Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kona Watching

Kona watching is one of my favorite things to do.  I missed maybe 20 minutes of the whole race yesterday when I took a break to walk my dogs.  Otherwise, I was in bed, chilling, and watching.  I had the house all to myself for the whole day.  It was such a restful, wonderful day. 
Kona has so many types of athletes, and these are just a few of them:  
-the pro that can win
-the pro that is looking for a big break
-the pro that has been a consistent performer for years
-the age grouper that works hard and races well consistently- making the annual Kona pilgrimage
-the age grouper that just loves ironman racing
-the age grouper that isn't really passionate about ironman, but they are so good at triathlon they go to collect another championship
-and the age grouper who has dreamed about Kona forever.  

Of course I LOVE the athletes in the last category.  So inspiring!  Check out Dawn's blog to read about a journey from someone that fits that very last category.  I would recommend reading her whole year, including the meeting she had with Julie Moss that changed her view on "deserving to qualify."  Dawn is one of the best friends I made this year through camp, and we have been supporting each other all year long.  I was so happy for her yesterday.
Dream realized!!!!  (sorry I stole your photo, Dawn! :) 

As the night came to a close, I was sad to turn off the computer and go to sleep.  I felt so much adrenaline all day long, it was as though I raced!  But sometime in the middle of the night....2 or 3 am or so, I got a phone call from Mustafa.  I ignored the first call- I figured he was just Kona dialing me something dumb as he was at the big island spectating.  But, he called again immediately, and I answered the phone, thinking maybe something had happened to a friend. 

***Now, before I go any further, let me explain that all of my friends (husband included) know that I love Andreas Raelert (and there might be a mini-crush in there as well.  Nothing wrong with that.  :)  He is my favorite triathlete and has been since I started ironman.  I could go on and on about why I think he is the most talented, classiest athlete out there.  If I could emulate any athlete- it would be Andreas.  He is the only athlete whose picture has been put on my bulletin board.  Ask my husband to name a triathlete, and he can only name Andreas Raelert.  So, obviously my friends like to tease me, and I am cool with that.  But, I am the type of person that would never go up and talk to him.  I would be way too shy/embarrassed.***

Back to the story.  So I answer the phone, and Mustafa is super excited and says something like, " Damie, Damie!  I am here in Target with Andreas Raelert.  Here!  He wants to talk to you!"  Half asleep, and being confident my friend is teasing me, I just said something like, "whatever Mu."  And hung up the phone.  Of course my friends want to tease me about Andreas any time they can, and he was posting pics for me all day  :)
I could have killed Mu, since I haven't been sleeping well anyways, but jokes are funny.  My head was back on the pillow and eyes closed when my phone beeped again with this picture of Mustafa and Andreas.  I didn't even have time to process it before the phone rang again and Mustafa had handed the phone to Andreas to talk to me.

It was absolutely hilarious, because what in the heck were we going to say to each other?  So, we both just sat on the phone laughing...he apologized for waking me up, I congratulated him on final kilometers (which were amazing) and some more laughing and small talk.  He was so great- super talkative and nice, even though I am sure he couldn't understand a word I said with my really heavy, Southern accent.  And that was it.  Such an awesome guy.  Of course for me, it was the hugest mixture of embarrassment and awe that I have ever felt in my life.  I am sure Mu told him there was some girl in the USA that was his biggest fan and would do anything to talk to him.  I just shudder to think about it. 

So, I have now talked to Andreas Raelert.  I have done nothing to stalk him, but thanks to Mustafa, I feel like a huge stalker so I will never be able to go and get an autograph at a race because I will be too embarrassed.  

I love my friends.  Most of them, anyway.  Not sure if I love Mu or want to strangle him.

Congratulations to everyone who competed yesterday!  Triathlon is such a great sport!


Angela and David said...

That phone call is awesome and Mu is a great friend!

jennifer said...

"embarrassment and awe"... I could totally relate to that! Too funny. Good for Mustafa for making that happen!

Libby said...

oh my god this is amazing!!! I love it!! don't be embarssed, that's awesome! good on mu for his persistence!!!

Michelle Simmons said...

THAT is hysterical! I swear I yelled out at him- "My friends want a picture of you bc/ they think you're SO HOT"... Now I' thinking I should have said "My friend DAMIE wants a picture of you b/c she thinks you're SO HOT..." That totally would have added to your embarrassment on the phone, no? ;) xoxo

And YES on Dawn and the ones who have dreamt forever... I had several friends who I saw tearing up running down Alii Dr to the finish and THAT is why I stayed to watch. I love that!!

dawnelder said...

Oh Damie - Thanks for the shout out. Such an amazing experience. Every Christmas and Birthday rolled up in one! I am blessed many times over to have made such amazing friends as you in this sport. It is who we are! It is about how we chose to live!

So funny that you hung up on Andreas. Love it.

Anne-Marie said...

oh my goodness, that's such a cool story!! I'm glad Mu was persistent!