Monday, November 19, 2012

IMAZ watching

I LOVE ironman.  I mostly love racing it, but I am excited to watch/read about it as well.

Yesterday, a really kind person and amazing Wattie Ink athlete, Gerry Forman, finished his first ironman at IMAZ in 15:17 to win his age group as a 74-year-old.  It gives me chill bumps to see something this amazing.  I was so excited to cheer him on all day long!

There were some other awesome finishes yesterday amongst my friends.....especially my camp friends!   Tim went 10:19, and I am still in awe.  That time to me represents some majorly, awesome hard work this year.   And, it gives me hope that I can get faster as well!  Nancy, Kevin, and Shelley also had 1st time ironman finishes.  I was so proud of my camp friends!!!!

There was a little bad luck out there today... Kris got taken out on the bike and ended her day with some stitches.  Anne-Marie had a string of bad luck with a flat tire and medical withdrawal after a long day battling out there.  You never know what the day is going to bring you, and that is what makes ironman so special and hard.  The age grouper does not get the chance to do these every weekend. 

I am very, very much looking forward to my next ironman.  I just love them!!!!!!

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