Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Words of Wisdom

Please excuse the ongoing writer's block.  I expect it to be gone by January, so bear with me!

This past weekend, Dave's Pop Pop had his 90th birthday.  He was a career naval intelligence officer and lifelong naval pilot.  He completed xxxxx number of missions over the course of several wars.  Pop Pop has probably kept so many military secrets over the years, it is scary.  He never tells us those stories, but every now and then we will get a fun story like the time he was bored one weekend and just took a plane off base without telling anyone and flew between all of the rims of the Grand Canyon.  Bet you couldn't pull that type of thing off these days!

We asked Pop Pop if he could impart one piece of advice to us all, what would it be?  What has he learned in his life that he would share with us?

Pop Pop is a very smart, determined, and precise man.  What I like about him is that he does not ever assume the attitude of "false positive."   By that, I mean a person that takes the positive approach to everything- to a point where it prevents an honest baring of the soul.  Positivity is a wonderful thing, but so is honesty. 

So, when Pop Pop said the following, I knew it was not a "oh, let me be as positive as I can be for everyone" type of statement.  It was a true nugget of wisdom from him.  He simply said,

You CAN do it!

Don't EVER give up!  

He really encouraged all of us to go for it and never give up on what we want to accomplish....and to never feel that we cannot do something, that something is too hard for us, that we are not smart enough, that we are not good enough. 

So, I will share those thoughts with you this week....the thoughts of a 90-year-old man who knows a thing or two!


ADC said...

Great post. I can't wait for your writer's block to disappear :))

Anonymous said...

Love it! ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS take the advice of those who have been there, done that :)