to be at work again! 

Here we go!

(that was for Kari;)


Loren said...

Were you jogging at Shelby Farms today? I was there and though I saw you in passing but wasn't positive, so I didn't want to risk making a fool of myself if it wasn't you :)

ADC said...

:)))))) Yay!!!!

cheryl said...

I'm so happy to hear you sounding so positive. You have a really good outlook. I'm off running again, I pretty much have not been able to run since June, pathetic injury-riddled me who can't seem to take care and rehab properly. But like you, I am now completely ok with where I am, and I am happy I can do other things. I know one day I will start jogging again. slowly. maybe someday I can call it running :-) I know you will be back at it faster than you think. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family, including those super cute furry kids you have.

Damie said...

Loren!!! I thought that was you, but after I passed. You looked so familiar, but it didn't hit me till after! That was me! I was just finishing up by the parking lot?

Jennifer Harrison said...

One day at a time....Just glad you are running again and engaged and HAPPY! 2013 will be great, Damie!

Anonymous said...

This is the lesson I learned a year and half ago and why I made the decision to be patient. I'm slow and that's okay. :) Give me a year or two or three! YIPPEE for jogging 75min! :)

Anne-Marie said...

great post & this was something I needed to read right now- thank you!

glad you're back to running and have such a great outlook! :)

ali said...

Glad to hear you are running again. Sounds like you got the right attitude :)! Don't worry with others just worry about #1. Hope u have a great holiday season:)!

Michelle Simmons said...

75'!! YES! I bet that felt awesome and rewarding.

Anonymous said...

Guilty as charged, and have about 18 months of missed fun to show for it.

Thanks so much for this!!! Perhaps there is hope.

Loren said...

I wish I would have said something now! Yesterday was my longest run in a year: 30 whole minutes! I am trying to work back up in my running but taking it extremely conservatively because my right knee is still not 100% (although it will probably never be). I'm just taking it one short run at a time!

Laura said...

LOVE! Healing in every aspect of life is a journey, a process, and many many lessons to be learned. Hugs to you.

Molly said...

Yay!!!! And totally agree :)