Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Watch Out Now!

Dave had the biggest shock of the past 4 months when I work up this morning AND left the house before him.  Oh yes.  In the past, I was gone by 5am, not to be seen again until 7 or 8pm.  For the past 4 months, though, I have just let him get ready for work while I sneak Rooney into the bed and continue to sleep. 

But, I guess Sunday's desire to ride and energy to exercise was not a fluke, because today I was up and at 'em!  And guess where I went?  The pool!!!!

However, the 60 minutes I allotted myself before work for a little swimming and strengthening dwindled to 30 minutes when I happily got stuck talking to a lot of people.  When you haven't shown your face in 4 months, you have a lot of catching up to do!

Good- the swim felt great.  It felt the best it has felt to get in there and move in months. 

Better- going to work with a little exercise under my belt to start the day.  Boy I have missed that feeling!

Best- I will get to come home from work tonight with more than just work as an accomplishment.



Molly said...

Great news!!! You are on a roll!

Michelle Simmons said...

THIS made me smile! :))) Happy for you!

Jennifer Harrison said...

YEAH Damie!!! Yes, :) indeed!!!!!!

ADC said...


Joy said...

Yay! That's awesome! :) xoxox

Anne-Marie said...

Hooray!! So glad to see you're back up & at 'em!