Friday, August 10, 2012

My Off Week

 Sweet Azumi getting some belly rubs! 
I have done absolutely nothing.  I slept in (well, as much as you can with work) every day.  No early training.  Nothing.  I came home...watched Olympics, ate dinner, hung out with Dave and the dogs, and drank wine.  I even went to a cookout at our neighbors on a Wednesday night.  Unheard of!  I didn't set a foot forward on a run.  My bike is just sitting there.  The pool was abandoned.  No training.  No gym.  No nothing. 

Alyson asked me to join her and Lily on the trails last night.  I told her I was not training this week, but I would hike or walk.  And walk and talk we did.  It was amazing fun. 
Alyson walking the yellow trail....
 Cayenne, Roo, and Lily (Alyson's pup) after some time on the trails.  (Azumi stayed at home...I don't think she needs to be hiking 1+hours quite yet).

***warning, small rant.  I probably should take this out, as it is really not a big deal and not what this post is about, but since I posted it, it is staying.  Sorry for the negativity! :)
It was hard taking time off.  I felt out of shape before this, and I definitely feel more so now, but I think the good rest will do my body such good in the long run.  And, BOYS (and there have been several of you), I don't need you to point out how I have gained weight, stomach pudgy, etc.  When you get super sick and stop training and struggle as I have, I won't say a thing to you except to encourage you.  So, I expect the same to come back to me.  If one more guy comments on my lack of fitness or weight gain, well, I probably laugh it off like I do now, but I do get pissed off deep inside.  This is about encouragement and improvement, not criticism and perfection.  Rant over.  Funny how I can just say it all on here, but when confronted with it in person, I don't have a word in response.  I must be one of those slow-thinking, non-witty people. 

The great thing about the week off is I feel ready to go "participate" in something with friends again.  I hate mountain biking.  I always hurt myself and I suck.  But, I am going to mountain bike tonight and try to enjoy it.  I am going to try to enjoy the trails and the camaraderie....enjoy feeling like a huge newbie goob, and get back out there.  


Anonymous said...

PEOPLE ARE COMMENTING ON WEIGHT GAIN!?! How incredibly rude, insensitive & simply crass. And I am sorry, you deserve better. I left you a message on twitter as well but I have someone interested in Azumi. will you DM me your email? @tejasrunnergirl

Laura said...

I'm so glad I'm not in Memphis right now then. If people are commenting on you gaining weigth they would think I am a flipping whale! I'm serious. Ben & Jerry's is not a nutrition stratigy! LOL.

GoBigGreen said...

Seriously I wonder why men can run around belly hanging out, wearing zubbas and we gain 1 ounce of body fat and all the sudden we are shamed.
Sounds like you need to either slap those men or find some new friends.
You are tiny, I mean if the camera adds 10lbs i think you look just fine. Great for that matter!

cheryl said...

my mtb advice - keep it between the trees and boobs to the tube!

have fun :-)

jennifer said...

Totally flippin' appalling! It's like all the people criticizing Gabby Douglas and other Olympians for their hair and appearance. Have you read about that? Seriously, some of the greatest athletes alive and people are criticizing how they look... unbelievable. Don't let them get to you... so petty.

Molly said...

Who would say something like that to you?!! Holy crap! :( That's so wrong. I think you look fabulous!