Wednesday, August 8, 2012


The decision was tough, but it was right.  I am going to cancel IMLOU.  I think I did everything I could with rest, severely under-training in the hopes of feeling better, and keeping faith that I could still go out there and have fun even if I wasn't iron-fit.  But, in the end, being sick for so long was just too much to ask my body to overcome.  All of the antibiotics, steroids, and just general loss of fitness did a good number on me.  I was very tired of struggling through workouts feeling so poorly and knowing things weren't right.  I don't have to be perfectly fit to do an ironman (point in case, IMTX), but I do need to be healthy, and that I am not.

It was unfortunate and poor timing to get sick when I did and for it to last as long as it has.  But, it is all part of sport!  I can reflect on things I could have done differently after IMTX.  I can also just appreciate the fact that sometimes we get sick.  I work in healthcare with sick people.  It is going to happen.  Everything will roll around again to good.  :)

A huge thank you to my husband.  He always knows how to give the best encouragement- pushing me to be a better athlete, consoling me and helping me redirect when a change in plans needs to happen, and never batting an eye when I drain our bank account with nothing to show for it.

I have hardly been sad, though, when I have so much other awesomeness around.  My bike rides have been replaced with slow walks with Azumi!!!!!I have done zero training, and tons of dog walking since making the decision. 
Azumi is a beautiful girl.  She is quiet, patient, and obedient.  She makes Rooney and Cayenne look like the worst dogs ever. 
She is putting on a little weight and starting to look a little healthier!   I have been concerned someone in the neighborhood was going to call the cops on me when they saw me walking her around. 
I work with a lot of dogs at the Humane Society.  When I tell you that Azumi is a GREAT dog, I mean that.  I love a lot of dogs, but they are not all easy.  This dog is a dream.  If you know someone interested in a quiet, loving, very easy-going American Bulldog mix, please send them this way.  I would love to find her a home before she ends up in the chaos of a facility.
This is a little video of her- horrible directing and acting by me.  And, if you haven't ever heard my voice over the phone or in person,  you are in for a shock.  "Country" doesn't even begin to describe it.


Michelle Simmons said...

Wow Azumi does seem like a sweetie! I would imagine she'll be hard to give up...

And bummer about IML but you are smart and you know when things are not right. Honestly, slogging your way through an IM when you are not ready is NOT fun. There really is no point to doing that to yourself. Glad you're resting! You'll be back- I have NO DOUBT!

Molly said...

Holy accent! :-)

Total bummer about IMLOU but you are right - you HAVE to be healthy or you'll just dig yourself in a worse hole. Rest up and get better, there will always be more races!

cheryl said...

Are you considering keeping her? I bet she is getting pretty attached to you. She looks tons better after just a few days.

There will always be another race/IM. Glad you are enjoying some peaceful time right now.

Anne-Marie said...

what an adorable doggie- the video is so cute! She will make such a great pet for someone- hope she finds her home soon!

Sorry to hear about IM Louisville, but you're doing the right thing. Better to rest up & get your strength back so you'll be ready for the next one!