Thursday, September 27, 2012


I am on my 4th week of no exercise, and by that, I mean no "jogs" or "spins" or "light weights" anything!  Nothing but a little dog walking. 

I am hoping to get the ban lifted, even partially, on Friday.

Like many of you, I have not felt at all like myself without any sort of exercise.  Although I am working hard at my job, there is nothing like going through a day of training, work, and taking care of home-life to make me feel accomplished.  Now, I wake up, go to work, and come home....and then there is nothing to do!  It is really, really scary.  I literally walk through the door and feel a huge void.  What am I supposed to do with myself????

Read The Millionaire Next Door and romance novels?  Check.  Watch Honey Boo Boo?  Check.  Read a lot of dog blogs?  Check.   Listen to Dave Ramsey and a re-listen to old CompetitorRadio podcasts?  Check.

I am a person that really thrives on accomplishment.  Sometimes that just means doing a workout the way I was supposed to do it.  Other times it means juggling different parts of my life graciously.  Right now I just feel so blah.  I am not tired.  I don't accomplish anything.  It is like I am Bill Murray in Groundhog Day before he figures out how to take advantage of the repetition of his life.  

It is not even about getting out of shape or sitting out.  That stinks, but that will come back around so I don't worry about it.  My off season simply started way earlier and is going to be more "restful" than most.  The problem is that I simply have nothing to do.  There is nothing to accomplish- there is nothing I can even think of that I want to accomplish that doesn't involve SBR. I don't have a goal...with anything!!!!!  It feels terrible!

Dave is convinced I need to be doing yoga.  Every day he asks me if I have gone to yoga, and I say NO!  I want to go run!  He thinks I need to turn my brain off, and I like to keep my brain on overdrive.   

The good news is, none of this is permanent, it is just a temporary rest break.  And, I get a little excited every time I think,

"for every setback, there is a comeback." 

And I LOVE comebacks!

So, in the meantime, I just need to find a little more comfort with not juggling it all, and really make sure I am enjoying the rest instead of fighting it.  And boy do I need to find something to do with my free time.  Any suggestions?  (that don't involve bringing home more animals....)  


Steve said...

I can relate. My ways are different. You have a life where things are a certain way. What if it all went away??

My step-mom became a paraplegic in her early 20's... give or take.

She was active up to that point, but that didn't stop her. She still kicked us 3 (not her own) boys ass.

The other two always deserved it. ;)


Luv ya's!! :)

Anne-Marie said...

"For every setback, there is a comeback" -- love that line!!

For stuff to do in your free time, my ideas are- learning to play an instrument (I dabble in playing guitar and it's really a good outlet when I'm stressed!); learning a foreign language (check your library- mine has lots of teach-yourself books/tapes/dvds); cooking/art- either on your own or classes (the local community college here offers all kinds of fun non-credit classes- maybe something similar in TN?); scrap-booking (do you have boxes of old photos sitting around?); volunteering?

Hope you get some good news on Friday!!

Laura said...

Yoga and meditation. It's helpful to make your mind shut the F up! Trust me I know - I have the loudest hamster mind on the planet right now.

I will start running my miles for you and Nancy. Cause sometimes I just want to be a bum these days... HUGS!!!

Michelle Simmons said...

Read Tyler Hamilton's book... I wasn't going to read it but I downloaded it and, um, it is a page turner! I read with my jaw dropped open for hours last night... he is very credible there's no way he could make that shit up. It's such an inside look into what really goes on in professional cycling. Scary stuff.

Oh, and just be prepared for your HR to be SKY HIGH when you start back. That part blows.

GoBigGreen said...

Love you damie, lets talk soon.

leslie said...

onsha -
I think we need to go drinking. I love this post and some of it was just what I needed to hear... I know what you mean by the time. I always tell my boss, I do more by 8:00 am then most people do all day.... I too am a fidgety mess but at least I can trainer and swim even though just walking in this boot is such a chore

leslie said...
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