Monday, December 31, 2012

Up To Date

I have been taking longer and longer breaks from blogging, and it is hard to get it started back up!!!!

Now that the baby announcement has been made, I can catch everyone up a bit.  :)

Dave and I talked about having children back in 1997.  I am not kidding....we weren't even dating.  But, there was this really weird connection we always had, and we had this suspicion we would get married even back then.  And, I remember exactly where we were when he brought up the topic of having kids way back then.  I definitely believe in life circles, and this is one of them!

I found out I was pregnant in October.  I had just started back to light running at about 20 minutes at a time post walking pneumonia/EBV/sitting on my butt for 2 months.  To say I was out of shape was putting it lightly.  My HR had been high for the past week simply because I was out of shape, so I had been jogging at MAF to get some aerobic fitness back and help my legs get used to weight bearing again.  But, on the third day or so, I went for a 20 minute "jog," and something just felt different.  My legs felt fine.  I was ready to run, but my breathing was way off. 

I can't say what triggered my instincts, but I just turned around, went home, and took a pregnancy test.  I have had so many single-lined, negative pregnancy tests that I was just stunned when I saw a second line.  I thought those two-lined test results didn't exist!!!! 

So, I took 2 more tests just to be positive :) (Even though I know there are really no false positives on those things, it was still unbelievable). 

I spent the first trimester with this big secret.  We wanted to wait a bit before telling our families and friends just in case the pregnancy didn't progress as planned.  I do have to give huge props to:   1.  Kari for hosting my boring, slow, non-drinking self in Pittsburgh.  She was the first person to know, because I couldn't think of a single good excuse to go to a football game with her and not drink.  So, I had to 'fess up.   and 2.  Angelina ADC for being my other preggers friend during this time.  We knew we had both been trying to get pregnant for a while, and it was great to have another friend, albeit an ocean away, just a few weeks ahead of me to give me encouragement.  We would talk almost daily about our "little secrets!" 

After making it through the first trimester, we gave our family a Christmas surprise.  :)

So, that brings everyone up to date!

Dave and I are of course thrilled.  It took some time for this to happen for us, but I always feel confident that there is a time for everything, and it is different for everyone. 

So, how about that first trimester?  I will save that for the next post....

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Big Present

Black clothes do "hide things" a tad, and a generous camera angle to slim things up a bit...
 A short run tonight with my husband- who has suddenly become the BEST run partner ever now that I don't make our runs an all day affair.  For once in our relationship, I am the one needing the pace to slow down.  WAYYYY down. 

 Mmmm...but throw on some color, and there is no way to hide a thing anymore!!!!  SURPRISE!!!!
Christmas Eve run with Dave in Audubon Park, New Orleans.  I told you....suddenly he is Mr. Running Buddy!

About 14 weeks ago, our 14 year relationship suddenly took a new twist. 
Christmas weekend 2012- Last Christmas just the two of us!

Cayenne, Rooney, and Breesy are about to have to make some more room in the pack.

And it looks like I will be cheering all of you guys on this spring/summer in your racing while I play a little catch up in the family department.
To quote the best message we have received so far from our friend Alejo:  "I am assuming that June 30th is the day that this world will be blessed with another soccer star...if so, congrats!" 

Soccer star (!) or fashionista (doubt it) or book worm :) or baseball player (please, no!) or drama queen (I do deserve a little payback)...there is some sort of personality heading our way this summer!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy Holidays

****EDIT*** Okay, all of the moms out there are laying into me now.  I am not bah humbug about Christmas.  I LOVE many things about the holiday (but you have to read the whole post to get that).  I don't like, however, the commercialization or tortuous Christmas buying that results in JUNK.  I have been trying hard each year to be more minimalistic in my own home.  So, read this with the understanding that I DO WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!****

I am a moderate Christmas participant.  I love Christmas, but I don't buy into it fully.  For one, I don't like holiday music, except at Christmas.  I don't believe in the whole month of Christmas songs.

I don't believe in buying expensive gifts, even for Dave.  Some years when we are really broke, we have a $10 limit for the two of us.  It usually never exceeds $25.  It takes the pressure off of us financially and allows us to have less stress and expectation. I wish the whole world would slow down and put less pressure on gifts.

I don't enjoy doing tons of gift exchanges at work.  It just creates overspending and more junk in this world.  However, a cookie exchange is awesome. We need more of that.

I don't like making my Christmas list for my family.  I feel greedy.  Plus, I got a horse for Christmas when I was a kid, so I think I used up all of my Christmas wishes in that one year.  So, now when they ask me what I want, I kind of have to say "nothing."  And it really is the truth.  I have just about everything I need.  And, if I have to put it on a list, it ruins the surprise. 

I don't send out Christmas cards...anymore.  That is mainly because I am lazy.  And I guess I don't want to spend another $50.  Maybe next year...but I think I say that every year.
But...I do like the cards you send me!!!  I hang them up every year, and I love to see pictures of your families.

I do like surprising random helpers in my life with presents.  This year, I am giving the kennel workers at the Humane Society gifts cards for always making my Friday nights so awesome.  I think when people take care of animals, they should be rewarded.  I am also giving my mailman a present, simply because he has always taken the time to say hi to me and ask how my training is going. 

I also like buying gifts for my nephew.  It is really easy to find toys for him.  Kids love it all!

I think it is awesome that I have a serious collection of Star Wars ornaments- as well as a full collection of the rocking horses.  

I LOVE going to holiday parties and spending time with friends.

I also really, really love Cajun Eggnog Daiquiris.  YUMMMYYYY!!!!!!

I LOVE spending time with both of my families....and eating delicious food.  Enough said!

So, Christmas has a lot of good. When we trim the excess spending and useless junk, we are left with good times and great people.  Ho Ho Ho!!!

Happy Holidays from Dave and I to you.  Will get back to you sometime next week!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Good Shares

A few things to occupy your mind for the week....

Jen Harrison and Elizabeth Waterstraat podcast #2 on coaching.  I am surprised at how many local athletes have not considered a coach.  I am also really surprised at how many people are not aware of the wonderful coaches outside of this area!  This is a good podcast to give you some information.  And, if you ever have questions on finding a coach or want to ask me about the coaches with which I have worked, ask away!

Fun blog discoveries:  Liz Lyles (pro triathlete-great stuff!), Angry Runner (have no clue who she is, but has the sarcasm we all think but don't say), and Saltyrunning (fun running blog for women). 

Throw this on next time you are on your trainer.  Watch Farah and Rupp run the most amazing race, and shed a tear at the end like I did (again) this week. 

For Memphians, head over to Sun Studios and the Stax Museum.  Learn a little bit more about the history of Memphis music.  It is really incredible, and reaches far beyond Elvis.  I was a little embarrassed about how little education I had on the soul of the city.

Watch the Breakaway Running video on Paul Sax- local legend.  After a decade hiatus from the track, he coerced me back out there in 2006, and the world of running opened back up to me.  He is a marathon winner, but more importantly a mentor to many. 


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Taking My Time

I ran jogged 75 minutes today. Hooray!  This has come after a lot of slow and easy building over the past couple of months.  VICTORY!

I never doubted that things wouldn't be okay.  I might have been a little (or a lot) whiny that I wasn't getting my health back faster.  Okay, I was super whiny and I HATE to sit out.  I feel lazy and awful and hate life.  But I knew the end result would put me right back out there, doing what I love to do.


...simply because I was willing to sit on my big butt and get a little fat and a lot slow.   And I am not too proud to get out there and be slow and build.  I don't care that I am not even a blip on anyone's radar right now, or that I could show up to a local 5k tomorrow and no one would have a clue who I am.  (nor would they figure it out as I came straggling in at the back of the pack!  I definitely would not be "running" a 5k right now.)

I think the thing that differentiates me from a lot of other athletes I know is my ability to be a jogger, be slow, be nothing for a while.  I sometimes see other athletes struggling with injury, illness, or plateaus, and I just want to kidnap them from all of the bad advice and coaching they get and just help them get back on track.  I could go on and on about this, but there are so few athletes and triathletes that I know that are willing to just take it slow when they are returning to sport.  As a result, they have one or two good races and then end up injured and burnt out all over again.  Or worse, they are never injured, they just never really pass that threshold to reaching their dreams as they stay in that same semi-burnt out level for a long time.

We have to remember as athletes that we are embarking on journeys.  Our goals can take years and many set backs.  The results that are worth it do and SHOULD take a lot of time to reach. 

I think this is really something to think about, so I am saying it again.  Goals SHOULD take a lot of time to reach.  It is okay for athletes to not qualify for Boston or Kona, win races, or become supa-stars right away!

In a world full of NOW, we need to get back to remember patience and delayed gratification.  As a lifetime soccer player, I can honestly say it took me around 16 years or so... even past college start reaching some of my goals.  Why don't runners and triathletes think it could take that long?  If I can play DAILY with some of the best coaches and players, and still take almost 2 decades to reach some goals, it is probably no different in other sports. 

(If it sounds like it is talking to you, well, I am talking to myself, too!)

Today I was taking my time on my "jog."  I am also taking my time to re-engage in training. It is so exciting to start this process over again.  Instead of frustration for being so slow, I felt so engaged and happy to be at work again! 

Here we go!

(that was for Kari;)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Rock 2013

I am more than happy to be returning to Wattie Ink for 2013.  I can't say enough good things about how great Sean and Heather have been to me through the year.  Their complete faith in the athletes on the team is remarkable, and they have been some of my biggest fans and supporters through 2012.  It goes without saying, there is no other team for me.

And as for my teammates?  The fact that I spent most of my morning talking to them instead of working speaks for itself....and fortunately or unfortunately this is an every day occurrence.  They are awesome teammates- and even better friends. 

So, I think 2013 really starts NOW!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Watch Out Now!

Dave had the biggest shock of the past 4 months when I work up this morning AND left the house before him.  Oh yes.  In the past, I was gone by 5am, not to be seen again until 7 or 8pm.  For the past 4 months, though, I have just let him get ready for work while I sneak Rooney into the bed and continue to sleep. 

But, I guess Sunday's desire to ride and energy to exercise was not a fluke, because today I was up and at 'em!  And guess where I went?  The pool!!!!

However, the 60 minutes I allotted myself before work for a little swimming and strengthening dwindled to 30 minutes when I happily got stuck talking to a lot of people.  When you haven't shown your face in 4 months, you have a lot of catching up to do!

Good- the swim felt great.  It felt the best it has felt to get in there and move in months. 

Better- going to work with a little exercise under my belt to start the day.  Boy I have missed that feeling!

Best- I will get to come home from work tonight with more than just work as an accomplishment.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hitting the Road Again

August 4th was my last bike ride on the road.  It was my 100 mile ride to Oxford, which I was able to complete, but I knew something was wrong.  Today, 4 months later, I hit the road again for the first time. 

I have not been riding the trainer since I got sick.  I have been on it a couple of times, but my power was so low and the fatigue was so high, it just became more of a burden than enjoyment.  I think the last time I was on the trainer I was able to ride 10 minutes before I just felt so tired and sick I had to crawl off and feel sorry for myself. 

This morning I woke up, and for the first time in 4 months, I felt like taking my bike outside.  I rode for a very easy hour down the Greenline, and just came face to face with the months of inactivity and depression I have battled the past few months.  I was really uncomfortable on my bike, and I could hardly get my cadence to 80, even at the easiest gears.  But, it felt so good to be outside, and for that span of time, I felt hopeful.  I remembered why I loved all of the training I did- all of the solo bike miles that I actually love to put in. 
When I got home, I was happy.  And then sad. I went to the back yard and sat with the dogs and just cried for a bit.  Dave told me everything has been "the perfect storm" for me this time around.  It is the combination of the months of no exercise, the ensuing depression, the medicines that were prescribed that were inappropriate for me, and the rounds of dose pack steroids/prednisone-taken for the first time in my whole life- in over abundance this year, and the insidious weight gain that I have to face.  Fortunately, I am no longer working with the doctor of medical malpractice- that prescribed me inappropriate medication (thank goodness I was smart enough to say NO to some of it), tyrannical abuse of my psyche by telling me I didn't care about my health and making me cry in his office for an hour with only harsh, ugly words, and crazy, unacceptable and unsustainable diet of only certain vegetables for months at a time. 

So I cried it out a minute, and then I felt better and now I am watching swimming and making a grocery list :)  I am no stranger to sitting out, injury, etc.  My first MCL tear and major injury happened when I was just 15-years-old, so I am a pro at missed training, missed seasons, and starting from scratch.  Every injury I have ever had has seemed like the worst possible thing at the time.  Of course, this is no different!  When you are living it, it is hellish.  But, it will one day be in the past...with more successes and set-backs for the future to discover!

So, that is just a little glimpse into the struggle/recovery cycle of this all. 

So, glad to be out there.  Happy this December gave me a day in the 60s where I could get outside and feel my wheels beneath me.  I am glad things are starting to turn- especially in my attitude and desire to get out there again.