Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall Happiness

Fall is the best time of year.  I love that every weekend is busting at the seams with friends and events.  The weather is beautiful.  Life is good.

First....a pumpkin carving party!
I made a Darth Vadar carving this year for my pumpkin.  I want the force to be with me this fall!

Darth Vadar:  "I find your lack of faith disturbing."  Didn't my pumpkin turn out well? :)

 Our group of pumpkins!!!

 Yesterday I had some catching up to do with my training buddies.  I have missed my Saturday group ride for the past 10 weeks or so.   I hate that I have missed out on the training, but equally as important, I hate missing out on hanging with my guy friends!  A girl can learn a LOT riding with a bunch of guys.  So, in order to catch up with my cycling guys, I went to a University of Memphis football game yesterday with Dave and Tom O.  Good times...good stories. 

The guys took this picture to show me that men's sized frames do NOT fit my face. 
Today I just spent time with was a high romance day at the grocery store.  I have been cooking recently.  GASP!!!  When I am not training 12 hours a weekend, I seem to have extra time to make meals.  Most of them have been veggie-centered to help my immune system.  Congratulations to me for making my first Julia Child's eggplant recipe.  I had to throw a little shrimp/veggie dish in there for Dave as well.

This is kind of a big deal, because friends and family know I don't like to cook.  I hate to disappoint Dave, but I think all of this kitchen time will disappear when I hit the roads again.  I love eating good meals, but I like it more when someone else makes it :)
Ah.....the best time of the year.  Time for snuggles and good times. 

More to come this weekend, as I pack my bags and head to Pittsburgh with Kari Mayhew for some football!

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