Friday, September 28, 2012

The Meat Meltdown

My dislike of meat started at age 14.  My sweet friend, Mindy Johnson, brought an animal cruelty book to lunch one day in High School.  I remember exactly where I was sitting in the cafeteria that day when I read the book.  I haven't touched pork or beef in the 20 years since I have read that book.

For several years, I did not eat chicken or fish either.  As time went on, I felt pressured by coaches and adults to add some animal protein back into my diet so I would be a "healthier athlete."  I bought into it, and morphed into a some weird sort of vegetarian that never touched pork or beef, but ate chicken even though I hated it.  I still hate it, but try to force it from time to time.

As I get older, my compassion for animals grows daily.  I never thought that was possible.  I have always loved animals.  Yet, as I get older, I find that my need to be a better person is even more intricately tied to the way I treat the world and its beautiful creatures.  The need for me to have a positive relationship with the earth gets stronger as the days go by.  I just don't want to be connected in any way to cruelty.  

So imagine my mini-meltodown today when the doctor told me that I was to resume eating meats, along with a total diet change beyond that.  (The rest of the food plan is very plant based- I can handle that, and it is a really great plan).  I just simply told him no.  Not only am I not eating meat, but I no longer want to eat chicken.

That is a lie.  I didn't simply tell him no.  I had a full on cry-fest in the office where I not-so-calmly explained that I would not be eating meat.  There is no research in the world that I  have seen at this point that says I have to eat meat to be a good athlete.

ahem....Scott Jurek.  

Imagine my frustration (and disgust), when the nurse also offered her $.01 by telling me that "if I were here daughter....blah meat for 4 weeks.....blah blah."  I was sitting there thinking, REALLY?  I am 34-years-old!  I am NOT your daughter!  My brain and ability to make decisions, form preferences, and make choices happened a long time ago.  You are talking to a fully functional adult, missy!

I realize research can go both ways, but for every research article on the benefits of Paleo, there is an opposite and just as compelling research article on eating a plant based diet with studies showing correlations between eating meat and disease.  You could spend a life time trying to educate yourself on nutrition and never know enough. 

Are we truly carnivores?  I am not here to judge.  I don't care how anyone else eats.  I just want my ability to choose.  I made that choice 20 years ago, and while I always reserve the right to change my mind, I would like to just stay the course right now. 

So, I am standing my ground, and we can work around it.  There are still some lines that need to be drawn in the sand....


GoBigGreen said...

Ok we need to talk. I fully understand your feelings and i do respect them, and want to tell you my reasons i started eating meat again. Its ulitmately your decision of course, I just want you to feel better and take care of yourself. Sometimes Men can get away with alot more than we can which sucks i know. Love you more ...

leslie said...

why to meat?? is it because of iron??? You know I eat very little meat either so I am very curious but do take iron supplements.

hillary said...

EXACTLY!!! i reached this same point and honestly if someone told me i had to choose performance, or kill animals, i would sacrifice performance first. of course i do not believe that we actually have to choose, but i've had enough earfuls like you just experienced to wonder, "what if that IS true? what is it worth to me?"
and now being a puppy mom, it just seems so arbitrary, like, oh, i love this puppy and she is part of my family but THAT animal over there i am going to kill and eat. WTF!??! makes no sense.